秋季经济报告——多项措施减轻生活负担 Making Life More Affordable



联邦政府《2022 年秋季经济报告》包括多项新的、有针对性的生活费用扶持措施,让遭受物价上 涨冲击最严重之加拿大人的生活更易于负担。

联邦政府将继续为最需要帮助的加拿大人提供扶持。政府的扶持措施是经过精心设计的,避免使 通货膨胀恶化。 

GST 税务抵免翻倍,为期六个月 

从 2022 年 11 月 4 日开始,目前正在领取 GST 抵税退款的低收入和中收入人士将会自动收到一 笔新的额外款项,总数估计约有 1100 万人士。没有孩子的单身加拿大人最多可获得额外的234元,有两个孩子的夫妇最多可获得额外 467 元收入。 老年人平均可获得额外 225 元收入。 


2022 年 9 月,联邦政府出台了“加拿大住房补助”(Canada Housing Benefit)的一次性充值计 划,如经议会批准,该措施将直接向 180 万在住房成本中苦苦挣扎的低收入租房户提供 500 元的 免税付款。 

此项联邦补贴将提供给租金占收入至少 30%、且调整后净收入(adjusted net income)低于35,000 加元的家庭,或低于 20,000 加元的单身加拿大人。


加拿大工作人士补助(Canada Workers Benefit, CWB)是一种可退款的税务抵免,在通常的一 年中,这一补助为大约 300 万收入最低、且往往是从事最必要服务的工作人士提供收入补贴。目 前该项补助是通过报税来实现的,对于领取这项补助的加拿大人来说,这意味着他们需要等到税 务年度结束之后才能收到这笔扶持款项,而这本来是为了帮助他们支付每天日常必需品如食品和 房租费用的补助款。 

《2022 年秋季经济报告》提议:在从 2022-23 年开始的六年内提供 40 亿加元,自动向前一年符 合该项补助条件的人士提前发放此项补助,2023 税务年将从 2023 年 7 月开始发放。根据上一年报税的收入,工作人士将通过预付款获得当年的最低应享补助,而这一年的应享补助如有任何新 增额,将在当年填表报税之后提供。 CWB 将在即将到来的春季通过现有的报税付款,为单身工作人士提供最高 1428 加元的补助,或 为一个家庭提供最高 2461 加元,而 2023 年的新预付款将从 7 月份开始,通过三次的季度预付款 支付,将更多的钱返还工作人士的口袋里,以帮助他们应对不断上涨的生活成本。 


在许多近期毕业生正面临着生活费用变得更加昂贵之际,联邦政府正采取新的永久性措施,减轻 加拿大年轻人的学生贷款负担,以便他们能够投资营造自己的未来。 

《2022 年秋季经济报告》提出,所有加拿大学生贷款(Canada Student Loans)和加拿大学徒 贷款(Canada Apprentice Loans)的联邦部分将永久免息,包括目前正在偿还的贷款。 


作为联邦政府让牙科护理更易于负担的第一步,政府在 2022 年 9 月提出了实施“加拿大牙科补 助”(Canada Dental Benefit)的立法,为符合资格条件的父母或监护人提供直接的、预付的免 税付款,以支付其 12 岁以下子女的牙科费用。这将使大约 50 万名加拿大儿童受益。 

对于那些没有牙科保险和家庭年收入低于 90,000 加元的人士,加拿大牙科补助将在未来两年内每 年提供最高 650 加元的付款。 


联邦政府打算与支付卡行业和企业进行谈判,在不对其他企业产生不利影响的情况下,降低小企 业的信用卡交易手续费,并保护消费者的现有奖励积分。 11 月 3 日,政府公布了《支付卡网络法》的立法修正案草案。如果行业在未来几个月内不能达成 一致的解决方案,联邦政府将在新年推进这些立法建议草案,并在规管信用卡手续费方面向前推进。 


在《2022 年秋季经济报告》之前,加拿大民众今年已经通过联邦政府的减轻生活负担计划获 得了重要的新扶持措施。这包括: 

更宽厚的“加拿大工作人士补助”,比以往更高,提供给更多的低收入加拿大人,以支持今年估 计有 300 万低收入或最低工资的工人。一对夫妇将获得最高 2,461 加元的“加拿大工作人士补助”(Canada Workers Benefit , CWB),而单身工人将在 2022 年获得高达 1,428 加元的 CWB。大 多数申领者首先通过 2021 年的退税记录获得额外的 CWB 支持。 

在今年年底前将托儿服务费削减 50%对于将孩子送到接受行业监管托儿服务的家庭,政府将在 全加拿大各地为他们削减托儿费用,并在魁北克省提供更多的托儿位置。 

75 岁及以上的长者调升老年保障金(OAS)达 10%,从 2022 年 7 月开始,全额养老金领取 者将在第一年为获得超过 800 元的新扶持,超过 300 万老年人将得到新增的补助。 

将重大的补贴福利与通胀指数挂钩,包括加拿大儿童福利金(Canada Child Benefit)、加拿大养 老金计划(Canada Pension Plan)、OAS 和低收入保障补助金(Guaranteed Income Supplement)。

将加拿大助学金(Canada Student Grant )翻倍,为学生提供更多支持,每年提供最高6000元,直到 2023 年 7 月。 


Making Life More Affordable


The 2022 Fall Economic Statement includes new, targeted cost of living support measures to make life more affordable for the Canadians most affected by rising prices.

