Markham Concludes Historic Chinese Heritage Month Celebration with Closing Ceremony Dinner Markham Concludes Historic Chinese Heritage Month Celebration with Closing Ceremony Dinner  万锦市以闭幕式晚宴结束历史性的华人文化月庆祝活动

[Markham, Ontario, February 22, 2025] – The City of Markham, the first municipality in Canada to officially proclaim February as Chinese Heritage Month, concluded a month-long celebration with a spectacular closing ceremony dinner at NKS Banquet Hall on February 22, 2025. 

Throughout February, Markham came alive with vibrant events and activities showcasing the rich contributions of the Chinese Canadian community. From cultural performances and art exhibitions to educational workshops and culinary experiences, the celebration highlighted the importance of cultural understanding and unity.

The closing ceremony brought together community leaders, performers, and residents for an unforgettable evening. Distinguished guests included Mr. Cheng Hongbo, Deputy Consul General of the Consulate General of the P.R. China in Toronto, and Vice Consul Ma Zhensong, who praised the City’s efforts in promoting cultural exchange.

The dinner, led by Founding Co-Chair Councillor Collucci, featured an array of outstanding performances, including the NeZha dance, QiPao show, poetry recitals, music performances, vibrant ethnic dances, custom clothing show, and face-changing performances, each reflecting the diversity of Chinese culture. The evening reached a heartwarming highlight as the Markham Chinese Heritage Month Committee founding members—Founding Chair Regional Councillor Joe Li, Founding Co-Chair Deputy Mayor Michael Chan, Founding Co-Chair Councillor Amanda Yeung Collucci, Founding Co-Chair Councillor Isa Lee, and Founding Co-Chair Councillor Ritch Lau—took the stage for a special performance of “Descendants of the Dragon,” symbolizing the pride and unity of the Chinese Canadian community.


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“This month has reminded us of the power of cultural understanding in creating a more inclusive Markham,” said Regional Councillor Joe Li, Founding Chairperson of the Markham Chinese Heritage Month Committee. “As part of this historic moment, let us spread the message of cultural appreciation, education, and unity as we celebrate the rich legacy of the Chinese community in our region.”

图片包含 室内, 桌子, 建筑, 站

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“Chinese Heritage Month is a time to reflect on and honor the rich cultural contributions and accomplishments of Chinese Canadians. Their resilience, perseverance, and impact are evident across all areas of Canadian society, from arts and culture to science, politics, and community building,” said Councillor Amanda Yeung Collucci, Founding Co-Chair and Chairperson of the closing dinner event.

The Founding Committee extends its heartfelt thanks to the Honorary Chair Mayor Frank Scarpitti for his unwavering support in promoting diversity, inclusivity, and unity in one of Canada’s most diverse cities. As the curtain falls on Chinese Heritage Month 2025, the City of Markham reaffirms its commitment to honoring cultural traditions and fostering unity among its diverse communities.

Held on Saturday February 8th, the first weekend of Markham’s Chinese Culture Month celebrations featured a showcase of traditional culture, including tea ceremony demonstrations, traditional Chinese medicine free clinics, calligraphy displays, and seminars on the evolution of Chinese characters. The event was held on Saturday, February 8, from 11 AM to 5 PM at the Markham Civic Centre.


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Chair of the weekend’s activities and Councillor for Ward 8, Isa Lee, expressed gratitude to community partners, as professors from the Ontario College of Traditional Chinese Medicine was on hand to share knowledge on traditional Chinese medicine, acupuncture, and pain management, as well as provide free clinics throughout the day. Natalie Chan, a scholar of Chinese linguistics at the Chinese Cultural Centre of Greater Toronto, explained the evolution of Chinese characters and demonstrated traditional Chinese paper-cutting arts. Tea ceremony expert Connie Fong from the Multicultural Tea Association showcased tea ceremony techniques and introduced the history of Chinese tea culture. Additionally, calligrapher Jeffrey Cheung demonstrated his skills by writing and gifting Spring Festival couplets. Participants showed strong enthusiasm, hoping that the event would continue next year with more themes and the display of other aspects of Chinese traditional culture.


