加拿大投资世界一流的海洋监测系统,为子孙后 代加强海洋保护 The Government of Canada invests in world-class ocean monitoring system to enhance Canada’s ocean protection for the next generation

安大略渥太华–海洋观测科学可以帮助拯救生命,保护我们的水域和生态体系,并增长我 们的经济。加拿大政府正在与海洋科学界合作,收集和分享所需的海洋信息和数据,以保 持我们的海洋和沿海地区的清洁和安全,造福子孙后代。

2 月 6 日,渔业、海洋和负责加拿大海岸警卫队事务部长梅丽乔(Joyce Murray)阁下宣 布:在五年内向维多利亚大学发起的“加拿大海洋网络” (Ocean Networks Canada) 提 供 4650 万加元的资金,以加强其世界级的海洋监测系统。这项研究由加拿大海洋保护计 划资助,有助于提供实时、开放的数据,以更好地了解我们不断变化的海洋。

“加拿大海洋网络”支持深海和沿海海洋观测站网络,收集数据以监测海洋变化,包括所 有三个海岸的气候影响和水下噪音。它还支持海洋雷达和海洋浮标监测工作,提供有关海 浪和海面水流的实时信息,帮助监测海洋状况并为极端事件做好准备。今天宣布的投资有 助于加拿大继续收集必要的数据,以保护我们的生态体系,支持航行安全,并为应急响应 规划提供信息。

Minister Murray 梅丽乔部长

这个项目彰显加拿大海洋保护计划的精神。它汇集了最佳科学建议、知识和工具,以保护 我们的海洋和依赖它们的生态体系和社区。携手合作,我们正在共同努力帮助保持我们的 海洋和海岸的健康,为我们的子孙后代营造建立一个清洁的未来。


渔业、海洋和负责加拿大海岸警卫队事务部长梅丽乔(Joyce Murray)阁下: “海洋科学对于保护和可持续利用海洋和水道至关重要。今天宣布的资金将支持保护我们 的水域以及其中生态体系和海洋生物的丰富性和多样性所需的数据收集。在我们的水生环 境和蓝色经济方面,加拿大继续担当海洋科学的领导者。就海洋保护而言,海洋科学和监 测是一项明智的投资。”

交通部长艾诚致(Omar Alghabra)阁下: “通过海洋保护计划,我们联邦政府继续投资科学研究和技术,并与加拿大海洋网络、原 住民和沿海社区等组织合作并为他们提供支持,以增加我们对如何保护沿海生态系统的理 解。根据《海洋保护计划》,我们正在扩大保护和恢复全国脆弱生态体系的措施。” 维多利亚大学加拿大海洋网络总裁兼首席执行官凯特·木兰(Kate Moran): “加拿大海洋网络致力于通过我们在海洋观测技术、开放数据和数据产品方面的世界领先 创新来支持加拿大的海洋保护计划。我们的创新文化和伙伴关系汇集了科学研究和原住民 知识,以推进这一计划的目标,并提供所需要的工具,应对当今海洋和地球上最大挑战— —气候变化。”

维多利亚大学校长兼副校监凯文·霍尔(Kevin Hall): “在维多利亚大学,我们努力支持并给人们赋予权能,让人能以更可持续的方式存在并改 善社区和地球的福祉。加拿大海洋网络通过帮助社会了解生命、海洋和地球之间的相互联 系,成为这项工作的关键催化剂。当我们共同推进气候行动和可持续性、原住民权利、社 会正义和公平以及医疗和康健等地方和全球问题之时,我们正在合作实现更健康、更有韧 力的未来,维护我们地区的福祉以及我们地球上的所有生命。”



 “加拿大海洋网络”于 2007 年由维多利亚大学成立,在加拿大东部、西部和北极 海岸运营着多个世界领先的海洋观测站。  “加拿大海洋网络”的深海、沿海和陆地基础设施提供实时、长期和高质量的数据, 这些数据可通过其在线数据管理门户 Oceans 3.0 免费获得。  今天宣布的资金是加拿大政府《2022 年预算》承诺的一部分,要在九年内提供 20 亿加元用于更新加拿大的海洋保护计划并将其工作扩展到新的领域。  自 2016 年以来,加拿大联邦政府已向海洋保护计划投入 35 亿元,这是加拿大为保 护其海岸和水道所做的最大投资。


 海洋和气候变化科学  通过海洋保护计划,保护我们的海岸地区  加拿大海洋网络 Ocean Networks Canada  维多利亚大学 University of Victoria



Matthew Dillon Director of Communications Office of the Minister of Fisheries, Oceans and the Canadian Coast Guard 613-992-3474 Matthew.Dillon@dfo-mpo.gc.ca

Robyn Meyer Communications Manager Ocean Networks Canada 250-588-4053 Onc-comms@uvic.ca

Media Relations Fisheries and Oceans Canada 613-990-7537 Media.xncr@dfo-mpo.gc.ca

The Government of Canada invests in worldclass ocean monitoring system to enhance Canada’s ocean protection for the next generation

From: Fisheries and Oceans Canada

Ottawa, Ontario – Ocean observation science can help save lives, protect our waters and ecosystems, and grow our economy. The Government of Canada is working with the ocean science community to collect and share ocean information and data needed to keep our marine and coastal areas clean and safe for generations.

