加拿大宣布对来自中国大陆、香港或澳门地区的 旅客暂时要求 COVID-19 检测阴性

Government of Canada announces a temporary negative COVID-19 test requirement for travellers arriving from the People’s Republic of China, Hong Kong or Macao

1 5 日开始,两岁及以上的航空旅客在出发前往加拿大前必须出示 COVID-19 检测 阴性报告 


2022 年 12 月 31 日| 安大略渥太华 | 加拿大公共卫生署 

随着 COVID-19 疫情大流行的不断演进,加拿大政府采取了审慎和适度的方法来调整边 境措施,旨在保护加拿大人的健康和安全。为了应对中华人民共和国境内 COVID-19 疫 情的激增,并考虑到关于这些病例之有限的流行病学和病毒基因组序列数据,加拿大政府 计划对从中国进入加拿大的航空旅行者采取某些临时卫生措施。

从东部时间 1 月 5 日上午 12:01 开始,所有乘坐从中国大陆、香港或澳门地区出发之航 班的两岁及以上的航空旅客,将需要在登机前向航空公司提供在出发前两天内进行的COVID-19 检测结果为阴性的证明。这个病毒检测可以是分子检测(如 PCR 测试)为阴 性,或者是抗原(antigen)检测为阴性,并有文件显示该检测已被远程医疗服务或认可 的医疗实验室或测试机构所监督。在航班出发前 10 天以上但不超过 90 天之内曾经检测 结果呈阳性的乘客,可以向航空公司提供之前的阳性证明,以代替阴性检测结果。 

这些计划中的健康措施将适用于航空旅客,无论其国籍和疫苗接种状况如何。这些措施是 临时性的,实施期为 30 天,届时随着更多数据和证据的出现,将被重新评估。航空公司 必须在旅客登机前收到 COVID-19 的检测阴性结果,或在之前 10-90 天内的阳性测试结 果的证明文件,否则旅客将被拒绝登机。

此外,在抵达自助通关柜台(Primary Inspection Kiosks)和电子门(eGate)时,或在 抵达加拿大机场前使用可选的“CBSA 提前申报”功能进行海关申报时,旅客将被问及他 们在过去 10 天内是否曾前往中国大陆、香港或澳门地区。如果有,加拿大边境服务局官 员将向他们提供有关 COVID-19 的传播、个人保护措施以及如果出现 COVID-19 的症状 该怎么办的额外公共卫生信息。此措施只适用于航空旅客,不适用于通过陆路抵达的旅客。 

加拿大公共卫生署正在与温哥华国际机场实施一项飞机废水检测试点项目,并与多伦多皮 尔逊国际机场扩展现行的项目,以评估世界不同地区的 COVID-19 流行情况。 然后对这 些样本进行测序,以监控新的令人关切的变异毒株。 

加拿大联邦政府实施了一套强有力的监控项目,与各省和地区共同寻查在加拿大的COVID-19 变异毒株,包括令人关切的奥密克戎(Omicron)变异毒株及其亚谱系,最主要的是通过强劲的基因组测序网络以及对加拿大各地社区废水的监测。基因组测序的阳性 检测样本来自国内各省、地区和联邦的分子测试,来源广泛,用于检测新出现的变异毒株。 

虽然戴口罩不是必须要求,但强烈建议所有旅行者在乘坐飞机和在机场或其他拥挤的室内 环境中戴上构造良好并贴合脸型的口罩。政府提醒所有人士,如果具有 COVID-19 症状, 则不应该旅行。如果旅客在旅行中生病,并且在抵达加拿大时仍然生病,应在抵达时立即 通知空乘人员或边境服务人员。 

加拿大政府继续与国际伙伴合作,提高测序能力,并密切监控 COVID-19 的全球流行病 学和新出现之令人关切的新变异毒株。 


卫生部长让-伊夫思·杜克洛(Jean-Yves Duclos )阁下: 

“从一开始,面对 COVID-19 疫情大流行,我们联邦政府就采取了必要的措施来确保加拿 大民众的安全。 我们的行动继续以审慎为指导,我们将毫不犹豫地调整措施以保护加拿 大人的健康和安全。 我鼓励每个人都及时接种 COVID-19 疫苗,并继续采取个人防护健 康措施,比如在拥挤的室内空间戴口罩、生病时待在家里。”

交通部长艾诚致(Omar Alghabra)阁下: 

“旅行者和运输业的安全仍然是我们的首要任务。我国政府继续采取前所未有的行动,通 过采取措施防止 COVID-19 进一步传入和传播到加拿大,以保护加拿大人的健康和安全。 我们将根据现有数据、科学以及我国和全球的流行病学情况来调整我们的措施,以保护加 拿大人。” 

公共安全部长马守诺(Marco Mendicino)阁下: 

“加拿大人的安全和保障始终是我们联邦政府的首要任务。自疫情大流行开始以来,我们 在加拿大边境实施了强有力的措施来限制 COVID-19 的传播,并且现在仍在继续。 随着 局势的发展演变,我们将继续采取适当的行动,因为这是加拿大民众的期待。”

