攻击性武器回购计划,公共安全部长马守诺公布拟议定价模式Minister Mendicino announces proposed pricing model for assault-style firearms buyback program


7月28日,公共安全部部长马守诺(Marco Mendicino)阁下宣布,政府在出台强制性回购计划方面迈出了重要一步。联邦政府公布了拟议的价格表,其中详细说明了枪支被回购时所有者将得到的补偿。政府欢迎枪支所有者对拟议清单提出意见和见解,日期是从现在到2022年8月28日。这次咨询的目的是听取枪支所有者、企业和业界对拟议补偿金额的意见。 

没有任何一项计划或举措可以单独应对枪支暴力的挑战。正因如此,禁止和回购(攻击性武器)是联邦政府保护加拿大人安全之综合全面计划中的两个要素。这个综合全面计划从我们的边境开始:我们在边境增加资源用于打击走私并阻止枪支进入加拿大。我们还投资犯罪预防计划,以枪支犯罪的根本原因着手,将其阻止在尚未开始之前。最后,我们最近还提出了《C-21法案》——这是一代人以来加拿大对枪支暴力采取之最重大的行动。这个法案包括在全国范围内冻结手枪所有权,制定新的 “红旗 “法律以阻止家庭暴力,并对有组织犯罪做出更严厉的处罚。 


公共安全部部长马守诺(Marco Mendicino)阁下: 



  • 个人参加回购计划是必须的,将由政府出资使他们拥有的攻击型枪支无法使用,或以其他方式进行合法处置。 
  • 此次为个人枪支所有者制定的拟议价格表,反映了加拿大人在2020年5月之前可能为攻击型枪支支付的费用。 
  • 对于参与回购计划的企业,我们正在制定另外一个独特的补偿模式。今年夏天还将就此进行具体的公共咨询。 
  • 赦免令(Amnesty Order)的有效期将至2023年10月30日,以保护目前拥有被禁枪支的合法所有者,允许他们在不用承担刑事责任的同时采取必要步骤遵守法律。 
  • 补偿模式和其他相关计划细节将在未来几个月内最终确定,并将联系所有已知的枪支所有者,通知他们如何参与回购计划。 



Canadians deserve to feel safe in their communities. That is why the Government of

Canada developed a comprehensive plan that gets firearms off our streets and puts

more resources into our communities. A central part of this work is a ban on assault-

style firearms, like AR-15s. Since May 2020, our Government has prohibited more than

1,500 different models of assault-style firearms from being used or sold in Canada.

Beyond just banning these firearms, the Government has also committed

to establishing a buyback program to remove assault-style firearms from our

communities for good.

The Honourable Marco Mendicino, Minister of Public Safety, today announced a

significant step in the development of the mandatory buyback program. The

Government published the proposed price list, which details the compensation that

owners would receive when their firearms are bought back. The Government welcomes

the opinions and insights of firearms owners on the proposed list, from now until August

28, 2022. The goal of this consultation is to receive input from firearms owners,

businesses and industry on the proposed compensation amounts.

No single program or initiative can tackle the challenge of gun violence on its own. That

is why the ban and buyback are two of the many elements in the Government’s

comprehensive plan to keep Canadians safe. This begins at our borders, where we’ve

added resources to fight smuggling and stop guns from coming into Canada. We’re

investing in prevention programs to tackle the root causes of gun crime and stop it

before it starts. Finally, we recently introduced Bill C-21 – the most significant action on

gun violence in Canada in a generation – which includes a national freeze on handgun

ownership, new “red flag” laws to stop domestic violence, and tougher penalties for

organized crime.


“Put simply, assault-style firearms, like the AR-15, do not belong in Canada. By design,

their purpose is to kill as many people as possible, which is why our Government took

the bold step of banning them from our country, once and for all. Today’s proposed

price list represents another step towards getting these dangerous firearms out of

Canadian communities while ensuring current firearms owners are compensated fairly.”

– The Honourable Marco Mendicino, Minister of Public Safety

Quick facts

· It will be mandatory for individuals to participate in the buyback program, have

their assault-style firearms rendered inoperable at the Government’s expense, or

otherwise lawfully disposed.

· The proposed price list for individual firearms owners was developed to reflect

what Canadians may have paid for an assault-style firearm prior to May 2020.

· A separate and distinct compensation model for businesses that participate in the

buyback program is in development. Specific consultations will also occur this


· An Amnesty Order is in place until October 30, 2023, to protect lawful owners of

now prohibited firearms from criminal liability while they take the necessary steps

to comply with the law.

· The compensation models and other program details will be finalized in the

coming months, and all known firearm owners will be contacted about how they

can participate in the buyback program.

Related products

· Share your thoughts: proposed pricing model for the assault-style firearms buyback


· Further strengthening our gun control laws

· Prime Minister announces ban on assault-style firearms

· Government takes action to prevent gun violence with $250 million Building Safer

Communities Fund

Associated links

· Bill C-21, An Act to amend certain Acts and to make certain consequential amendments


· A comprehensive strategy to address gun violence and strengthen gun laws in Canada:

BILL C-21, An Act to amend certain Acts and to make certain consequential

amendments (firearms)

· Homicide in Canada, 2020

· Trends in firearm-related violence crime in Canada, 2009 to 2020

· Firearms

From: Public Safety Canada

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