安省自由党承诺提高养老金,最高增幅可达每年 1000 元并惠 及更多老年人Del Duca and Ontario Liberals will Boost Pensions by up to $1,000 per year for more Seniors
4 月 25 日,安省自由党宣布将通过以下方式保障老年居民的健康生活需求:
1. 将 OAS (老年保障金) 的省府部分提高至目前水平的一倍,增幅最高可达每年
1000 加元;
2. 扩大资格范围,增加可从新政中获益的老年居民数量。
“我们希望这些新的措施能为老年居民的退休生活提供进一步的切实有效的保障。福特政 府自执政以来一直无视老年居民的需求, 其中包括了在疫情期间我们所有人都目睹的长期 护理院的悲剧, 以后严重积压的医疗体系和日益高涨的费用,这些无一不让老年人的退休 生活举步维艰„„”安省自由党领袖邓德华(Steven Del Duca )叹言道。
“帮助安省老年居民保持居家养老的安全将是我们自由党人的首要任务之一。和安省其他 居民一样,近几年来不断上涨的生活成本让本就只有每月固定收入的老年人进一步陷入困 境。因此,我们承诺提高养老金额度,并让更多老年居民从中受益, ”邓德华强调。
安省自由党的新举措将会是,通过现行的安省保障金系统, 提高养老金额度,最高增幅可 达每年 1000。
安省自由党同时还计划提高符合条件的最低年收入门槛至单身 2.5 万加元和一对配偶 5 万 加元。
此举预计增加政府预算达 2.5 亿加元。
目前政策下,安省年度保障金系统给符合要求的老年居民提供每月 83 加元(即每年 966 加元)的补助。符合条件的老年居民需要满足每年年收入不超过, 单身 23904 加元和夫妻 47808 加元的条件。这里的收入包括 CPP 、个人退休金计划和储蓄利息收入的总和。
MARKHAM – Ontario Liberal Leader Steven Del Duca announced the Ontario Liberal Plan to help keep seniors safe at home for life by doubling the Old Age Security top up seniors receive from the province and increasing the number of seniors who will qualify for it.
“The changes I am announcing today will make a real difference in the quality of life for a lot of seniors,” Del Duca said. “Doug Ford and his Conservatives have turned their backs on seniors, from the horrific conditions we witnessed in long-term care, to the healthcare backlogs and rising prices across the province, life isn’t getting easier under Doug Ford.”
“Helping seniors stay safe in their homes will be a top priority of a Liberal government. Like a lot of Ontarians, higher living costs are making it harder for seniors on a fixed income to make ends meet. We will help seniors by doubling the maximum monthly payment through the Guaranteed Annual Income System and ensuring more seniors qualify for this help,” Del Duca added.
The Ontario Liberal changes would add up to $1,000 more per year to the amount received by existing pensioners through Ontario’s Guaranteed Annual Income System (GAINS).
The Ontario Liberal plan would also increase the eligibility threshold to $25,000 for single seniors or $50,000 for couples.
It is estimated that these enhancements will cost about $250 million annually.
GAINS currently provides up to $83/month ($996 annually) and is available to seniors eligible for Old Age Security with annual incomes of up to $23,904 annually for single seniors, or up to $47,808 for senior couples. Income includes CPP, private pensions and/or bank interest.
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