 外交部长乔美兰(Mélanie Joly)阁下: 

“尽管大流行病已经演变,但 COVID-19 仍然是一种需要全球合作应对的威胁。 加拿大 帮助领导了针对 COVID-19 疫情的强有力国际应对行动,支持各国为世界上风险最高的 人群增加获得疫苗、检测和治疗的机会。加拿大仍然致力于与全球合作伙伴合作,管控持 续进行的 COVID-19 应对措施,并加强对未来的准备。加拿大驻北京的大使馆和驻华领事馆、以及渥太华的紧急事件观察和应对中心随时准备在需要时为加拿大人提供领事协助。”


· COVID-19疫情大流行还没有结束。加拿大政府敦促民众保持及时接种推荐的疫苗,包括在符合条件的情况下接种加强针疫苗,并保持个人防护习惯,在通风不良或拥 挤的地方戴上构造良好、贴合脸型的口罩,如果有 COVID-19 症状,则留在家中。 

· 计划出国旅行的加拿大人应在旅行前至少 14 天完成 COVID-19 疫苗的基础系列以及任何在加拿大推荐的额外加强针。 

· 我们鼓励旅行者查看关于您前往目的地的旅行建议和忠告网页 (travel.gc.ca/travelling/advisories)。这些页面包含针对具体国家的健康风险、 安全和安保、当地法律和习俗、入境要求以及其他重要的旅行信息。 

· 目前,对前往所有国家的旅行,有一个 COVID-19 的 2 级旅行健康通告。在考虑 前往加拿大境外旅行之时,我们提醒旅行者应做出知情的决定,并建议加强健康预 防措施并实行当地入境口岸的公共卫生措施。 

· 在任何时候,加拿大人都可以登记海外加拿大人注册服务,以便在紧急情况下接收来自加拿大全球事务部的重要信息。 

· 2022 年 12 月 23 日,加拿大发布了春节期间的 2 级旅行健康通告,鉴于多项COVID-19限制措施近期取消,建议在中国旅行时采取额外的健康预防措施。 

· 所有旅客,无论国籍,都不需要通过 ArriveCAN 应用程序或网站提交公共卫生信息。


· COVID-19:旅行、病毒检测和边境措施 

· 旅行建议和忠告 

· 春节期间的旅行健康通告 


Guillaume Bertrand Senior Communications Advisor and Press

Secretary Office of the Honourable Jean-Yves Duclos Minister of Health 613-957-0200 Media Relations Public Health Agency of Canada 613-957-2983

media@hc-sc.gc.ca Valérie Glazer Director of Communications and Issues Office of the Honourable Omar Alghabra Minister of Transport, Ottawa

Valerie.Glazer@tc.gc.ca Media Relations Transport Canada, Ottawa

media@tc.gc.ca 613-993-0055 Audrey Champoux Press Secretary Office of the Minister of Public Safety

audrey.champoux@ps-sp.gc.ca Media Relations Public Safety Canada 613-991-0657

psmediarelations@ps-sp.gc.ca Adrien Blanchard Press Secretary Office of the Minister of Foreign Affairs

Adrien.Blanchard@international.gc.ca Media Relations Global Affairs Canada 343-203-7700 media@international.gc.ca 




Government of Canada announces a temporary negative COVID-19 test requirement for travellers arriving from the People’s Republic of China, Hong Kong or Macao


From: Public Health Agency of Canada 


Air travellers two years of age and older will be required to present a negative COVID-19 test before departing for Canada beginning January 5

 December 31, 2022 | Ottawa, ON | Public Health Agency of Canada

As the COVID-19 pandemic has continued to evolve, the Government of Canada has taken a prudent and measured approach to adjusting border measures to protect the health and safety of Canadians. In response to the surge of COVID-19 in the People’s Republic of China and given the limited epidemiological and viral genomic sequence data available on these cases, the Government of Canada intends to put in place certain temporary health measures for air travellers entering Canada from China.

As of 12:01 a.m. EST on January 5, all air travellers who are two years of age and older, arriving on flights originating from the People’s Republic of China, Hong Kong or Macao, will need to provide evidence of a negative COVID-19 test result, taken no more than two days before their departure, to the airline prior to boarding. The test could be either a negative molecular (such as a PCR test), or a negative antigen test that has documentation to show that it has been monitored by a telehealth service or an accredited laboratory or testing provider. Passengers who tested positive more than 10 days before their departure flight, but no more than 90 days, can provide the airline with documentation of their prior positive, in place of a negative test result.

These planned health measures will apply to air travellers, regardless of nationality and vaccination status. They are temporary measures, in place for 30 days, that will be reassessed as more data and evidence becomes available. Airlines must receive the negative COVID-19 test result, or documentation of a positive test result taken within the prior 10-90 days, before the traveller boards the plane, otherwise the traveller will be denied boarding.

Further, when arriving at Primary Inspection Kiosks and eGates, or when making a customs declaration using the optional Advance CBSA Declaration prior to arriving at airports in Canada, travellers will be asked if they have travelled to the People’s Republic of China, Hong Kong or Macao in the last 10 days. If they have, Canada Border Services Agency Officers will provide them with additional public health information on transmission of COVID-19, personal protective measures and what to do if they develop symptoms of COVID-19. This applies to air travellers only, not to those arriving by land.

