特鲁多总理就阵亡将士纪念日发表声明 Statement by the Prime Minister on Remembrance Day



贾斯廷·特鲁多总理今天就阵亡将士纪念日/国殇日(Remembrance Day)发表如下声明:

“每年的 11 月 11 日,我们都会聚集在一起,向在国内和世界各地维护我们价值观的勇敢男女军人们致敬。这些将我们加拿大人团结在一起的价值观——和平、自由和民主的价值观。

meeting veterans

“在全国每个社区的冰球场、学校的体育馆、城市中心和养老院,我们发誓永远不会忘记加拿大武装部队的军人们和我们的老兵们为我们所做出的牺牲。我们把红色的虞美人花戴在心上,以纪念那些做出最崇高牺牲的人们,我们向他们的家人和亲人表达敬意——而佩戴虞美人花的传统起源于加拿大中校及外科医生约翰·麦克雷的诗歌《在法兰德斯战场》(In Flanders Fields)的启发。

thanks CAF members


“今天,我们向过去和现在的加拿大军人们致敬,感谢他们为守护我们的安全所做的一切。在第 11 个月第 11 日的第 11 时,我们向那些为建设更美好加拿大而献出自己生命的勇敢男女将士默哀两分钟——我们永远感激他们。

“永誌不忘。Lest we forget. Nous nous souviendrons.”

源自:安大略渥太华 总理办公室

Remembrance Day

Statement by the Prime Minister on Remembrance Day

The Prime Minister, Justin Trudeau, today issued the following statement on Remembrance Day:

“Every year on November 11, we come together to honour the brave women and men in uniform who uphold our values here at home and around the world. The values that unite us as Canadians – values of peace, freedom, and democracy.

“In hockey arenas, school gymnasiums, city centres, and retirement homes in every community across the country, we vow to never forget the sacrifices members of the Canadian Armed Forces and our Veterans have made for us. We wear red poppies over our hearts to remember those who have made the ultimate sacrifice – a tradition inspired by Canadian Lieutenant-Colonel and surgeon John McCrae‟s poem „In Flanders Fields‟ – and we pay tribute to their family members and loved ones.

“„The torch; be yours to hold it high,‟ wrote Dr. McCrae during the First World War. From fighting alongside our allies in the First and Second World Wars, to today providing essential emergency response support to Canadians impacted by severe weather events and training the Ukrainian military as they defend their country, generation after generation, Canadians have answered the call to serve. Our service members have worn the maple leaf with honour as they represent the best of what it means to be Canadian.

“Today, we pay tribute to Canadian service members, past and present, for all they have done to keep us safe. At the eleventh hour of the eleventh day of the eleventh month, we observe two minutes of silence for the brave women and men who gave their lives in service of a better Canada – we are forever in their debt.

“Lest we forget.”

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