特鲁多总理与教宗方济各宗座举行会谈 Prime Minister Justin Trudeau meets with His Holiness Pope Francis



提醒:如果您需要找人倾诉,全国寄宿学校危机热线为寄宿学校幸存者及其家人提供情感支持和危机转诊服务。请拨打免费的危机热线(Crisis Line1-866-925-4419。这项服务每天24小时,每周7天提供。希望健康帮助热线Hope for Wellness Help Line)也为所有原住民提供支持。辅导员可通过电话或在线聊天提供服务。这项服务以英语和法语提供,如有需要,也可提供克里语、奥吉布韦语和伊努克图特语。请拨打免费帮助热线1-855-242-3310或连接到在线聊天:www.hopeforwellness.ca 

7月27日,贾斯廷·特鲁多(Justin Trudeau)总理在魁北克城堡会见了教宗方济各(Pope Francis)宗座和教廷国务卿伯多禄·帕罗林枢机。 


在谈及教宗方济各于周一在艾伯塔省马斯克瓦西斯(Maskwacîs)向幸存者、他们的家庭和社区做个人道歉之后,总理、教宗方济各和帕罗林枢机讨论了罗马天主教会继续与第一民族、因纽特人和梅蒂斯人进行有意义接触的重要性,这将促进愈合及和解。他们还讨论了教会有必要采取具体行动归还原住民文物、提供住宿学校的文件、解决 “发现论 “(Doctrine of Discovery)问题、并确保为幸存者伸张正义(包括里瓦Rivoire的案件)。总理强调,加拿大政府一直致力于与原住民和加拿大的所有人共同开辟一条新的、更好的发展道路。 



If you need someone to talk to, a National Residential School Crisis Line offers emotional

support and crisis referral services for residential school Survivors and their families. Call the

toll-free Crisis Line at 1-866-925-4419. This service is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

The Hope for Wellness Help Line also offers support to all Indigenous Peoples. Counsellors are

available by phone or online chat. This service is available in English and French, and, upon

request, in Cree, Ojibway, and Inuktitut. Call the toll-free Help Line at 1-855-242-3310 or

connect to the online chat at www.hopeforwellness.ca.

Yesterday, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau met with His Holiness Pope Francis and the Secretary

of State of the Holy See, Cardinal Pietro Parolin, at the Citadelle of Quebec.

Prime Minister Trudeau thanked Pope Francis for visiting Canada to engage with Indigenous

Peoples on their ancestral lands, acknowledge the truths about the residential school system, and

recognize its painful legacy for First Nations, Inuit, and Métis peoples in Canada.

Following the personal apology Pope Francis delivered to Survivors, their families, and

communities on Monday, in Maskwacîs, Alberta, the Prime Minister, Pope Francis, and Cardinal

Parolin discussed the importance of the Roman Catholic Church’s continued meaningful

engagement with First Nations, Inuit, and Métis in advancing healing and reconciliation. They

also discussed the need for the Church to take concrete action to repatriate Indigenous artefacts,

provide access to residential schools documents, address the Doctrine of Discovery, and ensure

justice for Survivors, including for the Rivoire case. The Prime Minister underlined the

Government of Canada’s ongoing commitment to chart a new and better path forward with

Indigenous Peoples and everyone in Canada.

Prime Minister Trudeau and Pope Francis also discussed unprecedented global challenges,

including peace and security in Ukraine and the global impacts of food insecurity, in particular

for the world’s most vulnerable. The Prime Minister and the Secretary of State also exchanged

views on issues of mass migration and climate change, and looked forward to further

strengthening relations between Canada and the Holy See.

Associated Links

· Canada and the Holy See

· Statement by the Prime Minister welcoming His Holiness Pope Francis’ upcoming visit

to Canada

· Statement by the Prime Minister on the personal apology delivered by His Holiness Pope

Francis to Survivors of the residential school system in Canada

· Statement by the Prime Minister on the apology from His Holiness Pope Francis

regarding the residential school system in Canada

· Pope Francis in Canada

July 28, 2022 Quebec City, Quebec Prime Minister’s Office

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