伍凤仪部长出席 G7 贸易及投资部长级会议,推进国际合作 Minister Ng advances cooperation with G7 partners at trade and investment ministerial meeting

国际合作是确保从 COVID-19 疫情大流行中实现有韧力、可持续和包容之经济复苏的关 键,这种合作应是在一个强劲的以规则为基准之国际贸易体系的指导之下。这种合作,包 括与七国集团伙伴的密切合作,也是对俄罗斯无端、无理入侵乌克兰采取协调贸易应对措 施的重要组成部分。  9 月 14 日至 15 日,加拿大国际贸易、出口促进、小企业和经济发展部长伍凤仪(Mary Ng)阁下出席了在德国纽哈登堡(Neuhardenberg)举行的七国集团(G7)贸易和投资 部长会议,此次会议由德国经济事务和气候行动部长罗伯特·哈贝克(Robert Habeck) 主办。 
在会议上,伍凤仪部长鼓励七国集团成员继续开展协调,以确保有效地对俄罗斯实施现行 的经济制裁,支持乌克兰的经济复苏,并解决粮食和能源保障问题以及供应链中断的全球 性挑战。  伍凤仪部长与乌克兰第一副总理兼经济发展和贸易部长尤利娅·斯维里坚科(Yulia Svyrydenko)进行了会谈,重申了加拿大对乌克兰人民坚定不移的支持。她还强调了在 推进《加拿大-乌克兰自由贸易协定》现代化方面取得的进展,以此作为支持乌克兰长期 复苏和国际贸易政策利益的一种手段。 
伍部长重申,加拿大支持德国目前担任七国集团主席国期间的贸易及投资优先事项。这些 优先事项包括在世贸组织改革、国际贸易规则现代化、供应链的可持续性和复原力、以及 与工业补贴和国有企业做法有关的市场扭曲方面的合作努力。  七国集团成员还讨论了如何能够携手努力,共同提高劳工和环境标准、确保知识产权、并 应对经济胁迫问题。伍部长强调,重要的是七国集团成员必须共同努力,在世贸组织第十 三届部长级会议之前推进世贸组织改革的关键优先事项,包括解决世贸组织上诉机构的僵 局,以及为未来的大流行病做好准备。 伍凤仪部长还与各国的相关部长举行了双边会谈。她会见了欧盟负责贸易事务的常务副主 席瓦尔迪斯·东布罗夫斯基斯(Valdis Dombrovskis)以及法国外贸、经济吸引力和法国 海外侨民部长奥利维埃·贝希(Olivier Becht),力图扩大《加拿大-欧盟全面经济贸易 协定》(CETA)持续在大西洋两岸创造的机会。在会见日本经济产业大臣西村泰敏 (Yasutoshi Nishimura)和外务副大臣山田贤司(Kenji Yamada)时,伍凤仪部长阐述 了加拿大在《跨太平洋伙伴关系全面及进步协定》取得成功之基础上进一步增加在印太地 区存在的努力。 引述 国际贸易、出口促进、小企业和经济发展部长伍凤仪(Mary Ng)阁下:  “在我们面临持续的全球挑战之际,现在比以往任何时候都更重要的是加拿大与理念相近 的民主国家携手并肩,包括与 G7 的国家在一起。本周在德国,加拿大继续推进与七国集 团伙伴的合作,维护以规则为基准的国际贸易,推动经济复苏,使我们所有的工作人士、 工商业和民众家庭受益。”  事实简要 · 加拿大是七国集团中唯一一个与所有其他七国集团成员国签署了自由贸易协定的国家。  · 3 月 3 日,加拿大宣布撤销对俄罗斯和白俄罗斯的最惠国关税待遇,此前依照加拿 大的国内法对这两个国家予以最惠国待遇。加拿大是第一个采取这一行动的国家, 目前所有 G7 国家都实施了这一行动。  · 3 月 11 日,七国集团领导人发表了一份联合声明,明确指出七国集团成员将以符 合其国家程序的方式采取行动,拒绝给予俄罗斯与关键产品有关的最惠国待遇。  · 3 月 15 日,14 个世贸组织成员,包括所有七国集团成员,发表声明支持针对俄罗 斯入侵乌克兰的相关贸易应对措施。  · 1 月 27 日,加拿大和乌克兰共同启动了《加拿大-乌克兰自由贸易协定》 (CUFTA)现代化的谈判。加拿大和乌克兰正在寻求在包括服务、投资、数字贸 易、劳工和环境等领域纳入新的义务,同时推进包容的贸易方式。  · 2022 年 6 月 17 日,17 个世贸组织成员,包括所有七国集团成员,就俄罗斯对乌 克兰的侵略发表声明,强调声援乌克兰,并承诺作为世贸组织成员继续采取必要行 动,恢复和维护国际和平与安全。  相关链接  · 伍凤仪部长与乌克兰第一副总理兼经济发展尤利娅·斯维里坚科举行会谈  · 七国集团(G7)贸易部长声明(2022 年 9 月 15 日)  · 伍凤仪部长成功出席七国集团贸易及投资部长会议  · 加拿大认同七国集团关于贸易及投资、强迫劳动及数字贸易的联合声明  · 伍凤仪部长出席七国集团贸易及投资部长会议  · 加拿大与七国集团(G7) Contacts Alice Hansen Press Secretary Minister of International Trade, Export Promotion, Small Business and Economic Development 613-612-0482 Alice.Hansen@international.gc.ca Media Relations Office Global Affairs Canada 343-203-7700 media@international.gc.ca Follow us on Twitter: @CanadaTrade Like us on Facebook: Canada’s international trade – Global Affairs Canada  Minister Ng advances cooperation with G7 partners at trade and investment ministerial meeting September 15, 2022 – Ottawa, Ontario – Global Affairs Canada International collaboration is key to ensuring a resilient, sustainable, and inclusive economic recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic, guided by a strong rules-based international trading system. Such collaboration, including close cooperation with G7 partners, is also an important part of the coordinated trade-related responses to Russia’s unprovoked and unjustifiable invasion of Ukraine. On September 14-15, the Honourable Mary Ng, Minister of International Trade, Export Promotion, Small Business and Economic Development, participated in the G7 Trade and Investment Ministers’ Meeting, hosted in Neuhardenberg, Germany, by Robert Habeck, Germany’s Minister for Economic Affairs and Climate Action. At the meeting, Minister Ng encouraged the continued coordination of G7 members to ensure the effectiveness of ongoing economic sanctions against Russia, support Ukraine’s economic recovery, and address the global challenges of food and energy security and supply chain disruptions. Minister Ng spoke with Ukraine’s First Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Economic Development and Trade, Yulia Svyrydenko, and reaffirmed Canada’s unwavering support for the Ukrainian people. She also highlighted the progress made on the modernization of the Canada-Ukraine Free Trade Agreement as a means of supporting Ukraine’s long-term recovery and international trade policy interests. The minister reiterated Canada’s support for the trade and investment priorities of Germany’s current G7 presidency. These include cooperative