
守护所有加拿大人的安全是加拿大政府的一个优先事项,而在混合动力和电动汽车方面, 静音的发动机有时可能带来安全风险。这就是为什么我们正在采取措施,提高所有道路使 用者的安全。

12 月 22 日,交通部长艾诚致(Omar Alghabra)阁下宣布:加拿大政府修订《机动车安 全条例》,为混合动力和电动汽车规定最低的噪音水平。

混合动力和电动汽车的发动机很安静,低速时几乎没有声音,这使得它们在道路上的存在 很难被发现。安静的车辆会增加道路使用者(如骑自行车的人、行人和残疾人)的碰撞风险。 

根据此项新要求,所有混合动力和电动汽车现在都需要配备发声器,在低速行驶时产生噪 音。 汽车制造商可以自行确定车辆发出声音的类型,但音量和音调必须让道路使用者能 够听到车辆是在加速还是在减速。 

虽然许多汽车制造商已经自愿在混合动力车和电动车中加入了声音发射器,但加拿大交通 部的这一新要求把这个发生器设为所有在加拿大新销售之轻型乘用车的强制性配备。 

新要求于 2022 年 12 月 21 日开始生效。


交通部长艾诚致(Omar Alghabra)阁下: 

“所有道路使用者的安全和保障都至关重要。 为混合动力和电动的汽车设定声音发射器的 要求非常重要,因为它们可以防止碰撞并提高安全性。安全和倡导团体一直在推动为这些

车辆安装声音发射器,尤其是那些为加拿大残障人士倡权的团体。加拿大联邦政府听到了 你们的声音,携手合作,我们共同为所有加拿大人改善了安全。” 


· 交通部在起草这些要求时展开了公众咨询,并收到了许多意见。 

· 所有混合动力和电动乘用车、多用途乘用车、卡车、公共汽车以及车辆,只要总重 在 4536 公斤或以下,均被要求从 2022 年 12 月 21 日起遵守最低噪音的法规。 

· 加拿大交通部的噪音要求与美国和国际标准接轨,为汽车制造商提供灵活性,同时 也为加拿大人提供最大的安全保障。 

· 加拿大政府继续兑现落实让零排放车辆更易于负担、并减少我们交通行业污染排放 的计划,这是我们通过加拿大减排计划所做之承诺的一部分。随着我们道路上的混 合动力和电动汽车数量不断增加,为这些车辆增加强制性的声音发射器,正在改善 道路上弱势使用者的道路安全。 


· 加拿大宪报,第二部——加拿大机动车安全标准(CMVSS)141——混合动力和电动汽车 的最低噪音要求 

· 车辆的安全标准 


Minister of Transport announces new sound requirements for hybrid and electric vehicles

Protecting all Canadians is a priority for the Government of Canada, and quiet motors can sometimes pose a safety risk when it comes to hybrid and electrical vehicles. That’s why we are taking steps to increase the safety of all road users.

Today, the Minister of Transport, the Honourable Omar Alghabra, announced that the Government of Canada is amending the Motor Vehicle Safety Regulations to mandate minimum levels of noise from hybrid and electric vehicles.

Hybrid and electric vehicles have quiet motors and produce almost no sound at low speeds, which can make their presence on our roads hard to detect. Quiet vehicles pose an increased risk of collision to road users such as cyclists, pedestrians, and Canadians with disabilities.

Under the new requirements, all hybrid and electric vehicles will now be required to have sound emitters that would produce noise at low speeds. Automakers can determine the type of sound the vehicle makes, but the volume and pitch must allow a road user to hear if a vehicle is speeding up or slowing down.

 While many automakers have voluntarily added sound emitters to hybrid and electric vehicles, Transport Canada’s new requirement makes it mandatory equipment on all new light-duty passenger vehicles sold in Canada.

The new requirement came into effect on December 21, 2022.


―The safety and security of all road users is crucial. It is important to set sound emitter requirements for hybrid and electric vehicles as they can prevent collisions and improve safety. Requiring sound emitters for these vehicles has been championed by safety and advocacy groups – especially those who advocate for Canadians with disabilities. Your voices were heard by the Government of Canada, and together we’ve made safety improvements for all Canadians.‖

The Honourable Omar Alghabra Minister of Transport

Quick facts

· The department held consultations and numerous submissions were received and considered when drafting these requirements.

· All hybrid and electric passenger cars, multi-purpose passenger cars, trucks, buses, and low-speed vehicles with a gross vehicle weight rating of 4,536 kg or less will be required to comply with the minimum noise regulations as of December 21, 2022.

· Transport Canada’s noise requirements align with United States and international standards to offer flexibility to vehicle manufacturers, while also maximizing safety for Canadians.

· The Government of Canada continues to deliver on making zero-emission vehicles more affordable and reduce emissions from our transportation sector, as part of our commitment through Canada’s Emissions Reduction Plan. As the number of hybrid and electric vehicles increase on our roads, adding mandatory sound emitters to them is improving road safety for vulnerable road users.

Associated links

· Canada Gazette, Part. II — Canada Motor Vehicle Safety Standard (CMVSS) 141 – Minimum Noise Requirements for Hybrid and Electric Vehicles 

· Safety standards for vehicles 


Nadine Ramadan Press Secretary and Communications Advisor Office of the Honourable Omar Alghabra Minister of Transport, Ottawa


Media Relations Transport Canada, Ottawa 613-993-0055


From: Transport Canada 

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