经历六年谣言及虚假消息,万锦-于人村值得有更好的选择 After six years of misinformation and fake news, Markham-Unionville deserves better

【记者 杨星明】安大略省万锦市,2021年9月8日——在加拿大正在走出一个世代之危机的时候,加拿大民众需要做出一个选择,选择如何完成抗击COVID-19疫情的斗争并重建得更好:联邦自由党为加拿大民众的最紧要事项提供了切实可行的计划和脚踏实地的解决方案,相比之下,保守党为了当选,对任何人都会说各种各样的话。

9月7日,在于人村居民协会举办的候选人辩论会上,蔡报国先生明确表明了保守党的立场:他们认为扶持加拿大的最脆弱群体是在浪费金钱,特别是扶持老年人、小企业和受疫情大冲击的工作人员等。他称这是 “鲁莽”支出。



在攻击性武器议题上,蔡报国先生宣称“如果你看一看所有枪击案,每一起都与攻击性枪支无关”。他还说保守党将继续让更多的手枪合法化。无论是蒙特利尔理工学院(École Polytechnique)大规模枪击案、道森学院(Dawson College)、还是魁北克城清真寺的枪击案,蔡报国先生在枉顾事实。




2016年,蔡报国先生声称万锦市政府和联邦政府在密谋设立安全注射屋,而这样的伪议题被万锦市政府证实为”根本不是事实”。这一事件甚至迫使当地的官员出面辟谣纠正事实,谴责这一说法是 “虚假信息”(disinformation),是 “针对万锦市华人和亚裔社区的煽动恐惧战术”(fear-mongering tactic)。万锦市议会还呼吁蔡报国先生参加市议会会议,了解安全注射点的程序,但蔡报国先生却不敢露面。




他声称他的优先事项是 “处理枪支暴力和仇恨犯罪”,但他和保守党却与枪支利益团体达成秘密协议,誓言要取消C-71控枪法案,让军用式的攻击性武器重新合法化,要把这些武器从新带回加拿大街头。



After six years of misinformation and fake news, Markham-Unionville deserves better

Markham, Ontario, September 8, 2021 – As Canada emerges from a once-in-a-generation crisis, Canadians have a choice about how we finish the fight against COVID-19 and build back better: the Liberals are offering a real plan with real solutions to the priorities of Canadians, compared to the Conservatives, who will say anything to anyone in order to get elected.

Yesterday, during an all candidates debate hosted by Unionville Residents Association, Mr. Bob Saroya made the Conservatives position clear: they think supporting the most vulnerable Canadians is a waste of money, especially seniors, small businesses, and pandemic-affected workers. He called it “reckless” spending.

Markham-Unionville deserves better.

Over the past six years as Markham-Unionville’s Member of Parliament, Mr. Saroya has spread misinformation and fake news, and he continued to do the same at the all-candidate forum last night.

On assault weapons, Mr. Saroya claimed that “if you look at every single shooting, it had nothing to do with assault guns,” also saying that the CPC will legalize more handguns. From École Polytechnique, to Dawson College, to the Quebec City mosque shooting, Mr. Saroya is ignoring the facts.

On child care, Mr. Saroya claimed that the Liberal plan for $10 per day daycare doesn’t deliver savings until 2026: this is false. A re-elected Liberal government will cut child care fees for families in half next year, and already have agreements in place with eight provinces.

On fiscal responsibility, Mr. Saroya made a number of false claims about Canada’s debt levels, while the facts show that Canada entered the pandemic with one of the strongest balance sheets in the world, and is emerging with the lowest debt levels in the G7. Furthermore, the federal government’s debt-servicing costs are lower today than during the Harper government’s years, and at their lowest point since 1995.

Mr. Saroya has developed a bad habit over the last six years when it comes to misinformation and fake news.

In 2016, Mr. Bob Saroya claimed the City of Markham and the federal government were conspiring to set up safe injection sites, an issue that the City of Markham confirmed to be “simply not true”. The incident even forced local representatives to set the record straight, denouncing the claim as “disinformation”, “a fear-mongering tactic targeting Markham’s Chinese and Asian communities”. Markham Council also called on Mr. Saroya to a council meeting to learn about the safe injection site process, to which Mr. Saroya failed to show up.


  • In 2019, national news media reported that Mr. Bob Saroya “uses campaign flyer to spread falsehoods about ‘fake refugees’”.

  • In 2020, Mr. Saroya claimed that the federal government is providing “free heroin” to addicts. Mr. Saroya has also developed a bad habit of saying one thing, and doing the opposite.

  • He has claimed that his priorities are “tackling gun violence and hate crimes”, but he and the conservatives have made a secret deal with gun lobby to cancel C-71, re-legalizing military-style assault weapons and putting back to the Canadian streets.

  • He has claimed that keeping taxes low is one of his priorities, but when Liberals cut taxes for middle class and raise it for the top 1%, he and the Conservatives voted against it. After six years of misinformation and division, Markham–Unionville deserves better. Markham-Unionville deserves an MP who is focused on building our community up, not dividing us.
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