亚裔传统文化艺术节成功举办 Successful Asian Heritage Culture Festival Hosted by Canada One Family Network

加拿大一同家园文化中心举办的亚裔文化月庆祝活动始自2013年。今年文化艺术节主题是“自然亚洲”,来自大多伦多地区的50多个艺术和文化团体参与其中。这些团体包括来自中国、印度、波斯、韩国、越南、菲律宾、阿拉伯、马来西亚、泰国和其他亚洲社区的 300 名本地艺术家和 100 名青年志愿者。每个族裔社团通过表演庆祝其独特的文化;音乐、舞蹈、武术、美食、语言、艺术创作和传统服饰。亚裔传统文化艺术节吸引了来自 GTA 和更广泛社区的 100,000 多人。

“如果没有社区赞助商、本地企业和本地艺术家团体的持续支持,我们不可能成功举办”,朱彦晏说,“我们与来自 Markham、Scarborough 和 GTA 的 50 多个赞助商、企业和多元族裔社区合作伙伴共同参与努力,促进本地经济和文化活动,帮助社区从 COVID-19 大流行中恢复。同时还要感谢加拿大联邦文化遗产部给予资金帮助, 大力支持亚裔传统文化艺术的传承和传播,更好地保护加拿大的多元文化遗产”。

TORONTO – Canada One Family Network (COFN) was happy with the success of the Asian Heritage Culture Festival at Bridlewood Mall from May 21-29, 2022.  The Festival celebrated the 20th Anniversary of Asian Heritage Month.

“The event is an overwhelming success, especially since it is our first time hosting an outdoor festival.’ said the Director of COFN, Ms. Yanyan Zhu.  “We now have the foundation to host even more outdoor events that celebrate Canadian multiculturalism and we look forward to everyone’s participation.”

COFN’s Asian Heritage Month celebrations have been held since 2013.  The theme of this year’s festival was “Natural Asian”, which involved more than 50 arts and cultural groups from the Greater Toronto Area. These groups include 300 local artists and 100 youth volunteers from Chinese, Indian, Persian, Korean, Vietnamese, Philippino, Arabian, Malaysian, Thai and other Asian communities.  Each of group celebrated their unique culture through performances; music, dance, martial arts, food, language, artistic creations and traditional clothing.  The Festival attracted more than 100,000 people from the GTA and wider communities.

“We couldn’t have held this festival without the continuous support from our community sponsors, local businesses and local artists,” said Yanyan. “I would also like to thank Heritage Canada for providing us funding, and supporting Canada’s multicultural heritage.”

Canada One Family Network and community partners have involved more than 50 sponsors, businesses, and ethnic communities from Markham, Scarborough, and the GTA to promote local economic and cultural activity in recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic.

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