伍凤仪及多位议员会见华文传媒,谈可负担性、安全及包容社区和经济就业问题 Minister Ng and MPs hold roundtable with Chinese Canadian Media on affordability, safe and inclusive communities, and jobs



8 月 25 日,国际贸易、出口促进、小企业和经济发展部长伍凤仪(Mary Ng)与本地加拿

大华文传媒工作者举行圆桌会谈,在联邦政府 2022 年预算出台半年之际,向媒体通报政


Chen)、当河谷西区国会议员(Rob Oliphant)、当河谷北区国会议员董晗鹏(Han

Dong)、士嘉堡-爱静阁区国会议员叶嘉丽(Jean Yip)、奥罗拉-橡树岭-列治文山国会议

员莉雅泰勒(Leah Taylor Roy)和士嘉堡中区国会议员张海盈(Salma Zahid)。



裔加拿大人依靠当地的华文传媒了解 COVID 疫情的最新情况以及与社区周边互动的方式。


伍凤仪及多位议员会见华文传媒,谈可负担性、安全及包容社区和经济就业问题 现场视频



后代创造更多成功的机会。而这正是联邦政府通过 2022 年预算及其他各项工作所一直在


1. 让民众生活更易于负担


拿大工作人士补助”(Canada Workers Benefit),让低收入家庭的口袋里增加 2,400 元的

收入;将 75 岁及以上老人的老年保障金(OAS)提高 10%;降低托儿服务费用,到今年年

底之前在全国范围内平均削减 50%。对于多伦多地区的民众来说,实现每天 10 元的儿童

早期教育及托儿服务意味着为育有婴儿的父母每年节省近 1 万 9000 加元。这些措施都为



2. 让我们的社区更安全、更包容




已经看到仇视亚裔的种族主义(anti-Asian Racism)出现惊人的增长。伍凤仪部长向大家保




同舟共济,对他们予以扶持。全国每 10 元疫情救援中,有 8 元来自联邦政府,这是为了


辛勤工作和联邦政府的历史性投资,目前我们已经超额 100%恢复了因疫情而损失的就业,









国际贸易、出口促进、小企业和经济发展部长伍凤仪(Mary Ng)






COVID 经济衰退所流传下来的结果,并因俄罗斯的非法入侵和供应链的中断而加剧,这些



董晗鹏(Han Dong)议员解释道,基准利率并不是由联邦政府制定,而是由加拿大央行制


莉雅泰勒(Leah Taylor Roy)议员补充说,政府对货币政策没有控制权,但可以制定财政

政策。在上一份预算中,政府支出已经从 COVID 疫情期间的数额上大幅调低。在本财政年

度的第一季度,加拿大获得盈余 102 亿元。她还表示,从长远来看,绿色经济将有助于我



陈圣源(Shaun Chen)议员回顾说,我们应该明白加拿大刚刚从一场全球性的卫生危机中






士嘉堡-爱静阁区国会议员叶嘉丽(Jean Yip)

谈到老年人问题,叶嘉丽(Jean Yip)议员重申,为 75 岁以上老年人增加 OAS 老年保障金

10%的举措,将帮助全额养老金领取者在第一年获得近 800 元。他们从今年 7 月开始收到

第一笔支付款项。此举将帮助 330 万老年人,其中 56%是女性。对于那些希望尽可能留在

家中养老的人们,政府出台了“居家康健养老倡议”(Age Well at Home initiative),帮助


张海盈(Salma Zahid)议员表示,我们曾共同走过艰难时期,我们也看到当前的通货膨胀

是一个全球性的现象。扶持加拿大人度过 COVID 疫情非常重要。她自己选区的企业告诉她,


以超额 100%恢复因疫情而损失的就业机会。加拿大儿童福利金 CCB 和老年保障金 OAS 确




凡(Rob Oliphant)表示,国会议员和议会委员会自行决定旅行事宜,独立于政府。他强





“我们是在一个中国政策之下行事”,欧一凡议员继续说道,他重申了曾经说过的“四 C”



同关心的领域与中国开展合作或协作(collaborate or cooperate),比如气候变化,这是一





当河谷西区国会议员(Rob Oliphant)

