加拿大首席公共卫生官8月19日疫情通报 Remarks from the Chief Public Health Officer, August 19, 2022





COVID-19疫苗问世之后的近两年时间里,加拿大卫生部、加拿大公共卫生署(PHAC)和国家免疫咨询委员会(NACI)一直在密切监测疫苗的安全性。在加拿大,COVID-19疫苗的使用量已超过8700万剂,在全球范围内也有数十亿剂,事实证明,COVID-19疫苗具有非常好的安全性。证据不断表明, COVID-19疫苗的益处大于任何风险,这在所有年龄组都是如此。疫苗有效性数据显示,COVID-19疫苗对防止这种疾病的最严重结果提供了强有力的保护,包括减少因COVID-19而住院和死亡的风险。尽管疫苗的保护力以及来自先前感染的保护力会随着时间的推移而减弱,特别是针对奥密克戎(Omicron)变异毒株的保护力,但我们知道COVID-19的加强针疫苗可以有效地激活我们的免疫反应,从而将针对严重后果的保护力提高 90%。 

8月19日,加拿大卫生部审核批准了辉瑞-生物新技术(Pfizer-BioNTech)的复必泰10微克COVID-19疫苗为5至11岁儿童作为加强针疫苗使用, NACI还公布了在加拿大使用该疫苗的全国指南。这种加强针为这个年龄段的儿童提供了一个恢复保护力的好选择,特别是对那些处于严重疾病高风险的儿童。 


  • 511岁的儿童,如有潜在的医疗状况使他们因COVID-19而面临严重疾病的高风险,包括免疫力低下的儿童,应该施打10微克的辉瑞-生物新技术的复必泰COVID-19疫苗的第一剂加强针,时间须在完成基本系列疫苗的至少6个月之后。 
  • 对于这个年龄段的所有其他儿童,NACI建议可以施打10微克的辉瑞-生物新技术的复必泰COVID-19疫苗的第一个加强针,时间是在完成基本系列疫苗的至少6个月之后,且流行病风险增加的情况之下。 

尽管对于“COVID-19综合症”(post COVID-19 condition,也称为PCC或2019冠状病毒病长期症状Long COVID)仍有许多东西需要了解,但有几项研究目前已经表明,如果接种了两针或更多针疫苗的人后来被感染,那么接种COVID-19疫苗会降低患PCC的风险。正在进行的研究将有助于加强这一重要问题的证据。 

各项预防COVID-19的策略,包括保持及时跟进接种疫苗,仍然是保护我们个人和集体的基础。虽然目前只有不到一半的5-11岁儿童完成了COVID-19疫苗的基础系列,但NACI仍然强烈建议:首要任务是完成已获审核蒲准的基础系列mRNA COVID-19疫苗接种。尽管未来波次疫情的时间和严重程度尚不确定,但NACI建议应该向符合条件的、具有COVID-19严重疾病高风险的人群提供秋季加强针疫苗,并可以向所有符合条件的其他人群提供秋季加强针疫苗,无论他们之前接受过多少剂加强针。 





请查阅更多关于猴痘的信息,包括需要注意的症状,以及保护自己、亲人和社区的各种方法:《猴痘:风险》 。 


COVID-19 disease activity indicators, including weekly case counts have been declining

for the past few weeks and many areas of the country appear to be at or past the peak

of their current wave activity. However, some regional variability in disease and severity

trends is being observed, including in wastewater signals and hospitalisation numbers.

Similar to previous waves, lagging severity indicators are slower to decline, but are

expected to stabilize and decline following infection rates.

As the SARS-CoV-2 virus continues to circulate worldwide, we must prepare for

renewed activity and potential new variants of the virus in the months ahead. In

particular, as part of readying ourselves for the fall, with more people returning to in

person work and children going back to school, getting vaccinations up-to-date is a top

priority. This applies for COVID-19, as well as for other vaccine preventable diseases,

given outbreaks and circulation of measles, polio and meningococcal disease in other


In the almost two years since COVID-19 vaccines first became available, Health

Canada, the Public Health Agency of Canada (PHAC), and the National Advisory

Committee on Immunization (or NACI) have been closely monitoring vaccine safety.

