

四个月内减少疫情期间申请积压 50 万份

2022 12 19 渥太华-移民对加拿大的经济和我们的社区都至关重要,移民已成为 塑造我们作为加拿大人特质的重要一部分。新移民帮助建设我们的国家,在我们抗击疫情 大流行的斗争中站到了最前线,并且一直是我们成功的关键。加拿大移民、难民和公民部 (IRCC)一直在采取稳定的行动来加强加拿大的移民体系——减少等候时间,并使移民 体系的服务现代化,使其更好地造福所有人。 


12 月 19 日,加拿大移民、难民和公民部长肖恩·弗雷泽 (Sean Fraser) 阁下介绍了今年在 减少 IRCC 库存中超出其服务标准的申请积压方面取得的进展。

IRCC 支持国际受训的医疗专业人士-Ch


自 8 月以来,IRCC 已将其总体库存减少了近 50 万份申请。移民部也一直在为审理工作设定越来越高的标准。截至11 月底,IRCC 已经审理了大约 480 万份申请——几乎是去年同期 250 万份的两倍。 

为了帮助加强我们的移民体系,IRCC 已经将移民申请数字化,增聘和培训新员工,优化流程,并利用自动化技术来提高处理效率,同时保护加拿大人的安全和保障。目前移民部 依然在实现其目标的轨道上,要让大多数项目中 80%的新申请按照服务标准完成,并继 续在改善审理流程上取得进展,从而缩短我们客户的等待时间。 



在学生许可的审理方面,加拿大今年有望创造一个新的记录。截至今年 11 月 30 日,IRCC 已经处理了超过 67 万份学生许可,相比之下去年同期则超过 50 万份。由于这些努 力,大多数新的学生许可证现在都在 60 天的服务标准内得到处理。 

工作许可的审理也有了巨大的改善,截至 11 月 30 日,已审理了近 70 万份工作许可,而 在 2019 年的同一时期,在疫情大流行之前,大约有 22.3 万份。 IRCC 在继续减少积压,并更快地审理访客签证,以应对希望访问加拿大的人数不断增加 的趋势。按月计算,加拿大现在审理的访客签证申请数目超过了疫情大流行之前的数量。 仅在 11 月,就处理了超过 26 万份访客签证。相比之下,2019 年的月平均数约为 18 万 份申请。 




2021 年,加拿大吸纳了创纪录的 40 万 5000 位新的永久居民,超过了 1913 年以来的记 录。2022 年将再创纪录,加拿大有望达到超过 43 万 1000 名新永久居民的目标。

 IRCC 也一直在推进服务现代化并增加对各项永久居留计划的支持,以更好地服务我们的 申请者。由于这些努力,所有新的配偶担保申请现在都按照疫情大流行前的 12 个月服务 标准内进行审理, “快速通道”(Express Entry)新的申请可在 6 个月内审理。如果永 久居民需要更新他们的永久居民卡,也可以期待更短的等待时间,因为 IRCC 已经将疫情 大流行中积压的永久居民卡续签的申请减少了 99%。 




加拿大为拥有世界上最高的归化入籍率而自豪,并鼓励所有新移民完成他们的旅程,成为加拿大公民。IRCC 预计,2022-2023 年的加拿大新公民入籍人数将创下新高,从 4 月到11 月将迎来约 25.1 万名新公民——超过上一财政年度的加拿大新公民入籍总数。由于近 期的改善,公民入籍库存中超过 70%的申请现在都可在服务标准之内进行。



加拿大重视移民,将欢迎移民视为一项帮助工商业在关键产业找到具有所需技能之工作人 士的战略——包括在医疗护理、熟练技工、生产制造、交通运输和技术等领域——以应对 我们在未来几十年内将面临的社会和经济挑战。加拿大联邦政府一直在推进各项措施,以 帮助充分利用加拿大临时和永久新来者的劳动力市场潜力,这些措施包括: 

· 将工作许可范围扩大到所有技能水平的临时外籍工人的配偶和工作年龄的家属。将 工作许可的资格范围拓宽到陪同主申请人来加拿大的家庭成员,将有助于协助雇主 们找到他们需要的工人,从而帮助解决劳动力短缺的问题。 

· 为符合资格条件的大专学生暂时取消每周 20 小时校外工作的上限。目前已经有超 过 64 万名国际学生在加拿大,他们可能会有更多的时间工作,这一临时变化反映 了国际留学生在继续学习的同时,可以在解决我们的劳动力需求方面发挥重要作用。 

