特鲁多总理就国际大屠杀纪念日发表声明Statement by the Prime Minister on International Holocaust Remembrance Day

2023 年 27 日 安大略渥太华 总理办公室

January 27, 2023   Ottawa, Ontario  Prime Minister‟s Office

1 月 27 日,贾斯廷·特鲁多总理就国际大屠杀纪念日发表如下声明:

The Prime Minister, Justin Trudeau, today issued the following statement on International Holocaust Remembrance Day:

“今天,时值国际大屠杀纪念日(International Holocaust Remembrance Day / Journée internationale dédiée à la mémoire des victimes de l‟Holocauste),我与加拿大人一起追思在大屠杀(the Holocaust.)期间被杀害的超过 600 万犹太人。 我们回忆许多罗姆人和辛提人、残疾人、2SLGBTQI+ 人、黑人、斯拉夫人、政治对手和耶和华见证人,他们也遭到纳粹及其同伙的迫害和杀害。 我们也向幸存者和在大屠杀期间为拯救他人生命而献出生命的人们致敬。

“Today, on International Holocaust Remembrance Day, I join Canadians in honouring the memory of the more than six million Jews who were murdered during the Holocaust. We remember the many Roma and Sinti, people with disabilities, 2SLGBTQI+ people, Black people, Slavic people, political opponents, and Jehovah‟s Witnesses who were also persecuted and killed by the Nazis and their collaborators. We also honour the survivors and the people who gave their own lives to save the lives of others during the Holocaust.

“每年的 1 月 27 日是 1945 年奥斯威辛-比克瑙集中营获得解放的周年纪念日,我们都聚在一起,承诺‘永不再发生’。在那一天,以及随后的几周,世界见证了所发生的大规模谋杀、系统性饥饿和种族灭绝的真实规模。2023 年,大屠杀似乎越来越遥远,因此倾听和了解至今幸存者的故事比以往任何时候都更加重要。

“Each January 27, on the anniversary of the liberation of the Auschwitz-Birkenau Concentration Camp in 1945, we come together to promise „never again.‟ That day, and in the weeks that followed, the world saw the true scale of the mass murder, systemic starvation, and genocide that occurred. In 2023, the Holocaust seems increasingly distant, so listening to and learning from survivors‟ stories is now more important than ever. With the disturbing rise of antisemitism in our communities, we must uphold our collective responsibility to speak up against hatred and discrimination – wherever and whenever it occurs.


“仅仅说‘永不再发生’是不够的。对于犹太人和其他人所继续遭遇的歧视、仇恨言论和种族主义,我们还必须采取具体行动予以抗击。这就是为什么,在去年,联邦政府将否认、宽恕或淡化大屠杀、从而故意宣扬反犹主义的行为予以定罪。我们提供了历史性的资金,用以加强纪念大屠杀,包括支持在蒙特利尔建设一个新的大屠杀纪念馆、创建多伦多大屠杀纪念馆、以及大温哥华犹太社区中心的再开发项目,该项目将包括为温哥华大屠杀教育中心建造一个新的场地。加拿大保护大屠杀纪念和打击反犹主义问题特使欧文·科特勒(Irwin Cotler)阁下继续推动我们在国内外打击反犹主义和一切形式种族歧视、以及保护大屠杀记忆方面的工作。

“Simply saying „never again‟ is not enough. We must also take concrete action to combat the discrimination, hateful rhetoric, and racism that Jewish people and others continue to face. That‟s why, last year, the Government of Canada criminalized the willful promotion of antisemitism by denying, condoning, or downplaying the Holocaust. We provided historic funding to strengthen Holocaust remembrance, including by supporting the construction of a new Holocaust museum in Montréal, the creation of the Toronto Holocaust Museum, and the Jewish Community Centre of Greater Vancouver‟s redevelopment project, which will include a new home for the Vancouver Holocaust Education Centre. Canada‟s Special Envoy on Preserving Holocaust Remembrance and Combatting Antisemitism, the Honourable Irwin Cotler, continues to advance our work on combatting antisemitism and all forms of racial discrimination and on preserving the memory of the Holocaust – both at home and abroad.

“今年联合国国际大屠杀纪念日的主题——家和归属感——邀请我们探索和反思大屠杀的受害者和幸存者如何被迫调整他们的归属感。 许多人在加拿大找到了家,并在这里营造了强健的社区,他们的努力帮助加拿大塑造成我们今天所知道的强劲而多元化的国家。

“This year‟s United Nations theme for International Holocaust Remembrance Day – Home and Belonging – invites us to explore and reflect on how victims and survivors of the Holocaust were forced to adjust their idea of belonging. Many found a home in Canada and forged strong communities here which have helped shape Canada into the strong and diverse country we know today.


“As we reflect on the atrocities of the Holocaust, we renew our commitment to honour the memory of the Shoah, and to continue to learn from the horrors of the past. Today, we say „never again,‟ and we reaffirm our shared responsibility to do everything we can to combat hatred, antisemitism, and discrimination in all its forms.”

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