国会山迎新春,特鲁多总理及 30 位自由党议员与社区 民众同庆 Prime Minister Justin Trudeau joined by 30 Liberal MPs Celebrating Lunar New Year with Community Members on Parliament Hill


1 月 31 日正月初十,联邦自由党议员团在渥太华国会山庄举办了农历新年招待会庆祝新 春。这是自疫情爆发以来首次举办现场的农历新年庆祝活动。加拿大总理贾斯廷·特鲁多 (Justin Trudeau)与近 30 名联邦部长和自由党国会议员与民众一同庆祝农历新年的到来, 来自加拿大多元社区的超过 600 名人士参加了此次庆祝活动。


在庆祝活动开始时,伍凤仪部长(Mary Ng)、国会议员叶嘉丽(Jean Yip)、董晗鹏 (Han Dong)、缪宗晏(Wilson Miao)、陈圣源(Shaun Chen)和蒋振宇(Paul Chiang) 等代表全体自由党国会议员向大家送上新春祝福,祝愿所有庆祝农历新年的人们阖家新年 吉祥,平安健康、事业兴旺、万事如意、恭喜发财。兔年象征着骄傲、真诚、善良和希望。 他们注意到,今年是历史上继人头税之后的《排华法案》出台 100 周年。过去三年对亚裔 加拿大人来说是个艰难的时期,但我们以坚持、韧力、信心和力量的精神同舟共济度过难 关,面对挑战我们挺身而起守望相助,这些特征也是兔年的象征。议员们感谢总理大力表 彰亚裔加拿大人对社会的贡献,并始终为我们亚裔撑腰,从而展现了他的领导力量和对亚 裔社区的支持。在加拿大,多元是我们的现实,包容是我们的选择。

伍凤仪部长(Mary Ng)致辞并祝福大家新年快乐

特鲁多总理在致辞中首先祝愿所有庆祝新春的人们兔年吉祥快乐,并祝愿越南裔的人士猫 年吉祥快乐。他提到,经过多年未能以今天这样的方式当面相聚之后,大家能够在此欢聚 一堂共同庆祝,这是一个美妙的时刻。毕竟,农历新年是与朋友、社区、家人相聚同庆的 时候,也是与醒狮同庆的时候。

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau attends a Chinese Lunar New Year celebration at the Sir John A. MacDonald building, in Ottawa, Ontario, on Tuesday, January 31st, 2023. Le premier Ministre Justin Trudeau participe à une célébration du nouvel an lunaire chinois, à Ottawa, en Ontario, le mardi, 31 janvier, 2023.

对于有许多新加拿大人的社区,如华裔、韩裔、越南裔的社区,能够合家团聚更为重要, 特别是遇到一家人生活在世界不同地方的情况。“这就是为什么我们联邦政府在努力工作, 让家庭团聚更加容易一些,”总理说道。 他指出,加拿大在去年经过“父母和祖父母担保 计划”接受了 1 万 5000 份申请,并在去年夏天落实了增强“超级签证”的相关措施,以 便生活在其他国家的父母和祖父母在很多重要的时刻依然能够与亲人在一起。


特鲁多总理接着说道,新年伊始也是万象更新的时刻。议员们正在为新一季的议会会期做 准备,联邦政府也在为即将到来的重大挑战而绸缪帷幄——例如,如何帮助加国民众家庭 应对生活成本上升这一影响全世界的挑战,以及如何确保我国的工商业能够在当前不确定 的世界环境中兴旺繁荣并发展壮大。重要的是要花点时间相互见面并充电,为新的一年做 好准备。总理还强调了联邦政府正在开展的一些工作,包括加强加拿大的全民公共医疗护 理体系,以及应对种族主义并确保加拿大继续成为人人都受欢迎的地方。


“我们已经把抗击针对亚裔之种族主义纳入政府抗击种族主义战略的一部分,并为针对亚 裔种族主义的全国论坛提供资金,但我们知道还有更多工作要做,”特鲁多总理说道。

总理还重申,联邦政府将继续努力,确保每个人都有切实和公平的机会去争取成功,其中 一个领域就是大力发展本国的经济,包括拓展与印度洋-太平洋国家的贸易。 几个月前, 加拿大启动了印太战略,它将指导我们与中国、韩国、越南和该地区其他数十个国家的交 往互动。 “通过这些关系,不仅有巨大的潜力来增长我们的经济,而且作为商业伙伴、朋 友、家人和社区,我们还有机会在这些国家中营造深植于基层的人民与人民之间的联系,” 总理表示。 “五个加拿大人中就有一个源于这个地区,我们有着丰富的文化交流历史。”


特鲁多总理还盛赞在温哥华举行的春节庆会大巡游活动,他在大年初一刚刚参加了这一游 行。“非常兴奋能和这么多朋友一起走过唐人街,那里的每一步、每个人都洋溢着喜庆的 气氛,不仅是庆祝今年这个农历新年,还在补回过去几年我们没能举办的游行和庆祝活 动。”


