
去年春天,护照服务项目承受了巨大的压力。COVID-19 疫情大流行不断变化的局势带来并加剧了一些重大挑战。因此,一些加拿大人在申请护照时遭遇了漫长的排队等候和长时间的延迟。 在过去 10 个月中,加拿大服务局(Service Canada)在恢复加拿大人获得及时和有效的护照服务方面取得了重大进展。现在,该服务计划已恢复到一个稳定的状态。
1 月 24 日,家庭、儿童和社会发展部长卡瑞娜·古尔德(Karina Gould)向加拿大民众做出通报:护照交付服务已经恢复到疫情大流行前的处理时间,积压已近消除,加拿大服务局的大多数申请都超过了其交付标准。 自 2022 年 10 月 3 日起,所有当面和通过邮寄收到的护照申请均按照疫情大流行前服务标准进行审理。 政府的服务交付标准是在专门护照办公室(passport office)收到的当面护照申请在 10天内审理完成,通过邮寄或在加拿大服务中心(Service Canada Centre)收到的申请在 20 天内审理完成。 由于增派人员、增加加班时间和提高效率,加拿大服务局正在按我们的 10 天和 20 天目标交付大部分护照,完成申请的成功率分别达到 95% 和 98%。 我们还做了大量的工作来消除积压的申请。在整个春季、夏季和秋季,有太多的加拿大人遇到了审理过程的延误,而且有很多申请没有在服务标准内得到处理。由于新的专用资源和积极的工作量管理,自 2022 年 8 月的高峰期以来,大约 98%的这些申请已经得到处理,积压的申请已经实际上消除。 尚有少数较早的申请仍然在加拿大服务局的积极工作量清单中。加拿大服务局已经评估了这些复杂的申请档案,并正在努力工作,以完成审查并确定适当的结果,确保本国护照的完整性。如果任何加拿大人已提交申请但未在符合公布服务标准内收到护照,我们鼓励他们联系护照服务计划,以便解决悬而未决的问题。 随着审理容量的增加,我们现在将我们的工作和资源集中在维持服务标准和预计申请量的增长上,因为 2013 年夏季首次签发的 10 年有效期护照将在今年晚些时候达到符合续签的条件。
护照服务计划预期并预估将出现季节性需求高峰,类似疫情大流行之前的情形,这有时可能会导致当面服务出现排队。加拿大服务部继续鼓励加拿大人利用对他们来说最方便的服务选项。这包括一个由 300 多个加拿大服务中心(Service Canada Centre)组成的网络,可以为护照申请提供 20 天的服务,另外 13 个加拿大服务中心现在提供 10 天的护照领取服务,并有超过 36 个专门的护照办公室(passport offices)提供 10 天的取件服务。 引述 家庭、儿童和社会发展部长卡瑞娜·古尔德(Karina Gould)阁下: “在过去的一年里,由于护照交付出现延误,很多加拿大人面临困难和压力。截至目前,我们的护照审理时间已恢复到疫情大流行前的绩效目标。在加拿大服务局努力消除积压并恢复到我们服务标准之际,我们感谢加拿大人在最近几个月展现出的耐心。我们已经做好准备迎接 2013 年签发的第一套 10 年期护照到期的预期增长需求。” 事实简要
  • 自 2022 年 4 月 1 日起,加拿大服务部已签发 238 万本护照。
  • 在专门的护照办公室当面提交申请的服务标准是 10 个工作日,而邮寄申请和在加拿大服务中心提交申请的服务标准则为 20 个工作日。对这些申请的绩效目标是 90%的完整申请要在这些服务标准内得到处理。
  • 第一套 10 年期护照于 2013 年 7 月 1 日开始签发。
  • 政府在网上公布护照服务计划的统计数据,每周更新一次。
  • 有关护照服务的背景资料
  • 加拿大护照和旅行证件
  • 寻找加拿大服务局办事处
  • 欢迎使用 eServiceCanada 预约工具
  • 护照服务计划统计数据
  • 加拿大护照服务推特账号

Minister Gould announces a return to steady state on passport delivery and encourages Canadians to renew ahead of 10-year passports expiry

January 24, 2023 Gatineau, Quebec Employment and Social Development Canada Last spring, the Passport Program came under enormous pressure. There were major challenges connected to and exacerbated by the changing circumstances of the COVID-19 pandemic. As a result, some Canadians seeking passports suffered long lineups and lengthy delays. Over the past 10 months, Service Canada has made significant strides in restoring access for Canadians to timely and efficient passport services. Now, the program has returned to a steady state. Today, the Minister of Families, Children and Social Development, Karina Gould updated Canadians that passport delivery has returned to pre-pandemic processing times, the backlog has been virtually eliminated, and Service Canada is exceeding its delivery standard for most applications. Since October 3, 2022, all passport applications received, both in person and by mail, have been processed within pre-pandemic service standards. The Government’s service delivery standard is 10 days to process in-person passport applications received at a specialized passport office and 20 days for applications received by mail or dropped off at a Service Canada Centre. Because of additional staffing, increased overtime and improved efficiency, Service Canada is delivering most passports by our 10- and 20-day target, achieving a 95% and 98% rate for complete applications, respectively. Significant work has also been done to eliminate the application backlog. Far too many Canadians experienced processing delays throughout the spring, summer and fall, and there was an accumulation