特别工作组相关部长通报改善政府服务工作的最新进展 Members of the Task Force on Services to Canadians, Ministers Ien, Miller, Gould, Alghabra and Fraser, provide an update on recent work to improve government services for Canadians




· 大幅增加加拿大服务局(Service Canada)的人力,现在有超过2000名雇员提供护照服务,以帮助处理大幅增加的需求;

· 扩大简化的护照续签的范围,在过去15年内有过护照的成年人都可续签护照;

· 在多个大都市地区实施新的分流体系,以理顺排队情况,并确保有迫切旅行需求的加拿大人能够及时收到他们的护照;

· 扩大护照领取服务,至此几乎所有的护照办事处和四个加拿大服务中心都可以提供领取护照服务。在未来几周,这项服务还将扩展至另外九个加拿大服务中心(Service Canada Centre);

· 将护照服务扩展到安大略省、魁北克省和加拿大大西洋地区的24个预约外展地点(scheduled outreach sites),未来几周还将增加更多地点,以帮助满足农村和偏远社区的护照需求。


· 自4月以来,在各机场增聘了1800名加拿大航空运输安全局(CATSA)的安检人员;

· 与全国各地机场和各种规模的航空公司的高层主管举行20多次会晤,确保持续合作和继续采取行动,帮助减少旅客的延误;

· 由加拿大交通部牵头,每周与航空公司、机场、加拿大航空运输安全局、加拿大空管导航、加拿大边境服务局和加拿大公共卫生署举行会议,寻查并解决瓶颈问题;迄今已举行了20多次会议;

· 迄今为止,在多伦多皮尔逊国际机场增加了12个新的电子门(eGate),4个专用的NEXUS电子门和30个新的自助通关柜台(primary inspection kiosks, PIK),以进一步方便旅客入境和加快旅客的通关流程。

· 为新聘安检人员授予豁免权,允许他们可以边培训边工作,从而使更多的工作人员得以在机场实地工作。

· 在过去的一年间将运输安全许可证签发数量提升至原先的三倍,以支持该部门新聘职员的快速上岗。

· 改善全国各地的登机前安全检查等候时间。从8月18日至21日,大多数乘客–85%–在15分钟内得到安检。这比7月第一周的79%有所改善;

· 在加拿大最繁忙的皮尔逊机场,被滞留在停机坪上的飞机数量有所改善。仅在5月的一个星期,就有超过370架飞机被滞留,但到8月的第三周,这个数字已经下降到只有47架。


· 在秋季结束前增聘多达1250名新员工,以提高申请审理容量,并在短期内解决积压的问题;

· 让我们的运作现代化并精简流程,使加拿大的移民体系在长期内更具可持续性;

· 截至8月22日,加拿大已在2022年迎接了超过30万名新的永久居民,比以往任何一年都更早达到这一里程碑。

· 从今年1月1日至7月31日,加拿大已经核发超过349,000份新的工作许可,而2021年同期发放了约112,000份。

· 从今年1月1日至7月31日,完成了近36万份学习许可,而2021年同期完成约30.6万份;

· 从2022年3月17日至8月24日,核发了超过21.6万份加拿大-乌克兰紧急旅行授权的申请,方便希望在加拿大寻求安全的乌克兰人和家人前来;

· 出台“申请状态追踪平台”,方便公民入籍和一些永久居留的申请者及时了解他们的档案信息,这将在来年扩大到更多的申请者;

· 在官方的网站上定期公布每月数据,让加拿大公众了解我们的最新进展。



女性、性别平等及青年部长、服务提供工作组共同主席马西·伊恩(Marci Ien)阁下:


政府-原住民关系事务部长、服务提供工作组共同主席马克·米勒(Marc Miller)阁下:


家庭、儿童及社会发展部长卡瑞纳·古尔德(Karina Gould)阁下:


交通部长艾诚致(Omar Alghabra)阁下:


移民、难民和公民部长肖恩·弗雷泽(Sean Fraser)阁下:




