联邦政府引入新法案为加拿大民众减轻生活负担 Government of Canada introduces legislation to make life more affordable for Canadians


此次立法将把 GST 税务抵免增加一倍,为期六个月,并引入“加拿大牙科补助”,提供一 次性加拿大住房补助  

9 月 20 日,联邦政府引入本届议会会期内的头两项立法,这两项立法将为最需要帮助的 加拿大人提供有针对性的扶持。这些措施立足于政府的可负担性计划( Affordability Plan)的基础之上,该计划今年已经将更多的钱放回中产阶层以及那些努力工作试图加入中产之 人士的口袋中。

 C-30 法案,即《减轻生活费用负担法第 1 号(有针对性的税务减免)》,将把商品和服 务税(GST)抵免额增加一倍,为期六个月。 

· GST 税务抵免翻倍将为大约 1100 万已经获得此项税务抵免的个人和家庭提供 25亿元的额外定向扶持,其中包括大约一半的加拿大育儿家庭和超过一半的加拿大老 年人。今年,没有孩子的单身加拿大人最多可获得 234 加元的额外补贴,有两个 孩子的夫妇最多可获得 467 加元的额外补贴。老年人平均将额外获得 225 加元。 C-31 法案,即《减轻生活费用负担法第 2 号(有针对性的家庭扶持)》,将制定两项重 要措施:加拿大牙科补助和加拿大住房补助的一次性补贴。 

· 加拿大牙科补助(The Canada Dental Benefit )将从今年开始提供给没有牙科保 险的 12 岁以下儿童。在未来两年内,每个儿童可获得总额最高 1,300 加元的直接付款(每年最高 650 加元),用于牙科护理服务。这是联邦政府为调整后净收入 (adjusted net income)低于 90,000 元的家庭提供牙医保健计划的第一阶段,并 将使 12 岁以下的儿童获得他们所需要的牙医护理,于此同时联邦政府在努力制定一个全面的全国牙科护理计划。 

· 加拿大住房补助(Canada Housing Benefit )的一次性补贴将为 180 万因住房 成本而挣扎的租房者提供 500 元的付款。这比联邦政府《2022 年预算》的承诺增 加了一倍多,惠及的加拿大人比最初承诺的多一倍。此项联邦补助将提供给租金占收入的至少 30%,且调整后净收入低于 35,000 加元的家庭,或低于 20,000 加元的个人。

在 C-31 法案通过获得皇室御准之后,加拿大税务局(CRA)将为加拿大民众开放“加拿 大牙科补助”和“加拿大住房补助”的申请门户网站。 

今天提交给议会的立法代表了政府的一套最新措施,旨在支持加拿大人应对不断上升的生 活成本,同时又不加剧通货膨胀。政府的可负担性计划正在向最需要的加拿大人兑现落实 有针对性和财政上负责任的财政扶持,重点放在解决受通货膨胀影响最严重之低收入加拿 大人的需求。 


旅游部长及财政部副部长兰迪·布瓦索诺(Randy Boissonnault)阁下: 

“通过今天提出的立法,我们在政府的可负担性计划之扶持措施的基础上,向数百万加拿 大人提供及时、有效的财政帮助,助他们维持生计。对于我们最需要这种扶持的邻居来说, 这意味着他们今年有更多的收入帮助减轻生活负担。我们将继续秉持平衡中庸的政策,一 方面在最需要的时候为最需要的人们提供扶持,另一方面保持加拿大在七国集团(G7)中财 政状况最强劲的审慎财政。”

卫生部长让-伊夫·杜克洛(Jean-Yves Duclos)阁下: 

“在预防慢性疾病方面,口腔健康与健康饮食和积极活动同样重要。每个人都应该获得口 腔保健的机会,但对许多加拿大人来说,这实在是太昂贵了。这就是为什么我们今天提出 这项立法,帮助育有 12 岁以下儿童而无牙医保险的家庭获得他们所需要的牙科护理,展 示孩子们最灿烂的笑容,今年就开始。” 

住房、多元及包容事务部长艾哈迈德·胡森(Ahmed Hussen)阁下: “生活的可负担性是所有人都关心的问题,此次进一步的支持措施将减轻全国各地租房户 的压力。除了创建可负担住房并提供租赁支持等联邦计划外,此次一次性的补贴是我们联 邦政府确保弱势家庭不被掉队的另一种方式。这些都是我们联邦政府正在付诸行动以解决 住房危机的各类措施。” 

加拿大国家税务部长黛安·莱布特希里(Diane Lebouthillier)阁下:

“在疫情大流行期间,在加拿大人需要扶持之时,CRA 迎面完成使命。它将再次这样做, 确保符合资格条件的加拿大人能够以简单且安全的方式申请补助。我们联邦政府将确保加 拿大人能够得到他们所需要的扶持和牙科护理”。

家庭、儿童及社会发展部长卡瑞娜·古尔德(Karina Gould)阁下: 