efforts on WTO reform, the modernization of international trade rules, the sustainability and resiliency of supply chains, and market distortions related to industrial subsidies and the practices of State- Owned Enterprises (SOEs). G7 members also discussed how they can work together to raise labour and environmental standards, ensure intellectual property rights, and address economic coercion. Minister Ng emphasized the importance of G7 members working together to advance key WTO reform priorities ahead of the 13th WTO Ministerial Conference, including addressing the impasse on the organization’s Appellate Body and preparing for future pandemics. Minister Ng also held bilateral meetings with other counterparts. She met with Valdis Dombrovskis, Executive Vice-President Commissioner for Trade from the EU and Olivier Becht, Minister for Foreign Trade, Attractiveness and French Nationals Abroad from France to build on the opportunities that CETA continues to create on both sides of the Atlantic. In her meeting with Yasutoshi Nishimura, Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry and Kenji Yamada, State Minister for Foreign Affairs from Japan, the Minister highlighted Canada’s efforts to further increase its presence in the Indo-Pacific, building on the success of the Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for Trans-Pacific Partnership. Quotes “As we face ongoing global challenges, it is now more important than ever that Canada stands arm-in-arm with like-minded democracies, including those in the G7. This week in Germany, Canada continued to advance cooperation with G7 partners in upholding international rules-based trade and driving an economic recovery that benefits all our workers, businesses, and families.” – Mary Ng, Minister of International Trade, Export Promotion, Small Business and Economic Developmente Quick facts · Canada is the only G7 country to have free trade agreements with all other G7 countries. · On March 3, Canada announced that it was withdrawing MFN tariff treatment for Russia and Belarus, to which MFN status had been extended under Canadian domestic law. Canada was the first country to take this action, which all G7 countries are now implementing. · On March 11, G7 leaders issued a joint statement specifying that G7 members will act, in a manner consistent with their national processes, to deny Russia MFN status related to key products. · On March 15, 14 WTO members, including all G7 members, issued a statement in support of trade-related measures to respond to the Russian invasion of Ukraine. · On January 27, Canada and Ukraine jointly launched negotiations for the modernization of the Canada-Ukraine Free Trade Agreement (CUFTA). Canada and Ukraine are seeking to include new obligations in areas that include services, investment, digital trade, labour, and the environment, while advancing an inclusive approach to trade. · On June 17, 2022, 17 WTO members, including all G7 members, issued a statement on Russian aggression against Ukraine, emphasizing solidarity with Ukraine and committing to continue to take such actions, as WTO members, as necessary to restore and maintain international peace and security. Associated links · Minister Ng speaks with Yulia Svyrydenko, First Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Economy of Ukraine · G7 Trade Ministers’ Statement (15 September 2022) · Minister Ng attends successful G7 trade and investment ministers meeting · Canada endorses G7 joint statements on trade and investment, forced labour and digital Trade · Minister Ng participates in meeting of G7 trade and investment ministers · Canada and the G7 Contacts Alice Hansen Press Secretary Minister of International Trade, Export Promotion, Small Business and Economic Development 613-612-0482 Alice.Hansen@international.gc.ca Media Relations Office Global Affairs Canada 343-203-7700 media@international.gc.ca Follow us on Twitter: @CanadaTrade Like us on Facebook: Canada’s international trade – Global Affairs Canada
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