联邦、各省区移民部长会晤,共同规划加拿大移民体系未来 Federal, provincial and territorial immigration Ministers meet to plan for the future of Canada’s immigration system 

2022728新布伦瑞克省圣约翰市-加拿大“移民事务主管部长论坛”(FMRI)于本周四举行会议,考虑未来移民加拿大的机会,并商议全加拿大范围劳动力短缺的应对措施。为满足全国经济和各地区需求,加拿大主管移民事务的部长们讨论了如何最大限度地提高移民体系的有效性,包括增加省/地区(PT)在移民选择过程中的参与以及对“快速通道”(Express Entry)现代化的投入、避免重复、增加省/地区提名计划(PNP)的名额、并在2023年3月31日前及时提供多年度的移民名额分配。部长们谈到了在乌克兰遭到全面入侵以及阿富汗人道主义危机之后的加拿大移民应对行动、联邦-省/区(FPT)吸引移民以满足劳动力市场和人口需求的措施、以及最近的移民安置和融合方面的工作。 










关于“移民部长论坛”FMRI“移民事务主管部长论坛”(Forum of Ministers Responsible for Immigration)是一个联邦-省/区联合的决策机构,目标是支持加拿大灵活、及时和有效的移民系统。2020年,联邦及各省区部长们确立了加拿大移民的愿景和FMRI的使命。该愿景阐明了协调合作打造一个移民系统的战略计划,要加强移民对加拿大所有地区的积极经济和社会效益。FMRI的使命是促进共同的移民优先事项,并增强加拿大的移民政策和服务项目。 


联邦移民、难民及公民部长、移民事务主管部长论坛联邦共同主席肖恩·弗雷泽(Sean Fraser)阁下: 


新布伦瑞克省负责移民事务部长、负责机会事务部长阿琳·邓恩(Arlene Dunn)阁下: 


News release

July 28, 2022—Saint John, NB—The Forum of Ministers Responsible for Immigration

(FMRI), met today to consider opportunities for the future of immigration to Canada and

initiatives to respond to pan-Canadian labour shortages. Ministers discussed ways to

maximize the effectiveness of the immigration system to meet economic and regional

needs, including increasing provincial/territorial (PT) involvement in the selection

process and input into Express Entry modernization, avoiding duplication, increasing the

allocations of the Provincial/Territorial Nominee Programs (PNPs) and providing timely

multi-year allocations before March 31st, 2023. Ministers had conversations about

Canada’s immigration response to the full-scale invasion of Ukraine and the

humanitarian crisis in Afghanistan, federal-provincial/territorial (FPT) measures to attract

immigrants to meet labour market and demographic needs, and recent settlement and

integration efforts.

Ministers examined the progress made towards achieving the FPT Strategic Plan for

Immigration (SPI) 2020-2023 and reaffirmed their commitment to ensuring the

immigration system is an effective tool for economic recovery, protecting the world’s

most vulnerable populations, and helping newcomers fully participate and succeed in a

welcoming Canadian society. Ministers supported greater FPT collaboration on

temporary resident settlement services, immigration policies, and programs and

pathways to transition from a temporary status to permanent residency.

Canada’s immigration Ministers condemned Russia’s invasion of Ukraine and

reaffirmed their commitment to welcoming and supporting displaced Ukrainians and

their family members who are fleeing violence. FPT governments have collectively

taken action to respond to both the humanitarian crisis in Afghanistan and Russia’s

invasion of Ukraine, including expediting the travel of displaced Ukrainians to Canada

and extending access to services Ukrainians need to live, work or study. Ministers

recognized that although Ukrainians coming to Canada as temporary residents are

already contributing to their new communities, many require substantive supports. PTs

also recognized that many Ukrainians are seeking permanent residency and expressed

the need for greater federal resources to ensure Ukrainians’ successful arrival and


Additionally, from coast to coast to coast, Canada welcomed close to 17,000 Afghan

Refugees. The FMRI emphasized the need for a collaborative approach among

governments to ensure these newcomers are welcomed in a coordinated and

comprehensive manner.

