加拿大为75岁以上长者调升老年保金Increase to the Old Age Security pension for seniors aged 75 years and older begins next week 

加拿大为75岁以上长者调升老年保金Increase to the Old Age Security pension for seniors aged 75 years and older begins next week 


7月21日,联邦长者事务部长卡玛尔·凯拉(Kamal Khera)阁下、加拿大文化部长兼魁北克专员巴布罗·罗德里格斯(Pablo Rodriguez)阁下共同宣布:75岁及以上之长者的老年保障(Old Age Security, OAS)养老金将永久性地调升10%。这意味着全额获得这项养老金的长者将在第一年获得超过800元的额外收入。 




  • 将领取老年保障金(OAS)和低收入保障补助金(GIS)的资格年龄从67岁恢复到65岁; 
  • 增强未来退休人士的加拿大养老金计划(CPP); 
  • 增加单身老人的GIS。 
  • 提高GIS的收入豁免额; 
  • 修订《老年保障法》,将联邦的疫情大流行救助补贴排除在GIS/老年津贴的计算收入之外。 


长者事务部长卡玛尔·凯拉(Kamal Khera)阁下: 


加拿大文化部长兼魁北克专员巴布罗·罗德里格斯(Pablo Rodriguez)阁下: 


Groupe Sélection创始总裁及首席执行官Réal Bouclin: 



  • 老年保障金(OAS)项目的目标是确保老年人的最低收入,并帮助减少加拿大老年人的低收入情况。OAS福利包括:OAS养老金(OAS pension),支付给所有符合居住要求的65岁及以上的个人;低收入保障补助金(GIS),提供给低收入的老年人;以及配偶津贴(Allowances),提供给GIS领取人的配偶或普通法伴侣(或领取人的寡妇或鳏夫)、年龄在60至64岁的低收入加拿大人士。 
  • 所有的OAS福利都按季度(1月、4月、7月和10月)进行通胀指数调节,因此,即使在价格上涨的情况下,它们也能保持价值。OAS福利的增加是使用消费者价格指数(CPI)计算的,该指数衡量加拿大消费者为商品和服务支付的价格变化。消费者价格指数是加拿大最广泛使用的价格变化指标。如果商品和服务的成本下降,OAS福利不会减少。OAS的支付金额只会增加或保持不变。 
  • 2022年7月,依照每季度的指数调节,OAS的最高福利增加了2.8%。 
  • 老年人是全国人口增长最快的部分之一,85岁及以上的人口预计将在未来25年内增加两倍。 
  • 2018年,在75岁及以上的OAS养老金领取者中,收入低于3万加元的人占59%,而在65至74岁年龄段这部分人占52%。 
  • 2020年,在75岁及以上的OAS养老金领取者中,39%的人获得了GIS,而65至74岁的人中,29%的人获得了GIS。 
  • 2020年,在75岁及以上的OAS养老金领取者中,57%是女性,而65岁至74岁的人中有52%是女性。 



Increase to the Old Age Security pension for

seniors aged 75 years and older begins next


The Government of Canada is committed to supporting seniors after a lifetime of hard

work. That’s why the Government of Canada has taken historic measures to improve

financial security for the oldest seniors.

Today, the Honourable Kamal Khera, Minister of Seniors, and the Honourable Pablo

Rodriguez, Minister of Canadian Heritage and Quebec Lieutenant, announced that the

Old Age Security (OAS) pension has permanently increased by 10% for seniors aged

75 and over. This means that full pensioners will get more than $800 extra over the first


This will be the first permanent increase to the OAS pension since 1973, other than

adjustments due to inflation. It will strengthen the financial security of 3.3 million seniors.

Eligible seniors will not have to take any action to receive this increase—their payments

will be automatically increased.

This increase follows a one-time payment of $500 that the Government of Canada

provided in August 2021 to seniors who were eligible for the OAS pension in June 2021

and born on or before June 30, 1947. The one-time payment was provided to help

address the immediate needs of this group of seniors. Both measures were announced

in Budget 2021.

These measures are part of broader work to support the financial security of seniors of

all ages, including the following:

· restoring the age of eligibility for the OAS pension and the Guaranteed Income

Supplement (GIS) to 65 from 67;

· enhancing the Canada Pension Plan for future retirees;

· increasing the GIS for single seniors;

· raising the GIS earnings exemption; and

· amending the Old Age Security Act to exclude federal pandemic benefits from

the calculation of income for GIS/Allowance purposes.


―The permanent increase to the OAS pension will help provide older seniors with

greater financial security now and in the future. Younger seniors—and all Canadians—

can enjoy greater peace of mind while planning their retirement finances, knowing they

will be able to count on more support from the OAS pension in their later years.‖

– The Honourable Kamal Khera, Minister of Seniors

―Today’s announcement is further evidence of our concrete commitment to deliver for

seniors in Quebec and across Canada. Since the beginning of the pandemic, we’ve

promised not to leave anyone behind and that’s what we’ve done, through a one-time

payment and various programs that have made a real difference for seniors in our

communities. Now that we’re talking about recovery, we are making that commitment

again and we’ll do what it takes to ensure all Canadians can age safely and with dignity.

We will always continue to work to deliver for seniors!‖

– The Honourable Pablo Rodriguez, Minister of Canadian Heritage and Quebec


―The mental, physical and financial security of seniors must remain a priority for all

governments. Groupe Sélection is happy to see the increase of the OAS for those 75

and over and will always be there to support measures that improve the quality of life of

older Canadians.‖

– Réal Bouclin, Founding President and Chief Executive Officer of Groupe Sélection

Quick facts

· The objective of the OAS program is to ensure a minimum income for seniors

and help reduce the incidence of low income among Canada’s seniors. The OAS

benefits include: the OAS pension, which is paid to all individuals aged 65 and

older who meet the residence requirements; the GIS for low-income seniors; and

the Allowances for low-income Canadians aged 60 to 64 who are the spouses or

common-law partners of GIS recipients, or who are widowed or widowers.

· All OAS benefits are indexed, on a quarterly basis (in January, April, July and

October), so that they maintain their value over time, even as prices increase.

Increases to OAS benefits are calculated using the Consumer Price Index, which

measures changes in prices paid by Canadian consumers for goods and

services. The Consumer Price Index is the mostly widely used indicator of price

changes in Canada. If the cost of goods and services goes down, OAS benefits

do not decrease. OAS payment amounts will only increase or stay the same.

· In July 2022, as a result of quarterly indexation, maximum OAS benefits

increased by 2.8%.

· Older seniors make up one of the country’s fastest-growing demographics, and

the population of people aged 85 and over is expected to triple over the next 25


· In 2018, among OAS pensioners aged 75 and over, 59% had incomes below

$30,000, compared to 52% of those aged 65 to 74.

· In 2020, 39% of OAS pensioners aged 75 and over received the GIS, compared

to 29% of those aged 65 to 74.

· In 2020, among OAS pensioners aged 75 and over, 57% were women,

compared to 52% among those aged 65 to 74.

Related products

· Backgrounder: Government of Canada financial supports for seniors

· Backgrounder: Increased costs for older seniors

Associated links

· Old Age Security

· Guaranteed Income Supplement

· Consumer price index portal

· Budget 2021

· Older seniors to receive one-time payment of $500 next week


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