联邦交通部长宣布新举措,放宽供应链法规、方便货流畅通 Minister Alghabra announces new actions to ease supply chain regulations and make it easier to ship goods



经历了 COVID-19 疫情大流行,更彰显出我们有必要简化供应链相关法规,让货物更容易及时运送到加拿大民众手中。


10 月 13 日,交通部长艾诚致(Omar Alghabra)阁下宣布出台多项新举措,在五年内投资 1700 万元用于理顺相关法规,减少供应链全线中的官僚手续。


这 1700 万加元的承诺已在《2022 年预算》中做出,将用于多项新的举措,以确保铁路、海运和空运模式更无缝地协调合作,方便货物流通更畅通:

· 修订《加拿大运输法》,允许加拿大交通部向各种模式的运输运营商提供数字化服务,以节省时间和金钱;

· 推进创建一个海运单一窗口,使之成为方便业界相关者就船只抵达、离港和停留进行数字化信息交流的一个归一化系统;

· 与业界合作共同开发一个新的手续,针对危险货物的公路、铁路和航空运输,消除纸面文书,过渡转型到并转向使用电子运输文件;

· 认可炸药探测犬及其训导员小组(EDDHTs)为一种被批准的筛查方法,以加快航空货物的筛查和运输;

· 启动预先装载航空货物目标计划(Pre-load Air Cargo Targeting, PACT),以提高航空货物在供应链中的安全性。今天出台的措施向前推进的早期步骤,旨在应对 2022 年 10 月 6 日发布的国家供应链专题工作组的最终报告中所确定的建议,特别是其中围绕运输法规现代化的建议。这些行动加在一起,将推进我们的供应链高效运转,保持我们的经济竞争力,并及时向加拿大民众投送必需的货物。



交通部长艾诚致(Omar Alghabra)阁下:

“作为供应链周系列举措的一部分,今天宣布的行动涉及到在整个供应链中精简手续、理顺规章,确保货物得以更方便地运送到需要去的地方。我们联邦政府在2022 年预算中承诺投资 1700 万加元,用于简化整个供应链的法规,而这正是我们要通过这些新措施所做的。这是应对国家供应链专题工作组向联邦政府提交的最终报告中所提建议的第一步,我们将继续采取措施,缓解整个供应链的拥堵并防止供应链中断。”



· “供应链周”立足于 2022 年 1 月的全国供应链峰会的基础之上,在此次峰会上,广泛的业界相关者讨论了供应链所面临的挑战、战略以及为了迅速恢复加拿大供应链而采取的下一步措施。

· 专题工作组的最终报告列出联邦政府可以考虑的措施建议,可用于减轻加拿大供应链所面临之严重的短期挑战和长期的战略问题。

· 高效而可靠的运输网络是加国经济增长的关键。通过“国家贸易走廊基金”



· 2022 年预算

· 供应链专题工作组

· 2022 年 1 月全国供应链峰会:收到意见汇总报告

· 全国供应链专题组公布最终报告,交通部长表欢迎

· 2022 年全国供应链专题组最终报告


Minister Alghabra announces new actions to ease supply chain regulations and make it easier to ship goods

The COVID-19 pandemic highlighted the need to streamline regulations across our supply chains to make it easier to ship goods to Canadians on time.

Today, the Minister of Transport, the Honourable Omar Alghabra, announced how the Government of Canada is implementing $17 million over five years through several new initiatives that streamline regulations and reduce bureaucracy across our supply chains.

This commitment of $17 million was made in Budget 2022, and will go towards several new initiatives to make sure the rail, marine, and air modes of transportation work together more seamlessly to make it easier to ship goods by:

· Amending the Canada Transportation Act to allow Transport Canada to offer

digital service delivery to transportation operators across modes, saving time and money;

· Working towards a Maritime Single Window, a uniform system that would enable digital information exchange between all stakeholders regarding vessel arrivals, departures, and stays;

· Collaborating with industry to develop an approach to eliminate paperwork and shift to the use of electronic shipping documents for the transportation of

dangerous goods via the road, rail, and air;

· Recognizing explosives detection dog and handlers’ teams (EDDHTs) as an

approved screening method to speed up the screening and movement of air


· Launching the Pre-load Air Cargo Targeting (PACT) to improve the security of air cargo through the supply chain.

Today’s announcement is an early step towards addressing the recommendations identified in the National Supply Chain Task Force’s final report released on October 6, 2022, particularly around modernizing transportation regulations. Together, these actions will make our supply chains moving efficiently, keep our economy competitive, and deliver essential goods to Canadians on time.


“As part of Supply Chain Week, today’s announcement is about ensuring that goods are able to be shipped more easily to where they need to go by cutting red tape and streamlining regulations across our supply chain. Our government made a commitment in Budget 2022 to invest $17 million to streamline regulations across our supply chain, and that’s exactly what we are doing through these new initiatives. This is a first step towards addressing the recommendations provided by the National Supply Chain Task Force in their final report to our Government, and we will continue to take steps to ease

congestion and prevent disruptions across our supply chains.”

The Honourable Omar Alghabra

Minister of Transport

Quick facts

· Supply Chain Week builds on the National Supply Chain Summit held in January 2022, where a broad range of supply chain stakeholders discussed challenges, strategies, and next steps to enable a swift recovery of Canada’s transportation supply chain.

· The Task Force’s final contains recommendations on measures that could be

considered by government to mitigate both the acute short-term challenges and chronic longer-term strategic issues confronting Canada’s supply chain.

· An efficient and reliable transportation network is key to Canada’s economic

growth. The Government of Canada, through the National Trade Corridors Fund (NTCF) and the Advancing Industry-Driven Digitalization of Canada’s Supply Chain initiative, is making investments that will begin the process of enhancing support to the flow of goods across Canada’s supply chains.

Associated links

· Budget 2022

· Supply Chain Task Force

· January 2022 National Supply Chain Summit: What we heard report

· Minister of Transport welcomes final report of the National Supply Chain Task Force

· Final Report of The National Supply Chain Task Force 2022 

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