董晗鹏(Han Dong)议员特别提到与亚裔加拿大人相关的一个非常重要的里程碑。疫情爆

发后,自由党政府重新审视了 2019 年出台的反种族主义战略,增加了仇视亚裔种族主义

(anti-Asian racism)的定义。这就是为什么你会在许多官方新闻发布中看到这个词语。由


算中。其中 1100 万元拨给种族关系基金会(Race Relation Foundation),其中很大一部分




会议由士嘉堡北区国会议员陈圣源(Shaun Chen)主持

Minister Ng and MPs hold roundtable with Chinese Canadian Media on affordability, safe and inclusive communities, and jobs Markham, Ontario

On August 25, Hon. Mary Ng, Minister of International Trade, Export Promotion, Small Business

and Economic Development, hosted a round table with members of local Chinese Canadian

media, to provide an update on the governments work on the half year milestone of Budget

2022. She was joined by Shaun Chen, MP for Scarborough North, Rob Oliphant, MP for Don

Valley West and Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Han Dong, MP for

Don Valley North, Jean Yip, MP for Scarborough-Agincourt, Leah Taylor Roy, MP for Aurora-Oak

Ridges-Richmond Hill, and Salma Zahid, MP for Scarborough-Centre.

Minster Ng acknowledged it was terrific to see so many familiar faces in person after a long time.

She emphasized the importance of engaging with the local Chinese Canadian community and

members of the media. Through the pandemic many Chinese Canadians have relied on

members of local Chinese Canadian media for COVID updates and ways to connect with others

in their communities. And as we build back our economy and face today’s challenges, our

communities continue to depend on the ethnic media.

Minister Ng continued to say that it has been almost one year since our government was re-

elected with a clear mandate – to support Canadians through these unprecedented times, to

generate jobs and economic growth, and to create more opportunities for families and their

children to succeed. And that is exactly what the government has been delivering, including

through Budget 2022. She outlined what the government has accomplished, and the road ahead,


1. Making life more affordable for Canadians

The federal government has a comprehensive plan to tackle inflation, and support Canadians

and their families. The government is enhancing the Canada Workers Benefit to put up to

$2,400 more into the pockets of low-income families; increasing the Old Age Security for seniors

75 and over by 10%; cutting child care fees by an average of 50% by the end of this year across

the country. This means that parents with an infant here in Toronto could eventually save nearly

$19,000 a year with the government’s $10 a day plan. This is extra money for people to spend

right now on groceries and their family.

The government is also working to double the number of new homes we build over the next ten


2. Keeping our children and our communities safe and inclusive

Two years ago, the Prime Minister banned assault-style firearms in Canada, and just recently our

new ban on the imports of handguns came into effect.

In this community, the other fight is to make sure that we maintain an inclusive and diverse

community as we are. We have seen the alarming rise of anti-Asian Racism. Minister Ng wants

to assure that her colleagues and the federal government are stead-fast in fighting against anti-

Asian racism and discrimination in all its forms.

3. Continuing to grow our economy and create good jobs for Canadians

The last two years have been very tough for Canadians. The federal government has always

been there with families and businesses during the pandemics. 8 out of 10 dollars of pandemic

support were provided by the federal government, in order to make sure that Canadians have

the support they needed so that they can get on the road of recovery. Thanks to the hard work

of Canadians and historic investments from our government, we have already recovered more

than 100% of jobs lost over the pandemic, and we now have a record low unemployment rate.

At the heart of this recovery is so many small businesses across the country. They are the

backbones of our economy. The government has cut taxes for small businesses to help them

grow. For women, young, indigenous, or racialized entrepreneurs, the government is making

sure that everyone gets a part in our economy. So far, we are seeing that those investments are

working, as we are seeing new businesses created, and businesses growing.

One of the things we saw on resiliency during the pandemic was more businesses going digital

to interact with their customers. It changed the way businesses are doing their work. The

government made investment to help small businesses increase their digital adoption.

Canada is a large country and a great country, but our population is smaller than that of

California. For our businesses to grow, they need to grow through trade and access new

customers. We are increasing our footprint around the world. As Minister of International

Trade and Export Promotion, Minister Ng has been working hard with partners around the

world, especially in the Indo-Pacific region to open new opportunities for Canadian companies.

