特鲁多总理劳动节致辞 Statement by the Prime Minister on Labour Day

9 月 5 日,贾斯廷·特鲁多总理就劳动节发表如下声明:


“我们的产业队伍建设了这个国家。从修造我们通行的道路,到维护我们相互沟通的科技, 到输送我们的超市所需的食物,还有很多很多工作——我们每天每夜的生活都离不开众多工作者的劳动。

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总理在奥克维尔与工人在一起 2

“在能源、技术、基础设施、技工行业等许多领域,加拿大劳动力的专长技能是无价之宝。加拿大联邦政府将继续支持工作人士,为他们创造机会,从而创造惠及所有人的更美好未来。从保护有组织劳工的权益到改善工作场所的安全和职业培训,我们一直是劳工运动的伙伴。今年早些时候,我们启动了“为成功增长技能”(Skills for Success)项目,帮助加拿大人获得他们在工作中取得成功所需的技能。我们正在实现就业保险的现代化,以更好地满足加拿大工作人士不断演变的需求,并反映新的现实,比如更多的零工经济工作等。我们还将联邦最低工资提高到每小时 15.55 元,并使其与通货膨胀挂钩,并为受联邦监管的工作人士引入 10 天的带薪病假。

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“虽然加拿大人每天都在辛勤工作,但我们知道很多家庭正在遭受通货膨胀的影响,尤其是食品和汽油价格的上涨。这就是为什么我们正专注于让民众生活更易于负担。我们扩大了加拿大工作人士补助(Canada Workers Benefit, CWB),让高达 2400 加元返还家庭的口袋;作为我们减轻生活负担计划(Affordability Plan)的一部分,我们正在降低住房、托儿服务和牙科保健的成本,以帮助中产阶层以及那些努力工作试图加入中产的人们。

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总理在奥克维尔与工人在一起 4



The Prime Minister, Justin Trudeau, today issued the following statement on Labour Day:

“Today, on Labour Day, we celebrate Canada’s workers, the backbone of our communities and our economy.

“Our workforce built this country. From constructing the roads we drive on, to

maintaining the technology that connects us, to delivering food to our grocery stores, and so much more – we rely on workers every single day.

“Canadians have recovered more than all of the jobs lost since the beginning of the pandemic. Now, as we continue to recover and our economy continues to grow, our workforce is confronting new challenges and rising to meet the opportunities that lie ahead. For example, as we grow a clean economy, we are ensuring that workers in our automotive sector benefit from Canada’s leadership on electric cars. From mining critical minerals to building batteries and manufacturing vehicles, we have already secured tens of thousands of jobs and attracted billions of dollars in investments. And there is more to do.

“In energy, technology, infrastructure, skilled trades, and so much more, the expertise of the Canadian workforce is invaluable. The Government of Canada will continue to support workers and create opportunities for them so we can build a better future for everyone. From protecting the rights of organized labour to improving workplace safety and job training, we have been a partner of the labour movement. Earlier this year, we launched the Skills for Success program to help Canadians acquire the skills they need to succeed at work. We are modernizing Employment Insurance to better meet the evolving needs of Canadian workers and to reflect new realities, like more gig economy jobs. We also increased the federal minimum wage to $15.55-an-hour – indexed to

inflation – and are introducing 10 days of paid sick leave for federally regulated workers.

“While Canadians work hard each and every day, we know that families are feeling the impacts of inflation, particularly through rising food and gas costs. That’s why we’re focused on making life more affordable, now. We expanded the Canada Workers Benefit (CWB) to put up to $2,400 back in the pockets of families and we are reducing the cost of housing, child care, and dental care as part of our Affordability Plan to help the middle class and those working hard to join it.

“On behalf of the Government of Canada, I wish all Canadians a safe and happy Labour Day. Today, we not only recognize the hard work and determination of the labour activists who fought for paid holidays, universal health care, and employment insurance, we also commit to building on their successes and continuing to make our workplaces safe and our future brighter.”

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