国际狮子会协会第21次A711地区狮子会年会隆重举行 District 21st Lions Clubs International A711 Lions Clubs Convention Held

加拿大当地时间04月08日-10日是国际狮子会A711区在GTA(安大略省)的会议,会议在Dixie Rd.的Sandman Signature酒店举行。 A711区有大约85个兄弟狮子会,其年度会议促进了狮子会的团队精神、公众形象,其目的是为狮子会所在的社区服务。

From April 8 to 10 (Friday to Sunday) the A711 district of Lions Club International are having its 21st annual conference being held at the Sandman Signature Hotel in the City of Mississauga, Ontario, Canada. The conference shall attend by 85 Lions Clubs in Greater Toronto Area, (GTA) to promote the Lions spirit : cooprtation, helping the communities, and its public images.

Tonight (8th) about 400 lions will attend the meeting.


The present A711 District Governor is Sandy, she has been an active lion for many years in the A711 district. .

国际狮子会(Lions Clubs International)于1917年由企业家兼狮子会成员梅尔文·琼斯(英语:Melvin Jones (Lions Club))成立,是世界最大的服务组织。拥有48000个分会及150万个会员。会员分布于世界209个国家和地区。总部设于美国。国际狮子会的英文名称是“LIONS”,其中“L”代表Liberty(自由),“I”代表Intelligently (智慧),“O”代表Our (我们的),“N”代表Nation’s (民族的),“S”代表Safety (安全)。这几个字母连在一起就成为了“LIONS”,在英文的意思恰好是“狮子”的意思,于是大家便将该组织称为“狮子会”。其全称为“狮子俱乐部国际协会”。

Lions Club was founded in 1917 by Mr. Melvin Jones, an American in Chicago, USA. Presently, with 48000 branch clubs around the world, with 1.5 million membets, it is the biggest community based service organization in the world.

L.I.O.N.S. stand for Liberty, Intelligency, Ours, Nation, Safety. 5 letters together : LIONS. Thus the organization named “Lions”. Its full name : “Lions Clubs International”.


The first branch Lions Club in Canada was established on 1920-03-12 in Windsor, Ontario.


Normally, lions members would attend club meeting once or twice a month. At the meetings, certain controversal subjects would not be discussed, such as politics, religions, races. Therefore, Lions Club is a truly community service organization. Lions clubs being formed based on countries and regions. The funds it generate and rises are for charity purposes. Its operation fee are from membership fees.


Lions club’s motto is “We Serve”. It believes based on L.I.O.N.S. spirits, all communities would be better places to live.

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