Today, the Minister of Fisheries, Oceans and the Canadian Coast Guard, the Honourable Joyce Murray, announced $46.5 million in funding over five years to Ocean Networks Canada, an initiative of the University of Victoria, to enhance their world-class ocean monitoring system. Funded through Canada’s Oceans Protection Plan, this research helps to provide real-time, open data to better understand our changing oceans.

Ocean Networks Canada supports a network of deep sea and coastal ocean observatories that collect data to monitor ocean changes, including climate impacts and underwater noise on all three coasts. It also supports oceanographic radar and ocean buoy monitoring efforts that provide real-time information on wave, and surface currents that help monitor ocean conditions and prepare for extreme events. Today’s investment helps Canada continue to collect the data needed to protect our ecosystems, support safe navigation, and inform emergency response planning.

This project embodies the spirit of Canada’s Oceans Protection Plan. It brings together the best scientific advice, knowledge and tools to protect our oceans and the ecosystems and communities that depend on them. Together, we are working to help keep our oceans and coasts healthy to build a clean future for our children and grandchildren.


“Ocean science is essential to the protection and the sustainable use of oceans and waterways. Today’s funding will support data collection needed to safeguard our waters, and the abundance and diversity of the ecosystems and marine life within them. Canada continues to be an ocean science leader for our aquatic environment and blue economy. Ocean science and monitoring is a smart investment when it comes to ocean protection.”

The Honourable Joyce Murray, Minister of Fisheries, Oceans and the Canadian Coast Guard “Through the Oceans Protection Plan, our Government continues to invest in scientific research and technology, and collaborates with and supports organizations such as Ocean Networks Canada, and Indigenous and coastal communities, to increase our understanding of how to protect coastal ecosystems. Under the Oceans Protection Plan, we are expanding measures to protect and restore vulnerable ecosystems across the country “

The Honourable Omar Alghabra, Minister of Transport “Ocean Networks Canada is committed to supporting Canada’s Oceans Protection Plan through our world-leading innovation in ocean observing technology, open data, and data products. Our culture of innovation and partnership brings together scientific research and Indigenous knowledge to advance the goals of the Plan and deliver the tools needed to tackle the biggest challenge today in the ocean and on the planet— climate change.”

Kate Moran, President and CEO, University of Victoria’s Ocean Networks Canada “At UVic, we strive to support and empower people to exist more sustainably and improve the well-being of communities and our planet. Ocean Networks Canada is a key catalyst in this work by helping society understand the interconnectivity of life, the oceans and planet. Together, as we advance local and global issues of climate action and sustainability, the rights of Indigenous Peoples, social justice and equity, and health and wellness, we’re collaborating toward healthier and more resilient futures that uphold the well-being of our region and of all life on our planet.”

Kevin Hall, President and Vice-Chancellor, University of Victoria

Quick facts

 Ocean Networks Canada was established in 2007 by the University of Victoria and operates several world-leading ocean observatories on Canada’s East, West, and Arctic coasts.

 Ocean Networks Canada’s deep sea, coastal, and land-based infrastructure delivers real-time, long-series and high-quality data that is freely available through its online data management portal, Oceans 3.0.

 The funding announced today is part of the Government of Canada’s Budget 2022 commitment to provide $2 billion over nine years to renew Canada’s Oceans Protection Plan and expand its work into new areas.

 Since 2016, the Government of Canada has dedicated $3.5 billion to the Oceans Protection Plan, making it the largest investment Canada has ever made to protect its coasts and waterways.

Associated links

 Ocean and climate change science  Protecting our coasts through the Oceans Protection Plan  Ocean Networks Canada  University of Victoria


Matthew Dillon Director of Communications Office of the Minister of Fisheries, Oceans and the Canadian Coast Guard 613-992-3474 Matthew.Dillon@dfo-mpo.gc.ca

Robyn Meyer Communications Manager Ocean Networks Canada 250-588-4053 Onc-comms@uvic.ca

Media Relations Fisheries and Oceans Canada 613-990-7537 Media.xncr@dfo-mpo.gc.ca

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