


2023 年 11 月 20 日


“今天,在我们庆祝第 30 个 国家儿童日之际,我们重申致力于帮助加拿大儿童和青少年充分发挥潜力并成为未来的领导者。


“建设一个健康、安全、有保障的国家——让所有儿童都能充分发挥潜力——仍然是我们的首要任务。加拿大政府通过加拿大儿童福利金帮助数十万儿童摆脱贫困,该福利金让十分之九的家庭口袋里有更多的钱,并有助于缓解日益增加的抚养孩子的成本。我们正在所有省份和地区提供早期学习和儿童保育系统,该系统已将近一半省份和地区的受监管儿童保育费用削减至平均每天 10 美元或更少,并减少了 50% 或更少。在所有其他方面都更多。我们还推出了加拿大牙科福利计划,为儿童提供口腔保健服务,因为没有人必须在照顾孩子的牙齿和解决餐桌上的食物之间做出选择。



Statement by the Prime Minister on National Child Day

November 20, 2023
Ottawa, Ontario

The Prime Minister, Justin Trudeau, today issued the following statement on National Child Day:

“Today, as we celebrate the 30th National Child Day, we renew our commitment to helping Canada’s children and youth in reaching their full potential and becoming the leaders of tomorrow.

“In 1993, the Government of Canada declared November 20 as National Child Day, coinciding with the fourth anniversary of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child. This day now serves as an annual reminder of Canada’s commitment to a world where children’s rights are protected and children are treated with respect and dignity.

“Building a healthy, safe, and secure country – where all children can live up to their full potential – remains a key priority for us. The Government of Canada has helped lift hundreds of thousands of children out of poverty through the Canada Child Benefit, which puts more money in the pockets of nine out of 10 families and helps with the increasing cost of raising children. We are delivering an early learning and child care system across all provinces and territories, which has cut fees for regulated child care to an average of $10-a-day or less in nearly half of all provinces and territories, and by 50 per cent or more in all others. And we launched the Canada Dental Benefit to deliver oral health care to children, because no one should have to choose between taking care of their kids’ teeth and putting food on the table.

“We are also working with provinces, territories, and Indigenous partners to ensure that First Nations, Inuit, and Métis children from coast to coast to coast can access the support and resources they need and deserve, so no child is left behind.

“When we invest in children, we invest in a brighter future. I invite everyone today to learn more about how they can celebrate National Child Day. Together, we will continue to work to build a more inclusive country for our kids, where they can reach their full potential with happiness, love, and opportunity.”

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