 总理表示:“成千上万来自不同族裔背景的人们欢聚集在一起喜庆新春,因为加拿大人不 仅为我们的多元化而自豪;我们还因我们的多元化而陶醉。 ”


总理在致辞的最后用越南语、韩语、普通话、粤语、英语和法语分别向大家祝愿“新年快 乐”。特鲁多总理走下讲台之时,随即受到热情人群的簇拥欢迎。总理与祝福者打招呼并 合影,为晚间招待会拉开了序幕。


 Prime Minister Justin Trudeau joined by 30 Liberal MPs Celebrating Lunar New Year with Community Members on Parliament Hill

On January 31, the Liberal Caucus hosted a Lunar New Year Reception on Parliament Hill in Ottawa. This is the first in-person Lunar New Year celebration event hosted since the start of the pandemic. Prime Minister Justin Trudeau joined with close to 30 federal ministers and LiberalMembers of Parliaments, in celebration of the coming of Lunar Near year with over 600 participants from diverse communities across Canada.

 At the beginning of the celebration, Minister Mary Ng, Members of Parliament Jean Yip, Han Dong, Wilson Miao, Shaun Chen and Paul Chiang, wished guests a happy, prosperous and healthy New Spring on behalf of all Liberal MPs. The Year of the Rabbit symbolizes pride, earnest and kindness. They also noted that this year marks the 100th anniversary of Chinese Exclusion Act, which came after the Chinese Head Tax. The last three years has been very hard to Asian Canadians, but we have gone through with perseverance and resilience, with confidence and strength, those are also characteristics of rabbits. We stand up and help each other. They thanked the PM for his leadership and support by, recognizing the contributions of Asian Canadians and always having our back. In Canada, diversity is a fact, and inclusion is our choice.

During his speech, Prime Minister Trudeau started by wishing a happy year of the Rabbit to everyone who celebrates it, and happy year of the Cat to our Vietnamese friends. He noted it’s a wonderful moment to celebrate all together after too many years without being able to gather this way. Lunar New year is, after all, about being together with friends, with community and with family – and with lions.

For communities with many new Canadians, like the Chinese, Korean, Vietnamese communities, being able to be with family is even more important, especially when family lives all around the world. “That’s why our government has worked hard to make it easier for families to be reunited,” said the Prime Minister. He pointed out that last year Canada accepted 15,000 applications under the Parents and Grandparents sponsorship program, and in the summer we implemented enhancements to the super visa so that parents and grandparents who live in other countries can still be with their families in important moments.

Continue fighting anti-Asian racism, expanding trade

PM Trudeau went on to say that the Lunar New Year is also a time of renewal. The parliamentarians are preparing for the new session and the government is also thinking about the major challenges that await us. For example, how to help families here in Canada manage the rising cost of living, a challenge that affects the whole world, and how to ensure that our businesses can prosper and grow in an uncertain world. It is important to take a moment to meet and recharge to be ready to continue in this new year. The PM also highlighted the work to strengthen universal public health care in this country, and to address racism and ensure Canada continues to be a welcoming place for everyone.

“We’ve made combating anti-Asian racism a part of our Anti-Racism Strategy and provided funding for a national forum on anti-Asian racism, but we know there is more to do,” said PM Trudeau.

The Prime Minister also reiterates that the government will keep up the work to make sure everyone has a real and fair chance at success, part of which means growing our economy, including by expanding trade with Indo-Pacific countries. Canada launched its Indo-Pacific Strategy just a couple of months ago, it’ll guide our engagement with countries like China, Korea, Vietnam and dozens of other countries in the region. “Not only is there a huge potential to grow our economy through these relationships, there’s also an opportunity to build up the deep[1]rooted people-to-people ties between our countries as business partners, as friends, as family, and as a community,” said the PM. “One in five Canadians have roots in this region, and we have a rich history of cultural exchange.”

 The Prime Minister speaks highly about the Vancouver Lunar New Year Parade he just went to on the first day of the Lunar New Year. “It was wonderful to be going through Chinatown with so many friends celebrating every step of the way, not just this Lunar New Year, but the years we’ve missed in parades and celebrations all together.” “Thousands of people from all different backgrounds came together to be part of the celebration because Canadians are not just proud of our diversity; we revel in it. “

 “I look forward to the work we’re going to do together to build a more inclusive, more prosperous and more resilient country.”

The Prime Minister concluded his remarks by wishing everyone “Happy New Year” in Vietnamese, Korean, Mandarin, Cantonese, English and French.

As the Prime Minister exited the stage, he was greeted by an enthusiastic crowd. He took time to greet and take photos with well-wishers to kick off the evening reception.

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