· 为毕业留学生实施相应措施,允许那些毕业后工作许可在 2021 年 9 月 20 日和2022 年 12 月 31 日之间到期或即将到期的外国公民有机会在加拿大再工作18 个 月,方法是允许他们延长其工作许可或重新申请新的工作许可。


· 为难民及其家人开拓经济途径,在传统的重新安置之外,为他们寻求安全和永久的 解决方案。IRCC 提供更多资金,将“加拿大的经济流动途径试点”(EMPP)扩 大到更多有技能的难民,此举正在与可信赖的合作伙伴推出一个新的和更灵活的程 序,使合格的申请人更容易申请。 

· 缩短在加拿大寻求庇护者获得工作许可的等待时间,从 20 个月缩短到 1 个月。 

· 利用我们的经济类移民计划,帮助将工作者带到加拿大最需要他们的地区,包括通 过一个新的永久性的“大西洋移民计划”、扩大的“乡村和北部移民试点”计划、 以及一个为魁北克选定的技术工人提供的新工作许可类别。 

· 为在公共医疗机构以收费服务模式工作之医生免除现行要求。这一变化使外国出生 的医生更容易留在加拿大,以便他们能够继续在加拿大执业并加强我们的医疗护理 体系。

· 在《2022 年预算》中宣布增加资金,从 2022-2023 年开始,在 5 年内增加 1.15亿加元,以及 3000 万加元的持续资金,用于扩展“外国资历证书认可”计划,重 点支持有技能的新移民融入医疗行业的劳动力市场。 

· 为“快速通道”(Express Entry)体系下管理的移民项目实施“2021 年国家职业 分类”。得益于此新政,现在又有 16 种职业将有资格参加快速通道管理的项目。 

· 对《移民和难民保护法》进行修改,根据支持已确定的经济优先事项的关键属性来 选择移民,如教育资历证明、工作经验或官方语言知识等。快速通道中新的基于类 别的选择机构预计将在 2023 年春季启动。

加拿大政府将继续每月更新进度通报,公示我们在减少积压方面的进展情况,以及为改善 客户体验、家庭团聚和解决加拿大劳动力短缺所采取的措施。我们知道还有更多的工作要 做,我们专注于打造一个对新移民、游客、我们的企业和所有加拿大人都获益的移民体系。


移民、难民和公民部长肖恩·弗雷泽 (Sean Fraser) 阁下:

“我们联邦政府已经减少了近 50 万的疫情大流行申请积压,同时今年还审理了破纪录的 移民申请。我们近期的行动正在确保我国能够继续欢迎和支持那些前来加拿大工作、学习、 访问或定居的新来者。正是由于那些管理我们移民体系之人们的奉献和辛勤工作,也由于我们矢志致力于推进现代化和适应新情况,我们能够维护加拿大作为一个具有热心和包容 之国家的声誉。” 


· 2022 年 8 月 24 日,移民、难民和公民部长阐述了 IRCC 加强加拿大移民体系并减 少申请积压的计划,重点是解决劳动力短缺问题、改善客户体验、以及家庭团聚。

· 为了让加拿大人了解减少积压的最新进展,IRCC 在其网站上公布了每月数据。 

· 通过 EMPP,合作伙伴机构帮助海外具有熟练技能的难民与需要填补关键劳动力 短缺的雇主联系。使用 EMPP 措施,消除难民由于流离失所而可能遇到的障碍, 一旦候选人收到就业邀请,他们可以通过现有的经济项目申请移民加拿大。 

o 2022 年 12 月 13 日,政府宣布为合作伙伴机构提供新的资金,以扩大

EMPP 的范围,让更多的技术难民受益。加拿大也正在与值得信赖的合作 伙伴推出一个新的和更灵活的程序,使合格的候选人更容易申请。 

· “大西洋移民计划”在 2022 年初成为一个永久性计划,其目的是为希望在加拿 大 4 个大西洋省份中任何一省工作和生活的外国技术工人和从加拿大教育机构培 训之国际毕业生提供的永久居留权的途径。该计划帮助雇主雇用合格的候选人来从 事他们在当地无法填补的工作。 

· “国际流动+计划”(International Mobility Program Plus / Programme de mobilité internationale plus)于2022 年 5 月出台,为魁北克省选定的永久居留候选人提供的 一个新的工作许可选择。有了这个计划的许可,被魁北克省选中的永久居留申请人, 如果目前居住在其他地方,将能够搬到该省,提前开始工作和定居。 