With more than 87 million doses administered in Canada and billions worldwide,

COVID-19 vaccines have been shown to have very good safety profiles. Evidence

continues to demonstrate that the benefits of COVID-19 vaccines outweigh any risks,

across all age groups. Vaccine effectiveness data show that COVID-19 vaccines

provide strong protection against the most severe outcomes of the disease, including

reducing the risk of hospitalization and death due to COVID-19. Although protection

from vaccines and from previous infection decrease over time, particularly against

Omicron variants, we know that COVID-19 booster dose(s) are effective in activating

our immune response to improve protection against severe outcomes up to 90%.

Today, Health Canada authorized the 10 mcg Pfizer-BioNTech Comirnaty COVID-19

vaccine for use as a booster dose in children aged 5 to 11 years and NACI released

national guidance for its use in Canada. This booster dose provides a great option to

restore protection for this age group, especially for those who are at high risk of severe


Specifically, NACI recommends that:· Children 5 to 11 years of age who have an underlying medical

condition that places them at high risk of severe illness due to COVID-19,

including children who are immunocompromised, should be offered a first

booster dose of the 10 mcg Pfizer-BioNTech Comirnaty COVID-19 vaccine, at

least 6 months after completion of a primary series.

· For all other children in this age group, NACI recommends the 10 mcg

Comirnaty vaccine may be offered as a first booster at least 6 months after

completion of a primary series in the context of heightened epidemiological risk.

Although there remains much to be learned about post COVID-19 condition (also known

as PCC or Long COVID), several studies have now shown that COVID-19 vaccination

reduces the risk of developing PCC, if a person who is vaccinated with two or more

doses later becomes infected. Ongoing research will help strengthen the evidence on

this important issue.

COVID-19 prevention strategies, including maintaining up-to-date vaccination,

remains the foundation of our protection individually and collectively. While less than

half of 5-11 year olds have completed their primary series of COVID-19 vaccines, NACI

continues to strongly recommend a primary series with an authorized mRNA COVID-19

vaccine as a top priority. Although the timing and severity of future wave is uncertain,

NACI recommends that a fall booster dose should be offered to eligible people at

increased risk of severe COVID-19 illness and may be offered to all other eligible

people, regardless of the number of booster doses previously received.

Many of the good personal protective habits we have honed over more than two

years of managing COVID-19 can also reduce your risk of getting infected and

spreading other diseases, including monkeypox and influenza. Keep up

with handwashing, wearing masks in poorly ventilated places, and staying home if you

have symptoms. As we make plans for the fall, it is good time to stock up on good

quality face masks and rapid tests as well as to book an appointment to check

indoor ventilation or HVAC systems to optimise clean air flow.

While remaining vigilant for COVID-19, we are also closely monitoring the

monkeypox situation in Canada and internationally. As of August 19th, a total

of 1168 confirmed cases of monkeypox, including 30 hospitalisations, have been

reported nationally, with New Brunswick reporting its first confirmed case this week.

Nationally, there has been a slowing trend in the increase in new cases reported in

recent weeks. Over 99% of reported cases are male and the median age was 36 years.

Among confirmed cases for whom additional information is available, the majority

reported intimate sexual contact with other men. To date, PHAC has distributed

over 105,000 doses of Imvamune vaccine to provinces and territories, with

over 59,000 people vaccinated with at least one dose as of August 14th.

At this time, to lower the overall risk of getting infected and spreading the

monkeypox virus, PHAC recommends practicing safer sex. Having fewer sexual

partners, particularly anonymous partners, even when they don’t have symptoms, can

also reduce your risk of getting infected.Read my backgrounder to access COVID-19 Information and Resources, including

information on vaccination and ways to reduce your risk of infection and spreading the

virus to others.

Access more information on monkeypox, including symptoms to be aware of, and

ways to protect yourself, your loved ones and your community: Monkeypox: Risks.

Thank you Merci Miigwetch!

From: Public Health Agency of Canada

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