
Ontario CUPE strike: Premier Doug Ford says government willing return to bargaining, CUPE to hold presser later in morning 安大略省CUPE罢工:省长福特表示,政府愿意恢复谈判,CUPE将在上午晚些时候举行新闻发布会。 Meanwhile, it is expected that CUPE and its labour partners will announce a massive labour rally at Queen’s Park on Saturday, with the threat of a broader, general strike on Nov. 14. 与此同时,预计CUPE及其劳工伙伴将于周六在女王公园宣布一场大规模的劳工集会,并威胁将于11月14日举行更广泛的总罢工。
Ontario Premier Doug Ford and Education Minister Stephen Lecce hold a news conference at Queen’s Park as thousands of the province’s education workers, represented by CUPE, continue their strike action. On November 3, the provincial government passed legislation aimed at preventing a strike by the union. The government is seeking to have CUPE’s current job action declared illegal.
The latest Ontario schools news and the school strike from the GTA on Monday. This file will be updated throughout the day. Web links to longer stories if available. 最新的安省学校新闻和周一来自GTA的学校罢工。此文件将全天更新。如果有较长故事的网络链接。 9:30 a.m.: Premier Doug Ford says he is willing to repeal his controversial bill overriding Charter rights and return to the bargaining table if CUPE calls off the strike by school support staff. 上午9时30分州长道格·福特说,如果CUPE取消学校后勤人员的罢工,他愿意废除他的有争议的法案,并回到谈判桌上。 In an olive branch meant to turn down the heat as workers remain off the job for a second day — shutting down schools in many boards, and amid talk of a general strike one day next week — Ford and Education Minister Stephen Lecce made the announcement Monday morning as hundreds of education workers protested out front of Queen’s Park. 在工人们连续第二天不上班的情况下,美国政府伸出了橄榄枝,希望能为他们降温——许多学校停课,星期一早上,福特和教育部长斯蒂芬·莱切宣布了这一消息,数百名教育工作者在女王公园前抗议。 Ford said the government “as a gesture of good faith” is willing to repeal Bill 28 “but only if CUPE agrees to show a similar gesture of good faith by stopping their strike and letting our kids back into their classrooms.” 福特说,政府“作为一个善意的姿态”愿意废除第28号法案,“但前提是CUPE同意通过停止罢工和让我们的孩子回到他们的教室来展示类似的善意姿态。 Students, he added, “don’t deserve to be caught in the middle of these negotiations … for the sake of the students, CUPE please accept this offer. Take strike action off the table and let our kids back in class.” 他补充说,学生“不应该被夹在这些谈判中间…为了学生,CUPE请接受这个提议。停止罢工行动,让我们的孩子回到课堂上。” Source: Doug Ford
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