of applications that were not processed within service standards. Thanks to new, dedicated resources and active workload management, since the peak in August 2022, approximately 98% of these applications have been processed and the backlog has been virtually eliminated. A small number of older applications remain within Service Canada’s active workload inventory. Service Canada has assessed these complex files and is working diligently to complete the review and identify the appropriate outcome and ensure passport integrity. If a Canadian has applied for but not received a passport within the published service standard, we encourage them to contact the Passport Program so outstanding issues can be resolved. With increased capacity, we are now focusing our efforts and resources on maintaining service standards and anticipating growth in application volumes as 10-year validity passports, which were first issued in summer 2013, become eligible for renewal later this year. The Passport Program expects and anticipates seasonal peaks in demand, just as there were pre-pandemic, which may sometimes result in lineups for in-person service. Service Canada continues to encourage Canadians to take advantage of the service options that are most convenient to them. This includes a network of over 300 Service Canada Centres that can provide 20-day service for passport applications, the additional 13 Service Canada Centres that now offer 10-day pick-up service for passports, as well as over 36 specialized passport offices offering 10-day pick-up service. Quotes “Over the past year, Canadians have faced difficult and stressful circumstances as there have been delays in passport delivery. As of now, our passport processing times have returned to pre-pandemic performance targets. We appreciate the patience that Canadians have shown over recent months while Service Canada worked hard to eliminate the backlog and to return to meeting our service standards. We stand ready to meet the anticipated growth that we are expecting for the first set of 10-year passports that were issued in 2013.” – Minister of Families, Children and Social Development, Karina Gould Quick facts
  • Since April 1, 2022, Service Canada has issued 2.38 million passports.
  • The service standard for an in-person application at a specialized passport office is 10 business days, and 20 business days for mail-in applications and
applications made at a Service Canada Centre. The performance target for applications is for 90% of complete applications to be processed within these service standards.
  • The first set of 10-year passports was issued on July 1, 2013.
  • Passport Program statistics are published online, and all data is updated weekly.
Associated links
  • Backgrounder on Passport Services
  • Canadian passports and travel documents
  • Find a Service Canada Office
  • Welcome to the eServiceCanada Appointment Booking Tool
  • Passport Program statistics
  • Canadian Passport Program on Twitter
Contacts Mohammad Hussain Press Secretary Office of the Minister of Families, Children and Social Development, Karina Gould mohammad.a.hussain@hrsdc-rhdcc.gc.ca Media Relations Office Employment and Social Development Canada 819-994-5559 media@hrsdc-rhdcc.gc.ca Follow us on Twitter From: Employment and Social Development Canada
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