加拿大央行将政策利率下调25个基点至4.5% Bank of Canada reduces policy rate by 25 basis points to 4½%


Today, the Bank of Canada lowered its overnight interest rate to 4.5%. This is welcome news for Canadians and reflects our plan to responsibly create the economic conditions for interest rates to come down. Canada was the first G7 country to cut interest rates in June and is the first G7 country to cut interest rates twice.

This interest rate cut also follows the rate of inflation falling to 2.7% from its peak of 8.1% in June 2022. This marks the sixth straight month that inflation has remained below 3% and shows that our government’s work to stick to responsible fiscal targets is working. The Bank of Canada is also forecasting that as borrowing costs ease, GDP growth in Canada will increase in the second half of 2024 and through 2025.

With the easing of inflationary pressures, borrowing costs, and broad price pressures, our economy is showing signs of strengthening.

今天,加拿大央行将隔夜利率降至 4.5%。这对加拿大人来说是一个好消息,反映了我们以负责任的方式为利率下调创造经济条件的计划正在稳步实施。加拿大是第一个在 6 月份降息的 G7 国家,也是第一个两次降息的 G7 国家。

此次降息也是继通胀率从 2022 年 6 月的峰值 8.1% 降至 2.7% 之后的又一次降息。这标志着通胀率已连续第六个月保持在 3% 以下,表明我国政府在坚持负责任的财政目标方面的努力已见成效。加拿大央行还预测,随着借贷成本的降低,2024 年下半年至 2025 年加拿大的国内生产总值(GDP)增长率也将提高。



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