The Public Health Agency of Canada is putting in place a pilot project on wastewater testing from aircrafts with Vancouver International Airport, and expanding the existing project with Toronto Pearson International Airport, to assess the COVID-19 prevalence from various regions of the world. The samples are then sequenced to monitor for novel variants of concern.

The Government of Canada has a strong monitoring program in place with the provinces and territories to identify COVID-19 variants in Canada, including the Omicron variant of concern and its sub-lineages, most notably through a robust genomic sequencing network and through the monitoring of wastewater in Canadian communities. Positive test samples for genomic sequencing are obtained from domestic provincial, territorial and federal molecular tests from a wide variety of sources to test for emerging variants.

While not mandatory, all travellers are strongly recommended to wear well-constructed and well-fitted masks during their travel on planes and in airports, or other crowded indoor settings. Individuals are reminded that they should not travel if they have symptoms of COVID-19. If travellers become sick while travelling, and are still sick when they arrive in Canada, they should inform a flight attendant or a border services officer upon arrival.

The Government of Canada continues to work with international partners to enhance sequencing capacity and closely monitors the global epidemiology of COVID-19 and emerging novel variants of concern.


“Since the start, our Government has taken the necessary steps to keep Canadians safe in the face of the COVID-19 pandemic. Our actions continue to be guided by prudence and we will not hesitate to adjust measures to protect the health and safety of Canadians. I encourage everyone to stay up-to-date with their COVID-19 vaccinations and to continue to exercise personal protective health measures, like wearing a mask in crowded indoor spaces and staying home when sick.”

The Honourable Jean-Yves Duclos Minister of Health

“The safety of travellers and the transportation industry remain top priorities. Our Government continues to take unprecedented action to protect the health and safety of Canadians by introducing measures to prevent further introduction and transmission of COVID-19 into Canada. We will adapt our measures based on available data, the science, and the epidemiological situation in our country and globally to protect Canadians.”

The Honourable Omar Alghabra Minister of Transport

“The safety and security of Canadians is always our government’s top priority. Since the onset of the pandemic, we’ve implemented strong measures at Canada’s border to limit the spread of COVID-19, and that continues now. As the situation evolves, we’ll continue to take appropriate action because that’s what Canadians expect.”

The Honourable Marco Mendicino Minister of Public Safety

“Even though the pandemic has evolved, COVID-19 is still a threat that requires global cooperation. Canada has helped lead a robust international response to COVID-19, supporting countries to increase access to vaccines, tests and treatments for those most at risk around the world. Canada remains committed to working with global partners to manage the ongoing COVID-19 response and enhance preparedness for the future. The Embassy of Canada in Beijing and consulates in China, as well as the Emergency Watch and Response Centre in Ottawa, stand ready to provide consular assistance to Canadians, as needed.”

The Honourable Mélanie Joly Minister of Foreign Affairs

Quick facts

· The COVID-19 pandemic is not over yet. The Government of Canada urges individuals to remain up to date with the recommended vaccinations, including booster doses when eligible and to keep up with personal protective habits, wearing a well-constructed and well-fitting mask in poorly ventilated or crowded places, and staying home if they have symptoms of COVID-19.

· Individuals in Canada who plan to travel abroad should complete a COVID-19 vaccine series along with any additional recommended doses in Canada, at least 14 days before travelling.

· Travellers are encouraged to check the Travel Advice and Advisories page for your destination. These pages contain country-specific information on health risks, safety and security, local laws and customs, entry requirements, and other important travel information.

· At present, there is a Level 2 travel health notice for COVID-19 related to travel to all countries. Travellers should remember to make informed decisions when considering travel outside of Canada and are advised to maintain enhanced health precautions and practice public health measures at their ports of entry.

· At any time, Canadians can sign up with the Registration of Canadians abroad service to receive important messages from Global Affairs Canada, in case of an emergency.

· On December 23, 2022, a Level 2 travel health notice was posted for Chinese New Year, with recommendations to take extra health precautions for COVID-19 in China, due to the recent lifting of many COVID-19 restrictions.

· All travellers, regardless of citizenship, are not required to submit public health information through the ArriveCAN app or website.

Associated links

· COVID-19: Travel, testing and borders 

· Travel Advice and Advisories 

· Travel health notice for Chinese New Year 


Guillaume Bertrand

Senior Communications Advisor and Press Secretary

Office of the Honourable Jean-Yves Duclos Minister of Health


Media Relations

Public Health Agency of Canada



 Valérie Glazer

Director of Communications and Issues

Office of the Honourable Omar Alghabra

Minister of Transport, Ottawa


Media Relations Transport Canada, Ottawa



 Audrey Champoux

Press Secretary

Office of the Minister of Public Safety


Media Relations Public Safety Canada



Adrien Blanchard

Press Secretary

Office of the Minister of Foreign Affairs


Media Relations

Global Affairs Canada



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