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Markham is the first municipality to proclaim February as Chinese Heritage Month. Regional Councillor Joe Li who led the proclamation, stated that this event is not only an opportunity to celebrate Chinese cultural heritage but also a platform to educate the next generation and foster community connections.
Markham Mayor Frank Scarpitti

Joe Li, Markham & York Regional Councillor, Founding Chairperson        
Founding Co-Chair Michael Chan, Deputy Mayor, Markham &
York Regional Councillor
Founding Co-Chair Ritch Lau, Markham Ward 2 Councillor
Founding Co-Chair Amanda Yeung Collucci, Markham Ward 6 Councillor
Founding Co-Chair Isa Lee, Markham Ward 8 Councillor

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[万锦市,2025 年 2 月 22 日] – 万锦市是加拿大第一个正式宣布二月为中华文化月的城市,今晚在 NKS 宴会厅举行的萬錦中華文化月闭幕晚宴,为此次文化月的庆祝活动画上完美的句号。



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“这次中华文化月让我们感受到,文化的融会贯通对于打造一个更具包容性的万锦市的重要性。” 萬錦中华文化月创始主席、约克区区议员李国贤说。“作为这一历史性时刻的一部分,在我们庆祝本区的华人社区的文化传承的同时,推动文化的理解、教育和统一。”

“中华文化月也是认同和表彰加拿大华裔在文化方面贡献和成就的好时机。从艺术和文化到科学、政治和社区建设,他们的百折不挠、坚持不懈的精神及其深远影响,在加拿大社会的各个领域,举足轻重。” 创始联席主席兼闭幕晚宴主席、市议员杨绮清表示。

万锦市是加拿大最多元化城市之一。创始委员会衷心感谢名誉主席薛家平市长对促进多样性、包容性和统一性的鼎力支持。随着 2025 年中华文化月落下帷幕,万锦市重申其尊重文化传统和促进多元化社区团结的承诺。
千里之行,始于足下。回顾此次萬錦中华文化月第2个周末的庆祝活动,着重展示传统文化,包括茶道表演、中医义诊、书法表演和汉字演变研讨会。该活动于 2 月 8 日星期六上午 11 点至下午 5 点在万锦市政厅举行。

此次周末活动主席、第八区议员李思韵对社区合作伙伴表示感谢,活动Natalia Chen讲解了汉字的演变,并展示了中国传统剪纸艺术。来自多元文化茶协会的茶道专家Connie Fong表演了茶道技艺并介绍了中国茶文化的历史。此外,书法家Jeffrey Cheung展现了其深厚的书法功力,他游刃有余的现场书写春联,赠与活动参与者。 活动好评如潮,参与者都希望明年的活动能够继续举办,可以延伸出更多的主题,展示更多的中国传统文化。

AI 生成的内容可能不正确。一群人站在桌子边

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名誉 创始主席:​​​ Markham Mayor Frank Scarpitti

Joe Li, Markham & York Regional Councillor,
创始共同主席Michael Chan, Deputy Mayor, Markham & York Regional Councillor
创始共同主席Ritch Lau, Markham Ward 2 Councillor
创始共同主席Amanda Yeung Collucci, Markham Ward 6 Councillor
创始共同主席Isa Lee, Markham Ward 8 Councillor

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AI 生成的内容可能不正确。 人站在舞台上

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图片包含 室内, 橙子, 桌子, 食物

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图片包含 室内, 桌子, 看着, 大

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图片包含 运动, 室内, 建筑, 骑

AI 生成的内容可能不正确。 图片包含 室内, 桌子, 男人, 站

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AI 生成的内容可能不正确。 人们在房间里

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AI 生成的内容可能不正确。

AI 生成的内容可能不正确。 图片包含 室内, 活, 建筑, 桌子

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AI 生成的内容可能不正确。 一群人站在台上

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