

2023年11月13日 安大略省渥太华

贾斯汀·特鲁多(Justin Trudeau)总理今天就全球创业周发表了如下声明:



加拿大政府正在努力消除障碍,使创业精神能够继续蓬勃发展。我们为加拿大未来企业家协会(Futurpreneur Canada)等组织提供支持,并采取包括黑人创业计划(Black Entrepreneurship Program)、女性创业战略(Women Entrepreneurship Strategy)、原住民创业计划(Aboriginal Entrepreneurship Program)和2SLGBTQI+创业计划(2SLGBTQI+ Entrepreneurship Program)在内的联邦举措,努力确保代表性不足的群体能够公平地获得创业成功所需的机会和资源。今年 10 月,我们宣布向魁北克企业家学校 FAIR-E 项目提供 270 万加元的资金,以帮助提供学习计划,支持女性的创业努力。最近,我们还通过加拿大风险投资催化剂计划(Canada’s Venture Capital Catalyst Initiative)承诺提供高达 2500 万加元的资金,以帮助推进加拿大风险投资生态系统的多样性、公平性和包容性,增加多元化基金经理和企业家获得资本的机会,帮助企业扩大规模和发展。

随着加拿大继续欢迎来自世界各地的人才,我们将继续致力于支持新移民企业家在这里建立和发展他们的企业。今年夏天,我们宣布为多伦多商业发展中心(Toronto Business Development Centre)提供超过 300 万加元的资金,以支持 100 名新移民企业家,并在安大略省创造 200 个就业机会。


Statement by the Prime Minister on Global Entrepreneurship Week

November 13, 2023 Ottawa, Ontario

The Prime Minister, Justin Trudeau, today issued the following statement on Global Entrepreneurship Week:

“Today, we mark the beginning of Global Entrepreneurship Week, a time to celebrate entrepreneurs’ creativity, drive, and innovation, here in Canada and around the world.
“Entrepreneurs are problem solvers. They demonstrate great adaptability and resilience when faced with hurdles such as supply chain issues, affordability challenges, and global economic instability, and seize opportunities to redefine how we do business. From the community members running our favourite local businesses to the visionaries fostering trade links between nations, entrepreneurs create good jobs, drive new ideas forward, and boost the global economy.

“The Government of Canada is working to remove barriers so that entrepreneurship can continue to thrive. With the support we provide to organizations such as Futurpreneur Canada, and federal initiatives including
the Black Entrepreneurship Program, the Women Entrepreneurship Strategy,
the Aboriginal Entrepreneurship Program, and the 2SLGBTQI+ Entrepreneurship Program, we are working to ensure that under-represented groups have equitable access to the opportunities and resources they need to succeed in business. In October, we announced $2.7 million in funding to the École des entrepreneurs du Québec FAIR·E project to help provide learning programs to support women in their entrepreneurial endeavours. And we recently committed up to $25 million through Canada’s Venture Capital Catalyst Initiative to help advance diversity, equity, and inclusion in the Canadian venture capital ecosystem, enhancing access to capital for diverse fund managers and entrepreneurs to help businesses scale and grow.

“As Canada continues to welcome talent from around the world, we remain committed to supporting newcomer entrepreneurs as they build and grow their businesses here. This summer, we announced over $3 million in funding for the Toronto Business Development Centre to support 100 newcomer entrepreneurs and create 200 jobs in Ontario.

“This week, we recommit ourselves to supporting a flourishing entrepreneurial culture in Canada and working to ensure that everyone, no matter their background, has a chance to realize their vision. On behalf of the Government of Canada, I thank all entrepreneurs for the role they play in building a better and more prosperous future for everyone.”

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