特鲁多总理发表声明,谈教宗方济各向加拿大寄宿学校幸存者发表个人道歉 Statement by the Prime Minister on the personal apology delivered by His Holiness Pope Francis to Survivors of the residential school system in Canada 



提醒:如果您需要找人倾诉,全国寄宿学校危机热线为寄宿学校幸存者及其家人提供情感支持和危机转诊服务。请拨打免费的危机热线(Crisis Line1-866-925-4419。这项服务每天24小时,每周7天提供。希望健康帮助热线Hope for Wellness Help Line)也为所有原住民提供支持。辅导员可通过电话或在线聊天提供服务。这项服务以英语和法语提供,如有需要,也可提供克里语、奥吉布韦语和伊努克图特语。请拨打免费帮助热线1-855-242-3310或连接到在线聊天:www.hopeforwellness.ca 

7月25日,贾斯廷·特鲁多(Justin Trudeau)总理就教宗方济各(Pope Francis)宗座向加拿大寄宿学校体系的幸存者作出的个人道歉发表如下声明: 

“今天,教宗方济各宗座来到马斯克瓦西斯(Maskwacîs),这里是《第六条约》的土地、是第一民族和梅蒂斯人的传统领地。教宗在那里承认了原住民在寄宿学校所经历的虐待,这些虐待导致了文化破坏、生命损失、并对本国所有地区的原住民造成依然持续的创伤。教宗恳请 “宽恕这么多基督徒对原住民犯下的罪恶”。 


“2015年,真相与和解委员会(Truth and Reconciliation Commission, TRC)发布了最终报告——提出了94项行动呼吁,旨在解决和修复在寄宿学校所遭受的伤害。其中的第58号行动呼吁,针对天主教管理的寄宿学校对第一民族、因纽特人和梅蒂斯人儿童的精神、文化、情感、身体和性虐待,特别呼吁教宗就罗马天主教会所起的作用向幸存者、他们的家人和社区道歉。自报告发布以来,第一民族、因纽特人和梅蒂斯人一直要求教皇履行这一呼吁。今年早些时候,幸存者、原住民领袖和青年前往梵蒂冈,直接向对此事负有责任的机构之一讲述了他们的真相,并敦促天主教会全面道歉,这是勇敢和决心的巨大展示。如果没有第一民族、因纽特人和梅蒂斯人幸存者的勇气、倡导和坚持不懈的努力,讲述他们痛苦的回忆并分享他们的经历,今天在马斯克瓦西斯的聚会就不可能实现。 




Statement by the Prime Minister on the personal apology delivered by His Holiness Pope Francis to Survivors of the residential school system in Canada

If you need someone to talk to, a National Residential School Crisis Line offers

emotional support and crisis referral services for residential school Survivors and their families. Call the toll-free Crisis Line at 1-866-925-4419. This service is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. The Hope for Wellness Help Line also offers support to all Indigenous Peoples. Counsellors are available by phone or online chat. This service is available in English and French, and, upon request, in Cree, Ojibway, and Inuktitut. Call the toll-free Help Line at 1-855-242-3310 or connect to the online chat at www.hopeforwellness.ca.

The Prime Minister, Justin Trudeau, today issued the following statement on the personal apology delivered by His Holiness Pope Francis to Survivors of the residential school system in Canada:

“Today, His Holiness Pope Francis was in Maskwacîs, situated on Treaty 6 territory, traditional lands of First Nations and Métis people, where he recognized the abuses experienced at residential schools that resulted in cultural destruction, loss of life, and ongoing trauma lived by Indigenous Peoples in every region of this country. His Holiness begged „forgiveness for the evil committed by so many Christians against Indigenous Peoples.‟

“The residential school system attempted to assimilate Indigenous children, forcing them to abandon their languages, cultures, spiritualities, traditions, and identities. Over 150,000 children were taken from their families and communities to attend residential schools. Many suffered physical, emotional, and sexual abuse, and thousands of children never returned home. The painful legacy of the residential school system lives on today.

“In 2015, the Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC) released its final report –delivering 94 Calls to Action to address and repair the harms endured at residential schools. Call to Action #58 specifically calls upon the Pope to issue an apology to Survivors, their families, and communities for the Roman Catholic Church‟s role in the spiritual, cultural, emotional, physical, and sexual abuse of First Nations, Inuit, and Métis children in Catholic-run residential schools. Since its release, First Nations, Inuit, and Métis have asked the Pope to fulfill this call. Earlier this year, in an immense display of bravery and determination, Survivors, Indigenous leaders, and youth travelled to the

Vatican to tell their truths directly to one of the institutions responsible and urged the Catholic Church for a full apology. Today‟s gathering at Maskwacîs would not have been possible without the courage, advocacy, and perseverance of First Nations, Inuit, and Métis Survivors who recounted their painful memories and shared their experiences.

“Today is about the children who were taken from their families and robbed of their childhoods. The intergenerational impacts of residential schools continue to reverberate within Indigenous communities today, as Survivors, their families, and their communities continue to deal with the resulting trauma. The Government of Canada will continue to support their healing journey and remains committed to fully implementing the TRC‟s Calls to Action.

“Reconciliation is the responsibility of all Canadians. It is our responsibility to be open, to listen, and to share. It is our responsibility to see our differences not as an obstacle, but as an opportunity to learn, to better understand one another, and to take action. No one must ever forget what happened at residential schools across Canada and we must all ensure it never happens again. In the spirit of reconciliation and healing, together we will build a better future – for Indigenous Peoples and all Canadians.”

 July 25, 2022  Maskwacîs, Alberta   Prime Minister‟s Office

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