伍凤仪宣布加拿大将依照加美墨协定挑战美国软木关税 Canada to challenge U.S. softwood lumber duties under Canada-United States-Mexico Agreement


8月29日,加拿大国际贸易、出口促进、小企业和经济发展部长伍凤仪(Mary Ng)就美国对来自加拿大的软木木材征收无理和不公平的关税发表如下声明:




国际贸易、出口促进、小企业和经济发展部长伍凤仪(Mary Ng)会见林业工人





· 加拿大决定依照CUSMA 第10 章提出这些挑战,这是在与受影响的省、地区和行业领导人协商后作出的。

· 作为依照CUSMA 对美国软木关税提出挑战的一部分,将成立两国专家小组,负责确定有关税率的设定是否符合美国法律。

· 美国商务部对其反倾销和反补贴税令进行年度审查。每次美国的年度行政审查都会确定特定时期内进口货物的关税评估率,以及在下一次行政审查之前的关税保证金的新比率。

· 2022 年8 月4 日,美国商务部发布了关于加拿大某些软木产品的反倾销和反补贴税令的第三次行政复审的最终结论。

· 新的合并“所有其他”税率将适用于受第三次行政审查之公司的出口,税率为8.59%;大多数公司之前的“所有其他”税率为17.91%。

· 在根据CUSMA 第10 章或在美国法院完成任何法律挑战后,这些新的反倾销和反补贴税率将追溯适用于受第三次行政审查的公司向美国出口的软木木材。

国际贸易、出口促进、小企业和经济发展部长伍凤仪(Mary Ng)


· 美国商务部第三次行政复审 (需要注册登录)

· 伍凤仪部长就美国对来自加拿大的软木制品征收关税的声明

· 伍凤仪部长就美国对加拿大软木木材的最终关税税率发表声明

· 伍凤仪部长在自由贸易委员会会议上与美国贸易代表戴琪会谈

· 伍凤仪部长关于美国对加拿大软木木材初步税率的声明 (2022 年1 月)

· 伍凤仪部长关于美国对加拿大软木木材初步税率的声明 (2021 年5 月)

· 伍凤仪部长会见加拿大软木木材生产商

· 伍凤仪部长与美国国会议员会谈,讨论加强加拿大-美国贸易关系

· 加拿大全球事务部:软木木材问题

Canada to challenge U.S. softwood lumber duties under Canada-United States-Mexico Agreement

From: Global Affairs Canada

The Honourable Mary Ng, Minister of International Trade, Export Promotion, Small Business and Economic Development, today issued the following statement regarding the United States’ unwarranted and unfair duties on softwood lumber from Canada:

“Today, Canada filed notice that it will challenge, under Chapter 10 of the Canada-United States-Mexico Agreement (CUSMA), the final results of the U.S. Department of Commerce’s third administrative reviews of its anti-dumping and countervailing duty orders on softwood lumber from Canada.

“Canada is disappointed that the United States continues to impose unwarranted and unfair duties on softwood lumber from Canada. The only fair outcome would be for the United States to meet its CUSMA obligations and cease applying unjustified duties on all Canadian softwood lumber products.

“The United States has long relied on competitive Canadian lumber products to meet its domestic needs for high-quality, sustainable and innovative building materials. These unjustified duties on softwood products from Canada not only harm Canadian communities, businesses, and workers, but they amount to a tax on U.S. consumers, affecting housing affordability at a time of supply challenges and inflationary pressures.

“Canada will always defend its softwood lumber industry, the workers, and the communities it supports. Taking legal action under CUSMA represents another step in Canada’s ongoing defence of its forestry sector.

“Canada’s softwood lumber industry is a key driver of economic activity across our country and an essential component of Canada’s forestry sector, which contributed more than $34.8 billion to the country’s GDP in 2021 and employs some 205,000 workers.

“Our government has been consistent in expressing a willingness to work with the United States toward a negotiated solution to this long-standing trade issue that would allow a return to predictable cross-border trade in softwood lumber.” 

Quick facts

· Canada’s decision to pursue these challenges under Chapter 10 of CUSMA was made in consultation with affected provinces, territories and industry leaders.

· As part of the challenge to U.S. softwood lumber duties under CUSMA, binational panels will be established and tasked with determining whether the duty rates in question were reached in a manner consistent with U.S. law.

· The U.S. Department of Commerce conducts an annual review of its anti-dumping and countervailing duty orders. Each annual U.S. administrative review establishes duty assessment rates for shipments entered during a specific period and the new duty deposit rate going forward until the next administrative review.

· On August 4, 2022, the U.S. Department of Commerce issued the final results of the third administrative reviews of its anti-dumping and countervailing duty orders regarding certain softwood lumber products from Canada.

· The new combined “all others” rate that will apply to exports from companies that are subject to the third administrative reviews is 8.59%; the previous “all others” rate for most companies was 17.91%.

· Following the completion of any legal challenges under CUSMA’s Chapter 10 or in U.S. courts, these new anti-dumping and countervailing duty rates will apply retroactively to softwood lumber exports to the United States from companies that were subject to the third administrative reviews.

Associated links

· The U.S. Department of Commerce’s third administrative reviews (login required)

· Statement by Minister Ng on U.S. duties on softwood lumber products from Canada

· Statement by Minister Ng on U.S. final duty rates on Canadian softwood lumber

· Minister Ng speaks with United States Trade Representative Katherine Tai at Free Trade Commission meeting

· Statement by Minister Ng on U.S. preliminary duty rates on Canadian softwood lumber (January 2022)

· Statement by Minister Ng on U.S. preliminary duty rates on Canadian softwood lumber (May 2021)

· Minister Ng meets with Canadian softwood lumber producers

· Minister Ng meets with members of U.S. Congress on strengthening Canada-United States trade relations

· Global Affairs Canada: Softwood lumber

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