“联邦政府致力于支持现在和未来数代的孩子和父母们。无论是牙科保健还是增加儿童早 期教育和托儿服务的机会,我们都将继续努力,确保每个孩子都有一个最佳的人生起点, 同时让加拿大民众家庭的生活更易于负担。” 


· 这些措施总计超过 45 亿加元,为最需要的加拿大人提供有针对性的支持,其中 31亿加元是在《2022 年预算》中先前分配之外的资金。 

· 今天引入的这些立法是对今年支持加拿大人的其他措施的补充,以前出台的措施包括: 

o 增强“加拿大工作人士补助”(Canada Workers Benefit),费用为 17 亿加元, 今年为估计 300 万低收入工作人士提供新的支持,一对夫妇今年最多可多 领取 2400 加元,单身工作者最多可多领取 1200 加元。大多数受助人首先 通过 2021 年的退税获得这一额外支持。 

o 在今年年底前,为加拿大家庭将规范的托儿服务费用平均削减一半。 

o 为 75 岁及以上的老年人增加老年保障金(OAS)达 10%,从 2022 年 7 月 开始,第一年将为全额养老金领取者提供超过 800 元的新支持,并使受益 者人群增加 300 多万老年人。 

o 为学生提供更多支持,将加拿大学生助学金(Canada Student Grant)数 额翻倍直到 2023 年 7 月,并免除加拿大学生贷款的利息直到 2023 年 3 月。

· 以下是联邦政府今年如何帮助加拿大人减轻生活负担的例子: 

o 一对安大略省的夫妇,收入为 45,000 加元,有一个孩子正在接受日托,在 本财政年度可以得到比现有补助多出约 7,800 加元的收入。 

o 一位居住在阿尔伯塔省的单身应届毕业生,有一份初级的工作,收入为

24,000 加元,可以得到大约 1,300 加元的新的和加强的补助。 

o 一位住在魁北克省的残疾老人,今年可以获得比去年多出 2,500 元的补助。 

· 这是《供应和信任协议》所概述之开发全国性牙科护理计划的第一步。加拿大联邦 政府的目标是在 2023 年底前为 18 岁以下的人、残疾人和老年人启动该计划,并 在 2025 年前完成全部计划。 

· 今年,加拿大是七国集团中政府赤字总额最低的国家,也是迄今为止这些国家中净 债务负担最低的国家(占 GDP 的 32.1%,而整个七国集团的平均水平为 GDP 的97.5%)。 

· 国际货币基金组织(IMF)和经济合作与发展组织(OECD)预测,加拿大经济将 在今年和明年呈现 G7 国家中最强劲的增长。 


· 背景资料:让生活更易于负担:把商品和服务税(GST)抵免额翻倍,为期六个月 

· 背景资料:让牙科护理更易于负担:加拿大牙科补助 Canada Dental Benefit 

· 背景资料:让住房更易于负担:为加拿大住房补助计划 Canada Housing Benefit 提供一 次性补贴 

· 为加拿大民众减轻今年生活负担| 加拿大总理新闻通稿 

· 可负担计划 

· 副总理阐述联邦政府为加拿大民众制定的可负担计划 

· 《2022 年预算》:一个增长经济、让生活更易于负担的计划 

Government of Canada introduces legislation to make life more affordable for Canadians

From: Department of Finance Canada 

Legislation would double the GST Credit for six months, introduce the Canada Dental Benefit, and top-up the Canada Housing Benefit

September 20, 2022

Today, the government introduced its first two pieces of legislation for this Parliamentary sitting, which would deliver targeted support to the Canadians who need it most. These measures build on the government’s Affordability Plan, which has already been putting more money back in the pockets of the middle class and those working hard to join it this year.

 Bill C-30, the Cost of Living Relief Act, No. 1 (Targeted Tax Relief), would double the Goods and Services Tax Credit for six months.

· Doubling the GST Credit would provide $2.5 billion in additional targeted support to the roughly 11 million individuals and families who already receive the tax credit, including about half of Canadian families with children and more than half of Canadian seniors. Single Canadians without children would receive up to an extra $234 and couples with two children would receive up to an extra $467 this year. Seniors would receive an extra $225 on average.

 Bill C-31, the Cost of Living Relief Act, No. 2 (Targeted Support for Households), would enact two important measures: the Canada Dental Benefit and a one-time top-up to the Canada Housing Benefit.

· The Canada Dental Benefit would be provided to children under 12 who do not have access to dental insurance, starting this year. Direct payments totalling up to $1,300 per child over the next two years (up to $650 per year) would be provided for dental care services. This is the first stage of the government’s plan to deliver dental coverage for families with adjusted net income under $90,000, and will allow children under 12 to receive the dental care they need while the government works to develop a comprehensive national dental care program.