Minister Ng acknowledged that inflation is a worldwide phenomenon and it is a lingering result

of the COVID recession and has been exacerbated by the illegal invasion of Russian and

disruptions in supply chains, which have raised the price of energy and the cost of living. It is not

inclusive to Canada. We know that high inflation remains a real challenge for Canadians. The

government is providing support to help make life more affordable.

MP Han Dong explained that the interest rate is not set by the federal government; it is set by

the Bank of Canada. The government does not interfere with their operations, and they do have

a mandate to ensure inflation is within control.

MP Leah Taylor Roy added that the government doesn’t have control over monetary policies,

but does set up fiscal policies. For the last budget, the spending came down dramatically from

during the COVID period. Canada recorded a $10.2 billion surplus for the first quarter of this

fiscal year. She also said that the green economy will help our whole economy in the long term.

Canada has what it takes to be leader in green industry, as demonstrated by recent historic

meeting between Germany and Canada. When we take advantage of these opportunities, it

helps everyone, including all the small businesses.

MP Shaun Chen emphasized that Canada emerged as a country from a global health crisis that

affected people all around the world. What the government did was to keep Canadian safe and

to keep them solvent at the same time, to ensure businesses were able to continue, to support

all the vulnerable people in the society. The government did all its best to ensure that Canada

would rebound out of this crisis. Since then, we have recovered all the jobs lost during the

pandemic and exceeded those numbers. We have record low unemployment.

On the issues of seniors, MP Jean Yip reiterated the 10% increase of OAS for seniors over 75 will

help full pensioners to receive up to $800 in the first year. The first payment started in July this

year. This will help 3.3 million seniors, of which 56% are women. For seniors who concern about

trying to remain at home, the government has introduced Age Well at Home initiative, to help

seniors staying at home. It will help seniors with housekeeping, meal delivery or preparation,

home maintenance, transportation etc.

MP Salma Zahid said we have all gone through very tough time, and we have seen the inflation

as a global phenomenon. But it is very important to support Canadians during COVID. The

businesses in her riding told her that because of the government support, they were able to

keep the lights on through the darkest days. Because of those investments, we are able to gain

back 100% of the jobs. The CCB and the OAS have really made a difference in their lives. As

school returns, with the help of CCB, parents can afford many things that they would not

otherwise be able to. And it is helping kids get out of poverty.

Responding to a question about some MPs’ potential plan to visit Taiwan, Rob Oliphant, MP and

Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister of Foreign Affairs, said Parliamentarians and

parliamentary committees make their decisions about travel on their own, independent from

government. He stressed that Canada has a profound and important relationship with China and

we will continue engaging with China. Canada has important people-to-people and business-to-

business ties with China and it very important to continue building our relationship with China.

We also have strong people-to-people and business-to-business ties with Taiwan. Within the

one-China policy, which has seen absolutely no change, we will continue to foster our

relationship with Taiwan.

“We are doing it within the one-China policy”, continued MP Oliphant, as he reiterated the

“four C” approach. We recognize China as an important sovereign nation. We will continue to

compete with China, making sure we have a level playing field, looking for openings for

Canadian businesses on trade and investment. We will continue to collaborate or cooperate

with China on areas where we have mutual concerns, like climate change which is a very

important global issue. We will challenge China on human right issues, because that is what

Canadians want and is part of Canadian values. And at times, we will simply co-exist recognizing

that have different ways of looking at the world. We will continue to advocate for lower regional

tensions and work to ensure that our world exists in harmony. That’s the Canadian way.

MP Han Dong highlighted one very significant milestone related to Asian Canadians. After the

pandemic started, the Liberal government went back to the anti-racism strategy launched in

2019, added the definition of anti-Asian racism to it. That’s why you have seen this phrase in

many official news releases. As a result of Minister Ng and many colleagues, the fight against

anti-Asian racism was included in government policies and the budget. There was $11 million

given to Race Relation Foundation, with a significant portion of that used to address anti-Asian

racism. In the most recent budget, significantly more resources were added to the new Anti-

Racism Strategy and National Action Plan on Combatting Hate. It will be a resource for agencies

across the country to address anti-Asian racism.

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