· 自2022年6月工作组成立以来,部长们已经举行了10次会议,以帮助解决向加拿大人提供服务的问题。

· 自2022年4月1日以来,加拿大服务局已经签发了超过85万本护照。

· 护照电话中心的平均等候时间已经显著下降,从今年春天高峰期的108分钟大幅下降到8月21日的24分钟。

· 护照分流体制在下列地区实施:蒙特利尔、魁北克城、加蒂诺、大多伦多地区、卡尔加里、埃德蒙顿、温哥华、素里和列治文。

· 10天护照取件服务目前已在下列加拿大服务中心提供:三河市、苏圣玛丽、夏洛特城及红鹿。

· 加拿大交通运输署已经开发了一个信息资源,帮助那些在旅行中遇到问题的乘客。这个指南提供了许多经常被问及的旅行问题的答案,并告知乘客,如果他们遇到航班被延误或取消,或在行李丢失、损坏或延误的情况下,他们在《航空乘客保护条例》下的权利。

· 在任何时候,IRCC都在管理超过100万份库存申请。2021年,我们在所有类别的服务中完成了170万份申请。


· 加拿大人的护照和旅行证件

· 护照服务项目统计数据

· 改善护照审理流程

· 联邦政府与航空业继续努力,减少加拿大机场的等候时间和延误

· 信息图标:加拿大航空运输的复苏

· 打造更强健的移民体系 – Canada.ca

Members of the Task Force on Services to Canadians, Ministers Ien, Miller, Gould, Alghabra and Fraser, provide an update on recent work to improve government services for Canadians

From: Employment and Social Development Canada

Canadians, and those who want to visit, work, study, or start new lives in Canada, deserve high-quality and efficient government services that are accessible, timely, and make their lives easier. On June 25, 2022, the Prime Minister announced the creation of a new ministerial task force to help improve government services, with a focus on reducing delays around passport processing, immigration services, and at Canadian airports. The task force has been meeting regularly throughout the summer to identify priority areas for action, and outline short- and longer-term solutions to better serve Canadians.

Today, the task force co-chairs, Ministers Ien and Miller, were joined by Ministers Gould, Alghabra and Fraser, to provide an update on the work undertaken in the recent months to address service delivery issues affecting Canadians. The task force discussed the underlying pandemic-related reasons for the significant surges in demand for travel and for other government services, which have been far bigger than anyone anticipated. These unprecedented increases in demand are a global phenomenon, and have contributed to delays and problems not only for Canadians, but for citizens of other countries around the world.

Minister Gould highlighted the important measures being taken to improve passport processing, including:

· A significant increase in the Service Canada workforce, with over 2,000 employees now providing passport services to help deal with large increases in demand;

· The expansion of simplified renewals of passports to include adults who have had a passport issued in the last 15 years;

· A new triage system that has been implemented in metropolitan areas to manage lineups and ensure that Canadians with imminent travel requirements receive their passport in time;

· The expansion of passport pick-up service, which is now available in nearly all passport offices and in four Service Canada Centres. In the coming weeks the service will be expanded to nine more Service Canada Centres; and

· The expansion of passport services to 24 scheduled outreach sites in Ontario, Québec and Atlantic Canada, with more to be announced in the coming weeks, to help meet the passport needs of rural and remote communities.

Minister Alghabra highlighted the significant action that the Government of Canada has taken in collaboration with industry partners to reduce traveller wait times and congestion at Canada’s largest airports, including:

· Hiring 1,800 Canadian Air Transport Security (CATSA) screening officers across airports since April;

· Participating in over 20 meetings with the senior leadership of airports and airlines of all sizes across the country to ensure ongoing collaboration and continued action that will help reduce delays for travellers;

· Transport Canada-led meetings every week with airlines, airports, CATSA, NAV CANADA, CBSA, and PHAC to find and address bottlenecks; with over 20 meetings having been held to date;

· To date, adding 12 new eGates, 4 dedicated NEXUS eGates and 30 new primary inspection kiosks (PIKs) at Toronto Pearson International Airport to further facilitate entry and expedite traveller processing;

· Granting exemptions to allow new screening officers to work while training to get more officers on the ground at airports;

· Tripling the number of Transportation Security Clearances issued over the last year, to support the rapid on-boarding of new employees in the sector;

· Improving pre-board security screening wait times across the country. From August 18-21, most passengers – 85% – were screened within 15 minutes. This was an improvement from 79% for the first week of July; and

· Seeing improvement in the number of aircraft being held on the tarmac at Pearson, Canada’s busiest airport. One week in May alone, more than 370 aircraft were held, but by the third week of August, that number had dropped to just 47 aircraft.

