国防部长阿南德提供重大国家安全通报 Minister Anand provides an important national security update.


2023 年 2 月 11 日




北美空防司令部(North American Aerospace Defense Command, NORAD)发现了这
个物体,并派出加拿大和美国的战斗机进行调查。通过划归于 NORAD 之下 的战斗机,

这件事彰显了 NORAD 的作用,以及 NORAD 最擅长的工作——我很高兴今天早些时候

今天(2 月 11 日),在总理的指示下,划归于 NORAD 的战机在东部标准时间下午 3:41

据我们所知,这是 NORAD 行动首次击落空中物体。

该物体在大约 40,000 英尺的高度飞行,非法进入加拿大领空,并对民用航空安全构成合
理的威胁。该物体被击落于距加-美边境约 100 英里处,在加拿大领土上空,位于育空



我今天还与育空地区的省长皮莱(Ranj Pillai)进行了通话,向省长表达我们将继续与该地




界群体合作,保护加拿大和美国的利益。 我们将继续努力推进 NORAD 现代化,并确保

通过北美空防司令部 NORAD,我们将继续与我们最亲密的盟友携手合作,确保我们北美
大陆得到保护——正如我们今天所展示的那样。 我感谢我国军队的所有成员,以及参与


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Minister Anand provides an important national
security update.

From: National Defence


Good evening.

As Minister of National Defence, my top priority is the safety and protection of

Working in collaboration with our partners, including the United States, NORAD and
other departments, Canada was tracking a high-altitude object over Central Yukon.

North American Aerospace Defense Command detected this object and launched
Canadian and US fighter aircraft to investigate. The object was visually identified using
fighter aircraft assigned to NORAD.

In collaboration with our partners, including the United States, NORAD and other
departments, Canada was tracking a high altitude object over the central Yukon.
NORAD Command detected the object and launched Canadian and U.S. fighter aircraft
to investigate. The object was visually identified using fighter aircraft assigned to

This exemplifies what NORAD is and what NORAD does best – and I was pleased to
discuss this operation earlier today with my colleague, United States Secretary of
Defense Lloyd Austin.

Today, at the direction of the Prime Minister, aircraft assigned to NORAD successfully
took down this high altitude airborne object at approximately 3:41 pm Eastern Standard

To the best of our knowledge, this was the first time that a NORAD operation has
downed an aerial object.

The object was flying at an altitude of approximately 40,000 feet, had unlawfully entered
Canadian airspace, and posed a reasonable threat to the safety of civilian flight. The object was downed approximately100 miles from the Canada, United States Border, over Canadian territory, in central Yukon.

Recovery operations are underway and will be supported by the Canadian Armed
Forces, in coordination with the RCMP. This coordinated operation will allow a further
investigation into this object.

We have no further details about the object at this time, including any description of its
capabilities, purpose, or origin. It appears to be a small, cylindrical object, smaller than
the one downed off the coast of North Carolina.

I also spoke today with Yukon Premier Ranj Pillai and conveyed that we’ll continue to
work hand in hand with the territory.

I, and our government, will continue reaching out to Indigenous peoples potentially
affected by this incident to provide information and updates as needed, out of respect
for reconciliation.

Today is a historic day.

Canada and the United States continue to work together through the bi-national
command of NORAD to defend our two nations, and I will recognize again the
importance of this extremely close relationship we have with the United States.

Just yesterday, I met with Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin at the Pentagon to reaffirm
that North American air sovereignty is a key priority, which is why we continue to work in
partnership with the United States, NORAD and the broader security community to
protect Canadian and U.S. interests. We will continue our work to modernize NORAD
and ensure the protection of our air sovereignty — and I’ll be seeing the Secretary
Again next week.

Through NORAD, we will continue to work hand in hand with our closest ally to ensure
the protection of our continent — as we showed today. I thank all members of our
military, and the United States’ involved in this operation.

Thank you, Merci.

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