The government will continue to be there for the Canadians who need it most. The government’s support has been carefully designed to avoid making inflation worse.

Doubling the Goods and Services (GST) Tax Credit for Six Months

Starting November 4, 2022, an estimated 11 million low- and modest-income current GST Credit recipients will automatically receive an additional payment. Single Canadians without children will receive up to an extra $234, and couples with two children will receive up to an extra $467. Seniors will receive an extra $225 on average.

A Top-Up to the Canada Housing Benefit

In September 2022, the government also introduced the top-up to the Canada Housing Benefit, which upon Parliamentary approval, will deliver a tax-free payment of $500 directly to 1.8 million low-income renters who are struggling with the cost of housing.

 The federal benefit will be available to applicants with an adjusted net income below $35,000 for families, or below $20,000 for single Canadians, who pay at least 30 per cent of their income towards rent.

A new, quarterly Canada Workers Benefit

The Canada Workers Benefit (CWB) is a refundable tax credit that tops up the income of about 3 million of our lowest-paid, and often most essential workers in a typical year. It is currently delivered through tax returns, meaning Canadians who receive it need to wait until the tax year is over to receive the support that helps them pay for day-to-day essentials like groceries and rent.

The 2022 Fall Economic Statement proposes to provide $4 billion over six years, starting in 2022-23, to automatically issue advance payments of the CWB to people who qualified for the benefit in the previous year, starting in July 2023 for the 2023 taxation year. Workers would receive a minimum entitlement for the year through advance payments based on income reported in the prior year’s tax return, and any additional entitlement for the year would be provided when filing their tax return for the year.

 The CWB would provide up to $1,428 for single workers or up to $2,461 for a family this spring through the existing tax return payment, and then new advance payments for 2023 across three quarterly advance payments starting in July, putting more money in workers’ pockets to help cope with the rising cost of living.

Eliminating Interest on Student Loans

With life becoming more expensive for many recent graduates, the government is taking new, permanent steps to reduce the burden of student loans on young Canadians so they can invest in building their futures.

The 2022 Fall Economic Statement proposes to make the federal portion of all Canada Student Loans and Canada Apprentice Loans permanently interest-free, including those currently being repaid.

The Canada Dental Benefit 

As a first step towards making dental care more affordable, in September 2022, the government introduced legislation to implement the Canada Dental Benefit, to provide eligible parents or guardians with direct, up-front tax-free payments to cover dental expenses for their children under 12-years-old. This will benefit an estimated 500,000 Canadian children.

For those without dental coverage and with an annual family income under $90,000 per year, the Canada Dental Benefit will provide payments of up to $650 per year, over the next two years.

Lowering Credit Card Transaction Fees for Small Businesses

The government intends to enter into negotiations with the payment card industry and businesses to lower credit card transaction fees for small businesses in a manner that does not adversely affect other businesses and protects existing reward points for consumers.

 On November 3, the government published draft legislative amendments to the Payment Card Networks Act. Should the industry not come to an agreed solution in the months to come, the government will move forward with these draft legislative proposals in the New Year and move forward on regulating credit card transaction fees.

How We’re Already Helping Canadians with the Cost of Living

Prior to the 2022 Fall Economic Statement, this year, Canadians have already been receiving significant new support through the government’s Affordability Plan. This includes:

A more generous Canada Workers Benefit available to more low-income Canadians than before to support an estimated three million low-income or minimum wage workers this year. A couple will receive up to $2,461, and single workers will receive up to $1,428 in CWB for 2022. Most recipients first received additional CWB support through their 2021 tax refund.

Cutting child care fees by an average of 50 per cent by the end of this year for families across Canada with children in regulated child care, and making more child care spaces available in Quebec.

 Increasing the Old Age Security (OAS) pension by 10 per cent for seniors 75 years and older, which began in July 2022, to provide more than $800 in new support to full pensioners over the first year, and increase benefits for more than three million seniors.

Important benefits being indexed to inflation, including the Canada Child Benefit, the Canada Pension Plan, OAS, and the Guaranteed Income Supplement.

More support for students by doubling the Canada Student Grant to provide up to $6,000 per year until July 2023.

From: Department of Finance Canada

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