


长期护理部长保罗-卡兰德拉(Paul Calandra)说:”我们的政府有一个解决长期护理的计划,该计划的关键部分是为我们的老年人建造现代化的、安全和舒适的家园。

Don Valley North当河谷北选区安省议员柯文彬发言








北约克综合医院理事会主席伯特-克拉克(Bert Clark)

“保障老年人的健康和福祉是我和我所在的当河谷北地区人民的首要任务。有一个全新的384张床位的长期护理院位于NY GH的地产上,将提高许多老年人的医疗保健质量。北约克综合医院已经赢得了社区的信任,这个好消息值得庆祝。”


安省议员柯文彬 Don Valley North当河谷北

“建造一个拥有384张床位的长期护理院,对整个北约克地区,特别是对我所在的Don Valley North当河谷北选区来说是个好消息。随着迁入北约克的人数增加和人口老龄化,现在比以往任何时候都更需要对长期护理床位进行投资。这些新的床位将意味着更多的人可以继续住在北约克,他们称之为家的地方。”

Willowdale议员Stan Cho

* 截至今天,安大略省现在有26,250个新床位和21,880个升级床位在开发管道中 – 这意味着超过87%的30,000个净新床位正在开发过程中的规划、建设和开放阶段。

* 安大略省计划从2024-25年开始,在已经投资的26.8亿加元的基础上,再投资37亿加元,以支持这一系列新的拨款,在全省范围内开发10,000个净新床位和12,000多个升级的床位。这些历史性的投资将使自2019年春季以来的总额达到64亿元。

* 安大略省正在向长期护理院提供8.68亿加元的额外资金,以帮助保护居民、工作人员和护理人员的健康和安全,并确保居民得到他们需要和应该得到的护理。这笔资金将涵盖2021-2022年COVID-19的特殊费用。其中3.28亿美元主要用于解决为应对Omicron变体而颁布的强化措施。

Ontario Building New Long-Term Care Home in Toronto

Ongoing investments in new proiects Will bring much-needed beds to the province.

TORONTO– The Ontario government is building a new 384-bed long-term care home at. North

York General Hospital in Toronto. This is part of the govemment’s $6.4 billion commitment to build more than 30,000 net new beds by 2028 and 28,000 upgraded long-term care beds across the province.

“Our government has a plan to fix long-term care and a key part of that plan is building modern,

safe, and comfortable homes for our seniors, ” said Paul Calandra, Minister of Long-Term Care.

“When this home in Toronto is completed, 384 residents will have a new place to call home, near

their family and friends”

North York General Hospital is proposing to locate a state-of-the-art long-term care home on hospital property. It will be part of a campus of care which integrates the home into the broader

health care system and helps ensure residents have access to the care they need. The home has

also proposed to offer specialized behavioural support and convalescent care services.

The brand new 384-bed home includes an allocation for 192 new beds and 160 upgraded beds which are currently located in a long-term care home within the hospital’s Seniors’ Health Centre.An additional 32 upgraded beds will come from the home’s current location and are being funded by the hospital. Each new bed means more people can receive the care they need near their loved ones. Each redeveloped bed means that those already receiving care will be able to move into a brand-new home.

Construction is expected to start in spring 2024 and be completed in summer 2026. The home will

be licensed to and operated by North York General Hospital. This project is one of the many not-for-profit projects already underway in Ontario. In total, there are now 126 not-for-profit projects, including municipal homes, in development or under construction in Ontario. Of these projects, 23 are located in Toronto.

The government has a plan to fix long-term care and to ensure Ontario’s seniors get the quality of

care and quality of life they need and deserve both now and in the future. The plan is built on three pillars: staffing and care; accountability, enforcement, and transparency; and building modern, safe, comfortable homes for seniors.


“We thank the Ontario Goverment for your fonward-thinking investment in seniors’ health. NYGH’s new, leading-edge long-term care home Will be che_or the largest in Toronto and designed based on learning from the COVID-19 crisis. Our goal into create, an environment that any of us would wan? our parents and loved ones to live in should they need this level of support”

Bert Clark, Chair of North York General Hospital’s Board of Governors

“Safeguarding the health and well-being of seniors is a priority for me and the people in my riding of Don Valley North. Having a brand new 384-bed long-term care home located on the NY GH property Will enhance the quality of health care for many seniors. North York General Hospital has earned the trust of the community and this great news is worthy of celebration.”

Vincent Ke, MPP for Don Valley North

“Building a 384-bed long-term care home is great news for the entire North York area, especially for my riding of Willowdale. As the number of people who move into North York increases and as our population ages, investments in long-term care beds are needed now more than ever. These new beds will mean more people can continue to live in North York, where they call home.”

Stan Cho, MPP for Willowdale


* As of today, Ontario now has 26,250 new and 21,880 upgraded beds in the development pipeline – which means more than 87 percent of the 30,000 net new beds being delivered are inthe planning, construction and opening stages of the development process.

* Ontario plans to invest an additional $3.7 billion, beginning in 2024-25, on top of the historic $2.68 billion already invested, to support this new series of allocations for the development of 10,000 net new and more than 12,000 upgraded beds across the province. These historic investments would bring the total to $6. 4 billion since spring 2019.

* Ontario is providing long-term care homes with $868 million in additional funding to help protectthe health and safety of residents, staff and caregivers, and to ensure residents get the care they need and deserve. This funding will cover the extraordinary costs of COVID-19 in 2021-2022. $328 million of it is being used primarily to address the enhanced mesures enacted in response to the Omicron variant.

【记者 杨星明】

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