· “外国资历认证计划”由加拿大就业和社会发展部牵头,每年投资约 2710 万加元, 与各省和地区、监管机构和其他业界相关者签订资助协议,以帮助支持有技能的新 移民融入劳动力市场。2022 年 12 月 5 日,加拿大政府根据该计划启动了一项9000 万加元的提案招标活动,以投资于有助于消除妨碍合格和有技能的新移民在 其自身专业或学习领域获得加拿大工作经验的障碍的项目。 


· 打造更强劲的移民体系 

· 新闻通稿——解决移民申请积压,助加拿大工商业发展壮大







Canada marks record-breaking year for processing immigration applications



From: Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada


Pandemic backlogs reduced by nearly half a million applications in 4 months


December 19, 2022—Ottawa—Immigration is critical to Canada’s economy and our communities, and it is a large part of our identity as Canadians. Newcomers helped build our country, were on the front lines as we battled the pandemic, and remain key to our success. Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) has been taking steady action to strengthen Canada’s immigration system—reducing wait times, and modernizing its services so they work better for everyone.

Today, Canada’s Minister of Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship, the Honourable Sean Fraser, highlighted progress that has been made this year, in reducing backlogs of applications that have been in IRCC’s inventories beyond its service standards.

Record year for processing

Since August, IRCC has reduced its overall inventory by nearly half a million applications. The department has also been setting the bar higher and higher for processing. At the end of November, IRCC had processed approximately 4.8 million applications—nearly twice the 2.5 million processed during the same period last year.

To help strengthen our immigration system, IRCC has digitized applications, hired and trained new employees, streamlined processes, and harnessed automation technologies to increase processing efficiency while protecting the safety and security of Canadians. The department remains on track to meet its goal to process 80% of new applications within service standards for most programs and continues to make strides in improving processing, resulting in shorter wait times for our clients.

Temporary residence: bringing more visitors, students and workers to Canada

 For study permit processing, Canada is on pace to set a new record this year. As of November 30 this year, IRCC had processed over 670,000 study permits, compared to more than 500,000 during the same time period last year. As a result of these efforts, most new study permits are now being processed within the 60-day service standard.

Work permit processing also saw vast improvements, with nearly 700,000 work permits processed by November 30, compared to about 223,000 during the same period in 2019, before the pandemic.

IRCC continues to reduce backlogs and process visitor visas more quickly to respond to the growing number of people who want to visit Canada. On a monthly basis, Canada is now processing more visitor visa applications than it did prior to the pandemic. In November alone, over 260,000 visitor visas were processed. By contrast, the monthly average in 2019 was about 180,000 applications.

Permanent residence: improving service and reuniting spouses and families 

Canada welcomed a record-breaking 405,000 new permanent residents in 2021, surpassing the previous record from 1913. After another record year in 2022, Canada remains on track to reach its target of more than 431,000 new permanent residents.

IRCC has also been modernizing services and adding support for permanent residence programs to better serve our clients. Thanks to these efforts, all new spousal sponsorship applications are now processed within the pre-pandemic service standard of 12 months and new Express Entry applications within 6 months. Permanent residents can also expect shorter wait times when renewing their permanent resident cards as IRCC has reduced its pandemic backlog of applications for card renewals by 99%.


Canada is proud to have one of the highest naturalization rates in the world and encourages all newcomers to complete their journey by becoming Canadian citizens. IRCC expects a record number of new Canadian citizens in 2022–2023, with approximately 251,000 new citizens welcomed from April to November—surpassing the total number of new Canadian citizens for the last fiscal year. As a result, more than 70% of applications in the citizenship inventory are now within service standards.

 Using immigration to address labour shortages

Canada embraces immigration as a strategy to help businesses find workers with the required skills in key sectors—including health care, skilled trades, manufacturing, transportation, and technology—to manage the social and economic challenges we will face in the decades ahead. The Government of Canada has been putting in place measures to help harness the full labour market potential of temporary and permanent newcomers to Canada, including:

· Extending work permits to spouses and working-age dependants of temporary foreign workers, at all skill levels. Expanding the eligibility for work permits to family members accompanying the principal applicant to Canada will help address labour shortages by assisting employers in finding the workers they need.

· Temporarily lifting the 20-hour-per-week cap on the number of hours that eligible post-secondary students are allowed to work off-campus while class is in session. With more than 640,000 international students already in Canada available to potentially work additional hours, this temporary change reflects the important role international students can play in addressing our labour needs, while continuing to pursue their studies.

