国际货币基金组织报告强调加拿大的经济韧力,副总理表示欢迎 Deputy Prime Minister welcomes International Monetary Fund report highlighting resiliency of Canadian economy

国际货币基金组织报告强调加拿大的经济韧力,副总理表欢迎 Deputy Prime Minister welcomes International Monetary Fund report highlighting resiliency of Canadian economy 10 月 12 日,副总理兼财政部长方慧兰(Chrystia Freeland)对国际货币基金组织(IMF)的年度第四条款的结论表示欢迎,该结论强调,在全球经济日益困难的背景下,在面临高通胀、利率上升和经济增长放缓的全球挑战之下,加拿大经济具有韧力。 国际货币基金组织注意到加拿大采取了收紧财政的立场,目前已经撤除了疫情大流行的紧急扶持措施。它还称赞联邦政府削减赤字和公布长期财政预测是 “加强财政框架的可喜步骤”。国际货币基金组织的最新预测还显示,加拿大今年的赤字占 GDP 的比例预计在七国集团(G7)国家中最小,而且到目前为止仍然是 G7 国家中政府总体净债务占 GDP的比例最低的。正如 2022 年预算所再次证明的,加拿大政府致力于减少联邦赤字和债务占GDP 的比例,以此作为我们的财政基点。 在应对负担能力之挑战方面,国际货币基金组织支持加拿大政府的做法,为加拿大人提供“有限的、高度有针对性的项目,以缓冲弱势家庭受燃料及食品高价格的冲击”。而联邦政府的“减轻生活负担计划”正是这样做的,它为最需要帮助的加拿大民众提供了一套有针对性的措施。 该报告还注意到加拿大政府为应对众多加拿大人所面临的住房负担能力挑战而正在推进的工作。 IMF 特别注意到启动“住房加速基金”将对促进住房开发产生积极影响。 国际货币基金组织注意到加拿大具有雄心的减排目标和配套政策措施,并继续赞扬加拿大为污染制定代价的体制,同时指出加拿大在“致力于为发展中国家提供气候融资”方面是一个榜样。 引述 副总理兼财政部长方慧兰(Chrystia Freeland)阁下:“全世界现在正经历一个充满挑战的经济时期,加拿大也不能幸免于这些挑战。我们联邦政府致力于继续打造一个惠及所有人的经济,不让任何人掉队。尽管当前之全球经济面临逆境,我很高兴地注意到,国际货币基金组织证实加拿大在财政负责方面仍然是七国集团的领先者,并预计在未来数年都将是领先者,而且在经济增长和总体政府赤字削减方面也是领先者之一。” 事实简要 · 国际货币基金组织开展年度第四条款访问,评估一个国家的经济和金融发展状况,包括与政府官员、中央银行官员以及工商业、工会和民间社会的代表进行讨论。 · 加拿大今年的政府总赤字占 GDP 的比例预计是 G7 国家中最低——预期在未来三年内加拿大将一直保持这一趋势。 · 加拿大的净债务负担占 GDP 的比例也将是 G7 国家中最低的。2022 年加拿大的债务与 GDP 之比为 30.5%,相比之下,远远好于 G7 国家 95.6%的平均水平。 · 国际货币基金组织预测,加拿大的实际国内生产总值在 2022 年将增长 3.3%, 2023 年将增长 1.5%。 相关链接 · 加拿大:2022 年度第四条款访问工作人员结论报告 源自: 加拿大财政部 Deputy Prime Minister welcomes International Monetary Fund report highlighting resiliency of Canadian economy Today, the Honourable Chrystia Freeland, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Finance, welcomed the International Monetary Fund (IMF)’s annual Article IV concluding statement, which highlighted the resiliency of the Canadian economy in the context of an increasingly difficult global economy with the global challenges of high inflation, rising interest rates, and slowing economic growth. The IMF noted Canada’s tightened fiscal stance, having now unwound emergency pandemic support. It also praised the federal government’s deficit reduction and the publication of long-term fiscal projections as “welcome steps toward strengthening the fiscal framework.” The IMF’s latest projections also show that Canada is expected to have the smallest deficit this year as a share of GDP among G7 countries, and still by far the lowest general government net debt as a share of GDP in the G7. As was reaffirmed in Budget 2022, the government is committed to reducing the federal deficit and debt-to-GDP ratio as our fiscal anchor. In regard to addressing affordability challenges, the IMF supports a government approach to provide Canadians with “limited and highly targeted programs to buffer vulnerable households from high fuel and food prices.” The government’s Affordability Plan is doing just that, with a suite of targeted measures for the Canadians who need it most. The report also drew attention to the work the government is doing to address the housing affordability challenge facing many Canadians. Specifically, the IMF noted the positive impact that the launch of the Housing Accelerator Fund will have in boosting housing development. The IMF noted Canada’s ambitious emission reduction targets and supporting policy measures, and continued to commend Canada’s price on pollution, while stating that Canada is a role model in its “generous commitments of climate financing for developing nations.” Quotes “The world is living through a challenging economic period right now, and Canada is not immune to these challenges. Our government is committed to continue building an economy that works for everyone where no one gets left behind. Despite these current global economic headwinds, I am pleased to note that the IMF confirms that Canada remains, and is projected to be for years to come, the leader in the G7 in terms of fiscal responsibility, and among the leaders in terms of economic growth and overall government deficit reduction.” – The Honourable Chrystia Freeland, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Finance Quick facts · The IMF’s annual Article IV missions assess the economic and financial developments in a country and include discussions with government officials, central bank officials, and representatives of business, labour unions, and civil society. · Canada is expected to have the lowest total government deficit as a percentage of GDP in the G7 this year—a track Canada is forecasted to maintain for the next three years. · Canada is also expected to have the lowest net debt burden as a share of GDP in the G7. Canada’s debt-to-GDP ratio of 30.5 per cent in 2022 compares well to the average among G7 countries of 95.6 per cent. · The IMF is projecting that real GDP in Canada will expand by 3.3 per cent in 2022 and 1.5 per cent in 2023. Associated links · Canada: Staff Concluding Statement of the 2022 Article IV Mission
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