Over the last year, immigration continued to contribute to population and economic

growth in Canada. Ministers took stock of the joint FPT efforts to welcome and settle

over 405,000 immigrants in 2021, a record number. FPT consultations on shared

priorities for the immigration levels plan remain a cornerstone of Canada’s immigration

system. Ministers recognized the need to build on consultation efforts and seek views

more effectively from stakeholders, partners and Indigenous Peoples.

The FMRI discussed the necessity of improving federal immigration processing times.

Ministers reflected on the outcomes of federal special measures introduced during the

pandemic and agreed that going forward, short-term immigration strategies must be

consistent with longer term objectives. It will be important to monitor and understand the

impacts of current and emerging pressures on the immigration system, such as a

growing demand for housing and social services, when planning for the future.

Ministers recognized that Canada has one of the most comprehensive and facilitative

immigration systems in the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development

(OECD) though opportunities for enhancement remain. Reflecting on the increasing

complexity of the economic immigration system, Ministers agreed on the need for a

more agile, client-centered system. Ministers acknowledged the essential roles and

responsibilities of federal and PT governments in Canada’s immigration system, and

highlighted the importance of working together so programs are complementary and

flexible. Ministers recognized that it is essential for federal and PT governments to

collaborate to achieve regional economic immigration objectives. Ministers highlighted

that PT knowledge of real-time regional labour market needs is an advantage that must

be leveraged.

Furthermore, Ministers considered ways to meet regional needs and increase

immigration to Canada’s smaller and rural or remote communities including mapping

and coordinating economic and settlement capacity across the country, taking stock of

the lessons learned from the Atlantic Immigration Program (AIP) and the Rural and

Northern Immigration Pilot (RNIP). The well established and successful PNP remains

the primary tool for regional economic immigration and allows for testing of new

approaches to meet a wide range of demographic and labour market needs. PT

Ministers called for timely increases in PNP allocations to help address increasing

labour needs in jurisdictions across the country and expressed unanimity over the need

for greater agency over the PNP programs and the selection process of economic


Ministers agreed to take steps to ensure public support for immigration remains strong,

and to continue to work together to ensure that long-term FPT immigration goals

contribute to Canada’s future prosperity. Ministers committed to a mid-term meeting in

advance of the annual FMRI Ministers Meeting.

Note: As requested by the Government of Quebec, the Quebec minister responsible for

immigration holds observer status at the Federal-Provincial/Territorial Ministers’ Table.

Under the Canada-Québec Accord, Quebec assumes sole responsibility for establishing

immigration levels, and for the selection, francization and integration of immigrants. In

areas under its responsibility, Quebec develops its policies and programs, and

legislates, regulates and sets its own standards.

About the FMRI: The Forum of Ministers Responsible for Immigration is an FPT

decision-making body with the goal of supporting a flexible, timely and effective

immigration system for Canada. In 2020, FPT Ministers established a vision for

immigration to Canada and a mission for the FMRI. The vision articulates a co-ordinated

strategic plan for a system that strengthens the positive economic and social benefits of

immigration in all parts of Canada. The FMRI’s mission is to advance joint immigration

priorities and to enhance Canada’s immigration policies and programs.


“Immigration is key to addressing labour shortages across our country and I am excited

about the productive discussions with the provinces and territories we’ve had here today.

As Canada continues to see increased demand of those seeking to live and work in

Canada, our governments will continue to work together to ensure our immigration

system can withstand the demand and meet the diverse needs of our clients. Our

collaborative efforts on immigration will help strengthen our post-COVID economic

recovery in the short term, while continuing to contribute to local economies and

communities in the long-term and bring the benefits of immigration from coast to coast

to coast.”

– The Honourable Sean Fraser, P.C., M.P., Minister of Immigration, Refugees and

Citizenship and federal co-chair of the Forum of Ministers responsible for Immigration.

“This joint meeting has allowed us to strategize on ways to streamline the immigration

process to help provinces and territories meet their labour market priorities while finding

ways to be more flexible in our approaches. We will continue to find ways to improve the

experience of all immigration candidates and employers throughout the immigration


– The Honourable Arlene Dunn, Minister Responsible for Immigration, Minister

Responsible for Opportunities New Brunswick.

From: Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada

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