· Implementing measures to allow foreign nationals whose post-graduation work permit expired or will expire between September 20, 2021, and December 31, 2022, the opportunity to work in Canada for an additional 18 months, by either extending their work permit or applying for a new one.

· Pioneering the development of economic pathways, in addition to traditional resettlement, for refugees and their families to find a safe and permanent solution. IRCC provided more funding to expand Canada’s Economic Mobility Pathways Pilot (EMPP) to more skilled refugees, and it is rolling out a new and more flexible process with trusted partners to make it easier for qualified applicants to apply.

· Shortening the wait time for those seeking asylum in Canada to obtain a work permit, from 20 months to 1 month.

· Leveraging our economic immigration programs to help bring workers to regions of Canada that need them most, including through a new permanent Atlantic Immigration Program, an expanded Rural and Northern Immigration Pilot, and a new work permit stream for Quebec-selected skilled workers.

· Exempting physicians who work in a fee-for-service model with public health authorities from current requirements. This change makes it easier for foreignborn physicians to remain in Canada so they can continue to practise in Canada and bolster our health care system.

· Announcing additional funding in Budget 2022 of $115 million over 5 years, starting in 2022–2023, and $30 million in ongoing funding to expand the Foreign Credential Recognition Program, with a focus on supporting labour market integration of skilled newcomers into the health sector.

· Implementing the National Occupational Classification 2021 for immigration programs managed under the Express Entry system. As a result, 16 additional occupations are now eligible for the programs managed under Express Entry.

· Making changes to the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act by selecting immigrants based on key attributes that support identified economic priorities, such as educational credentials, work experience or official language knowledge. Express Entry’s new category-based selection authorities are expected to be launched in the spring of 2023.

The Government of Canada will continue to provide monthly updates on our progress in reducing backlogs, as well as the steps being taken to improve client experience, reunite families and address labour shortages in Canada. We know there is still more work to do, and we are focused on building an immigration system that works well for newcomers, visitors, our businesses, and all Canadians.


―Our government has reduced its pandemic backlogs by nearly half a million, while also processing a record-breaking number of immigration applications this year. Our actions are ensuring that we can continue to welcome and support newcomers who come to Canada to work, study, visit, or settle here. It is through the dedication and hard work of those who administer our immigration system, and our willingness to modernize and adapt, that we are able to uphold Canada’s reputation as a welcoming and inclusive country.‖

– The Honourable Sean Fraser, Minister of Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship

Quick facts

· On August 24, 2022, the Minister of Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship highlighted IRCC’s plan to strengthen Canada’s immigration system and reduce application backlogs, with a focus on addressing labour shortages, improving client experience, and reuniting families.

· To keep Canadians up to date on progress toward reducing backlogs, IRCC publishes monthly data on its website.

· Through the EMPP, partner organizations help skilled refugees overseas connect with employers who need to fill critical labour shortages. Once candidates receive a job offer, they can apply to immigrate to Canada through existing economic programs, using EMPP measures that remove barriers refugees may experience due to their displacement.

o On December 13, 2022, new funding was announced for partner organizations to expand EMPP to more skilled refugees. Canada is also rolling out a new and more flexible process with trusted partners to make it easier for qualified candidates to apply.

· The Atlantic Immigration Program—which became a permanent program in early 2022—is a pathway to permanent residence for skilled foreign workers and international graduates from a Canadian institution who want to work and live in 1 of Canada’s 4 Atlantic provinces. The program helps employers hire qualified candidates for jobs they have not been able to fill locally.

· The International Mobility Program Plus, launched in May 2022, is a new work permit option for Quebec-selected permanent residence candidates. With a permit from this program, an applicant who has been selected for permanent residence by Quebec, but who currently lives elsewhere, will be able to move to the province to begin working and getting settled earlier.

· The Foreign Credential Recognition Program, led by Employment and Social Development Canada, invests approximately $27.1 million annually in

contribution agreements with provinces and territories, regulatory bodies and other stakeholders to help support the labour market integration of skilled newcomers. On December 5, 2022, the Government of Canada launched a call for proposals under the program for $90 million to be invested in projects that will help remove barriers preventing qualified and skilled newcomers from gaining Canadian work experience in their own profession or field of study.

Associated links

· Building a stronger immigration system 

· News release – Tackling immigration backlogs to help Canadian businesses grow 

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