Minister Fraser highlighted how Canada is working to strengthen its immigration system and reduce application backlogs, with a focus on addressing labour shortages, improving client experience and reuniting families. This includes:

· Hiring up to 1,250 new employees by the end of the fall to increase processing capacity and tackle the backlogs in the short term;

· Modernizing and streamlining our operations to make Canada’s system more sustainable in the long term;

· Welcoming over 300,000 new permanent resident admissions in 2022 by August 22, reaching the milestone earlier than in any previous year;

· Issuing over 349,000 new work permits from January 1 to July 31 this year, compared to approximately 112,000 issued during the same period in 2021;

· Finalizing almost 360,000 study permits between January 1 and July 31, 2022, compared to about 306,000 finalized in the same period in 2021;

· Approving over 216,000 applications for the Canada-Ukraine Authorization for Emergency Travel from March 17 to August 24, 2022 for Ukrainians and family members looking to find safety in Canada;

· Introducing application status trackers for citizenship and some permanent residence applicants to have timely information on their files, which will be expanded to more clients in the coming year; and

· Publishing monthly data on our website to keep Canadians up to date on our progress.

The Government of Canada is working hard to improve the delivery of services that Canadians rely on every day. The task force will continue to drive action to implement short-and-and longer-term solutions that will reduce wait times, clear inventories and improve the overall quality of service to Canadians.


The task force is making progress on how to better deliver government services for Canadians that are accessible, timely and efficient. This includes working together to provide Canadians with the high-quality services they need and deserve. We are changing the way we do things to meet Canadians where they are, while also taking into account our new realities. 

– The Honourable Marci Ien, Minister for Women and Gender Equality and Youth and co-chair of the Service Delivery Task Force

Canadians deserve and should expect the efficient delivery of services by their government. It is also important to recognize that service delivery needs vary. Remote, northern, racialized, and First Nations, Inuit and Métis communities face unique challenges. The task force will continue to support immediate and meaningful improvements, along with longer-term steps that anticipate the complex and rapidly-evolving realities that challenge service delivery.” 

– The Honourable Marc Miller, Minister of Crown-Indigenous Relations and co-chair of the Service Delivery Task Force

With this surge in passport requests and significant delays in processing applications, we know that many Canadians have been put in very difficult and stressful situations. We are not out of the woods in terms of passport service delivery, but we are seeing a positive trend. We will continue to implement every possible option to help Canadians get their passport in a timely way, and with additional staff, processing has increased and we are making real progress in reducing the backlog. 

– The Honourable Karina Gould, Minister of Families, Children and Social Development

Airport delays are unacceptable. Our government knows this and thats why, from the beginning, we have been working with our industry partners to resolve the situation. We are seeing progress at airports across the country, but we know there is more work to be done. We will continue to add resources to reduce wait times and make air travel more efficient, while maintaining safety and security for all travellers.” 

– The Honourable Omar Alghabra, Minister of Transport

Families, communities, and businesses deserve an immigration system that works for everyone. Through targeted investments, hiring 1250 employees to address the backlog, and the improvement of our online systems and processes, we will deliver on our promise to Canadians. We will reduce wait times and work hard to attract and retain skilled workers, as we continue to help communities across the country access the talent they need.” 

– The Honourable Sean Fraser, Minister of Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship

Quick facts

· Since the creation of the task force in June 2022, Ministers have met 10 times to help address issues in service delivery to Canadians.

· Since April 1, 2022, Service Canada has issued over 850,000 passports.

· The average wait times at the passport call centre have significantly decreased from a peak of 108 minutes earlier this spring to 24 minutes as of August 21.

· The passport triage system was implemented in the following areas: Montréal, Québec City, Gatineau, the Greater Toronto Area, Calgary, Edmonton, Vancouver, Surrey and Richmond.

· The 10-day pick-up service is now available in the following Service Canada Centres: Trois-Rivières, Sault Ste. Marie, Charlottetown and Red Deer.

· The Canadian Transportation Agency has developed an information resource to help passengers who are experiencing issues during their travel. This guide provides answers to many frequently asked travel questions and advises passengers of their rights under the Air Passenger Protection Regulations should their flights be delayed or cancelled, or in the event their baggage is lost, damaged or delayed.

· At any given time, IRCC is managing over 1 million applications from its inventories. In 2021, we finalized 1.7 million applications across all lines of business.

Associated links

· Canadian passports and travel documents

· Passport program statistics

· Improving passport processing

· The Government of Canada and industry continue efforts to reduce wait times and delays at Canadian airports

· Infographic: Recovery of Air Transportation in Canada

· Building a stronger immigration system – Canada.ca

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