· The one-time top-up to the Canada Housing Benefit would deliver a $500 payment to 1.8 million renters who are struggling with the cost of housing. This more than doubles the government’s Budget 2022 commitment, reaching twice as many Canadians as initially promised. The federal benefit will be available to applicants with an adjusted net income below $35,000 for families, or below

$20,000 for individuals, who pay at least 30 per cent of their adjusted net income on rent.

The Canada Revenue Agency’s (CRA) application portals for the Canada Dental Benefit and Canada Housing Benefit will be available to Canadians following Royal Assent of Bill C-31.

The legislation tabled in Parliament today represents the latest suite of measures to support Canadians with the rising cost of living without adding fuel to the fire of inflation. The government’s Affordability Plan is delivering targeted and fiscally responsible financial support to the Canadians who need it most, with particular emphasis on addressing the needs of low-income Canadians who are most exposed to inflation.


“With the legislation we have introduced today, we are building on the supports in our government’s Affordability Plan to deliver timely, effective financial help to millions of Canadians to make ends meet. For our neighbours who need this support the most, this means more money for them this year to help make life more affordable. We will continue to strike a balance between delivering support where and when it is needed most and maintaining the discipline that has given Canada the strongest fiscal position in the G7.”

 – The Honourable Randy Boissonnault, Minister of Tourism and Associate Minister of Finance “Oral health is just as important as healthy eating and being active when it comes to preventing chronic diseases. Everyone deserves to have access to oral health care, but for many Canadians, it’s just too expensive. That’s why we introduced this legislation today that would help uninsured families with children under 12 get the dental care they need, and show off their brightest smiles, this year.”

 – The Honourable Jean-Yves Duclos, Canada’s Minister of Health “With affordability on everyone’s mind, this additional support will ease more pressure on renters across the country. In addition to federal programs to create affordable housing and provide rental supports, this one-time payment is another way our government is ensuring vulnerable families are not left behind. These are the kinds of measures our government is putting into action right now to tackle the housing crisis.”

– The Honourable Ahmed Hussen, Minister of Housing and Diversity and Inclusion “During the pandemic, when Canadians needed support, the CRA rose to the occasion. It will do so again by ensuring that eligible Canadians can apply for benefits in a simple and secure way. Our government will ensure that Canadians can get the support and dental care they need.”

 – The Honourable Diane Lebouthillier, Canada’s Minister of National Revenue

“The federal government is committed to supporting children and parents now, and for generations to come. From dental care to increasing access to early learning and child care, we will continue to ensure that every child has the best possible start in life, while making life more affordable for families in Canada.”

– The Honourable Karina Gould, Minister of Families, Children and Social Development

Quick facts

· These measures total more than $4.5 billion in targeted support for the Canadians who need it most, of which $3.1 billion is in addition to funding previously allocated in Budget 2022.

· The pieces of legislation introduced today are in addition to other measures that will support Canadians this year, including:

o Enhancing the Canada Workers Benefit at a cost of $1.7 billion in new support for an estimated three million low-income workers this year, with a couple receiving up to $2,400 more this year, and single workers receiving up to $1,200 more. Most recipients first received this additional support through their 2021 tax refund.

o Cutting regulated child care fees in half on average for families in Canada by the end of this year.

o A 10 per cent increase to the Old Age Security (OAS) pension for seniors 75 years and older, which began in July 2022, and will provide more than $800 in new support to full pensioners over the first year, and increase benefits for more than three million seniors.

o Providing more support for students by doubling the Canada Student Grant amount until July 2023 and by waiving interest on Canada Student Loans through to March 2023.

· Examples of how the government is making life more affordable for Canadians this year:

o A couple in Ontario with an income of $45,000 and a child in daycare could receive about an additional $7,800 above their existing benefits this fiscal year.

o A single recent graduate, living in Alberta, with an entry-level job and an income of $24,000 could receive an approximate additional $1,300 in new and enhanced benefits.

o A senior with a disability in Quebec could benefit from over $2,500 more this year than she received last year.

· This is the first step, outlined in the Supply and Confidence Agreement, to develop a national dental care program. The Government of Canada aims to have that program started for those under 18, persons with disabilities, and seniors by the end of 2023, with the full program completed by 2025.

· Canada has the lowest total government deficit in the G7 this year, and by far the lowest net debt burden among these countries (32.1 per cent of GDP versus an average of 97.5 per cent of GDP for the group as a whole).

· The International Monetary Fund and the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development predict that the Canadian economy will see the strongest growth in the G7 this year and next.

Associated links

· Backgrounder: Making Life More Affordable: Doubling the Goods and Services Tax Credit for Six Months 

· Backgrounder: Making Dental Care More Affordable: The Canada Dental Benefit

· Backgrounder: Making Housing More Affordable: One-time top-up to the Canada Housing Benefit program 

· Making life more affordable for Canadians this year | Prime Minister of Canada 

· Affordability Plan 

· Deputy Prime Minister outlines government’s Affordability Plan for Canadians 

· Budget 2022 – A Plan to Grow Our Economy and Make Life More Affordable 

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