自由党安省议员候选人Roozbeh Farhadi方肯力在列治文山的竞选办公室正式开幕
今天,自由党安省议员候选人Roozbeh Farhadi方肯力在列治文山的竞选办公室正式开幕。
Roozbeh Farhadi Officially Kicks off his Campaign Office Opening in Richmond Hill Volunteers, Residents and Community Leaders Show Support in Campaign Office Opening and Canvass Blitz
到场支持的有:国会议员Ali Ehsassi、国会议员Han Dong和前省议员Reza Moridi博士在内的一群支持者和社区领袖出席了Roozbeh Farhadi竞选办公室正式开幕的庆祝活动。
A crowd full of supporters and community leaders, including MP Ali Ehsassi, MP Han Dong, and former MPP Dr. Reza Moridi, attended the lively celebration at the official grand opening of Roozbeh Farhadi’s Campaign Headquarters.
Roozbeh Farhadi说,他是自由党超过15年的积极支持者。”我的重点是在女王公园成为当地居民的积极倡导者。当地的声音很重要,我想成为列治文山市影响我们社区的问题的支持者。”
“Having been involved in Richmond Hill for over a decade, I have deep roots in this community, and I am invested in the same local challenges and opportunities experienced by my neighbours,” said Roozbeh Farhadi who has been an active Liberal supporter for over 15 years. “My focus is to be an active advocate for local residents at Queen’s Park. Local voices matter and I want to be Richmond Hill’s champion for issues that impact our community.”
With many years of experience in the financial sector, Roozbeh believes in smart investments that support students, families, and small businesses. A determined communicator, he is running to be Richmond Hill’s trusted champion to ensure the community has the best health care, education, and seniors care to optimize quality of life for all residents.
竞选办公室开放后,一群年轻的志愿者和经验丰富的拉票者分布在列治文山,敦促居民投票给Roozbeh Farhadi — 一位准备好为他的选区服务,应对今天和未来的挑战的热心候选人。
Following the campaign office opening, groups of young volunteers and seasoned canvassers spread out across Richmond Hill, urging residents to vote for Roozbeh Farhadi — a dedicated candidate who is ready to serve his riding through today’s challenges and into the future.
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