加拿大边境服务局在卑诗省截获“幽灵枪”CBSA seizes “ghost guns” in British Columbia

加拿大边境服务局(CBSA)专注于打击边境上的涉枪犯罪,全力打击有组织犯罪。8 月 3 日,加拿大边境服务局不列颠哥伦比亚省分局宣布:通过在国际邮件中心截获的线索,在卑诗省内陆地区查获了两起重大 “幽灵枪”案件。

通过邮件进口 3D 打印的枪支部件,是一个严重的问题。一旦进入加拿大,没有执照的人就会利用这些零件来组装 “幽灵枪”(ghost gun)——即没有序列号的枪支。

这些案件的起因是温哥华和多伦多的边境服务官员发现了经国际邮件运来的枪支零部件。 这一线索促使 CBSA 的刑事调查科对进口枪支部件的人实行进一步调查:

  • 2022 年 4 月 27 日,CBSA 在卑诗省西基隆拿(West Kelowna)市执行了一项搜查令。当调查人员进入住宅时,他们注意到一台 3D 打印机正在打印一把手枪的下机匣。调查人员查获了这些证据,并扣留了另外六个没有序列号的手枪下机匣。边境服务局官员拘捕了一名 46 岁的男子,现被释放待进一步调查。
  • 2022 年 4 月 28 日,CBSA 在卑诗省隆比(Lumby)市执行了一项搜查令。调查人员查获了一把无序列号的上膛 9 毫米手枪、九把非限制级长枪、一把违禁刀具、一把电击枪和四罐弹药收作证据。CBSA 拘捕了一名被禁止拥有枪支的 27 岁男子,现被释放待进一步调查。

CBSA 的刑事调查科目前正在审查所有违反《海关法》和《刑法》的证据。CBSA 随后可向检查机关建议提出诉讼。任何被查明未经授权制造枪支的人,都可能被判处监禁。


公共安全部长马守诺(Marco Mendicino)阁下:

“我们正在采取行动,使加拿大人远离枪支暴力。 ‗幽灵枪‘对我们各地社区构成了严重的风险,原因有多方面。其中一个原因是它们越来越容易制造,并在犯罪分子手中难以追踪。这就是为什么我们要继续投资新的 X 光科技和 K-9 分队,守护我们的边境。我要感谢加拿大边境服务局为防止枪支进入加拿大所做出之异常出色的工作。”

加拿大边境服务局太平洋区情报和执法行动处主任约翰·林德(John Linde):



  • 从 2019 年 1 月 1 日至 2022 年 6 月 30 日, CBSA 太平洋区在入境口岸和国际邮

件运输中查获了 581 支枪支。CBSA 太平洋区的警官在加拿大境内执行与边境相

关的搜查令时,又缴获了 218 支枪支,这些搜查令通常与警方伙伴合作执行。

  • 加拿大的枪支受《枪械法》和《刑法》第三部分的管制。
  • 在加拿大,如果没有相应的枪械商业执照而造枪是非法行为。根据《刑法》第 2


  • 未经授权制造枪械(《刑法》第 99 条)和未经授权进口枪械(《刑法》第 103

条),最高可被判处 10 年监禁。走私枪支入境加拿大(《海关法》第 159 条),

最高可判处 5 年监禁和 50 万加元罚款。

  • 有关加拿大边境服务局的最新执法统计数据,请查看加拿大边境服务局的缉获情况。


The Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA) fights organized crime by focusing on

firearms-related offences at the border. Today, the CBSA in British Columbia (B.C.),

announced that it has made two significant seizures of ―ghost guns‖ in the B.C. Interior,

following interceptions at international mail centres.

The importation by mail of 3D-printed firearms parts is a serious concern. Once in

Canada, unlicensed individuals use these parts to assemble ―ghost guns‖, which are

firearms that have no serial number.

These cases started when border services officers, in Vancouver and in Toronto,

identified firearms parts arriving by international mail. This information led the CBSA‘s

Criminal Investigations Section to further investigate the people importing the firearms



On April 27, 2022, the CBSA executed a search warrant in West Kelowna, B.C.

As investigators entered the residence, they observed a 3D printing machine that was in

the process of printing a lower receiver for a handgun. They seized the evidence, along

with six more handgun lower receivers with no serial number. Officers arrested a 46-

year-old man and released him pending further investigation.


On April 28, 2022, the CBSA executed a search warrant in Lumby, B.C.

Investigators seized as evidence a loaded 9mm handgun with no serial number, nine

non-restricted long guns, one prohibited knife, one stun gun, and four canisters of

ammunition. The CBSA arrested a 27-year-old man who was prohibited from

possessing firearms. He was released pending further investigation.

The CBSA‘s Criminal Investigations Section is now reviewing all the evidence for

violations of the Customs Act and Criminal Code. The CBSA may subsequently

recommend that the Crown initiate prosecutions. Anyone convicted of manufacturing

firearms without authorization is subject to imprisonment.


―We‘re taking action to keep Canadians safe from gun violence. ‗Ghost guns‘ pose a

serious risk to our communities for many reasons including they are becoming easier to manufacture and difficult to trace when used by criminals. That‘s why we are continuing

to invest in new x-ray technology and K-9 units to protect our borders. I want to thank

the CBSA for their incredible work in keeping guns out of Canada. ―

– The Honourable Marco Mendicino, Minister of Public Safety

―Canada Border Services Agency officers remain on alert to seize smuggled firearms

and firearm parts. This continues to be a top priority for the Agency and an important

way we contribute to Canada‘s public safety, protecting the communities we serve on a

daily basis.‖

– John Linde, Director, CBSA Intelligence and Enforcement Operations Division, Pacific


Quick facts

  • From January 1, 2019 to June 30, 2022, the CBSA in the Pacific Region seized

581 firearms at ports of entry and in international mail shipments. CBSA officers

in the Pacific Region seized 218 additional firearms while executing border

related search warrants within Canada, often in collaboration with police partners.

  • Firearms in Canada are regulated by the Firearms Act and Part III of the Criminal


  • In Canada, it is illegal to make guns without holding the proper firearms business

licence. Under Section 2 of the Criminal Code, a firearm‘s frame or receiver is in

itself considered a firearm and unauthorized individuals cannot manufacture


  • Unauthorized manufacturing of firearms (Criminal Code Section 99) and

unauthorized importing of firearms (Criminal Code Section 103) are punishable

by maximum penalties of 10 years imprisonment. Smuggling firearms into

Canada (Customs Act Section 159) is punishable by a maximum penalty of five

years imprisonment and a $500,000 fine.

  • For the latest CBSA enforcement statistics, visit Canada Border Services Agency


From: Canada Border Services Agency

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