CBSA 庆祝国际海关日并迎接 20 周年,加强打击枪支及毒品走私、方便人员及贸易流动 The CBSA marks International Customs Day 2023 and its upcoming 20th anniversary



1 月 26 日,加拿大边境服务局 (CBSA) 与世界各地的其他海关机构一起庆祝“国际海关日”(International Customs Day)。 每年,世界海关组织都会采用一个新主题。 今年的主题是“培养新一代人才:弘扬知识共享文化,提升海关专业荣誉”,在我们今年庆祝成立 20 周年之际,这一主题与 CBSA 具有很好的共鸣。




我们还在加拿大的入境口岸做出重要变革,例如为旅客和交通工具采用新技术,以减少排队等待时间。 以数据驱动的应对方式正在帮助我们促进跨境旅行和贸易的顺畅流动,同时拦截非法物品。


2022 年 1 月 1 日至 12 月 31 日期间,CBSA 的主要执法重点包括:

· 阻止了 1,100 多件枪支和 24,400 多件违禁武器流入本国的街市

· 截获超过 409,714 公斤烟草,防止逃税

· 查获违禁物品 46,907

· 查获 41,475.5 公斤非法毒品,包括 3084 公斤可卡因、398 公斤海洛因和 4 公斤芬太尼

CBSA 的主要举措包括:

· CBSA 评估和收入管理(CARM。CARM 为贸易界带来巨大利好,并将于 2023年 10 月发布第二版,这将扩大 2021 年 5 月推出的 CARM 客户门户网站的功能。本局将继续努力推进新系统的全面实施。截至 2022 年 12 月 31 日,已有 24,773个贸易链合作伙伴在这个门户网站上登记注册。

· CBSA 提前申报。这一举措允许旅客在抵达加拿大之前提前 72 小时进行海关和移民申报,以节省在机场的时间。这一系统目前为加国六个国际机场内提供,并将在未来数月扩大到其他机场。

· 电子通关门 eGates,新的电子通关门最初在多伦多皮尔逊国际机场推出,供独自旅行或小团体旅行的旅客验证身份并加快海关和移民申报速度,并结合自助通关柜台(Primary Inspection Kiosks)的使用,改善了抵达空港旅客的流动。

· 陆路过境项目这是 CBSA 历史上最大的基础设施项目。 该项目将在七年内升级或更换 24 个入境口岸。 新的可持续、节能且易于使用的基础设施将改善对旅客和商业进口商的服务,以及边境官员的工作条件。

· 安全走廊商业车道改善项目,该项目最初在大使桥作为试点启动,采用新技术来减少制约边境服务官员和商业车辆司机之间当面互动,从而减少了过境时间。 今天,大使桥安全走廊车道每月有超过 1,600 次过境,每辆卡车的平均处理时间为32 秒。将来,这些商业车道措施将在其他地点运用,并将有助于为所有商业客户奠定科技进步的基础。



加拿大公共安全部长马守诺(Marco E. L. Mendicino)阁下:

“我们的边境服务人员处于加拿大安全的第一线,他们的工作对我国各地社区的安全和我国的经济繁荣至关重要。 在今年的国际海关日,我们赞扬加拿大边境服务官员在阻止违禁枪支、麻醉品和有害物品进入加拿大境内,同时确保合法贸易和旅行能够高效、安全地继续进行等方面所做的出色工作。”

加拿大边境服务局局长艾琳·奥戈尔曼(Erin O’Gorman):

“今年将是加拿大边境服务局成立 20 周年。国际海关日为本局提供了一个理想的机会,彰显我们作为协调边界管理领域世界领导者的地位。我们的边境官员在与公众、其他政府和世界各地的执法伙伴的日常互动中展现了卓越的服务。”


· 在 2022 年 1 月 1 日至 12 月 31 日期间,加拿大边境服务局:

(注:CBSA 仍在汇集 2022 年的所有业务数据的过程中。因此,在信息稳定之后,有些数据可能会有一些浮动。)

o 迎接了超过 6000 万旅行者进入加拿大,这大约是 2021 年的四倍,包括:

§ 25,113,092 通过航空方式

§ 33,009,180 通过陆路方式

§ 2,427,113 通过海运方式

§ 47,746 通过铁路方式

§ 28,992 阿富汗人

§ 140,117 乌克兰人

· 办理5,292,136 入境加拿大的商业卡车

· 评估超过 390 亿加元的关税和税收(关税、特别进口措施法关税、GST 和消费税)。

· 通过实施《特别进口措施法》(SIMA),继续保护加拿大工业免受不公平贸易行为的影响,评估了超过 1.77 亿元的《特别进口措施法》关税,保护了大约 3 万个加拿大工作岗位。

· 支持加拿大与英国和欧盟的自由贸易协定的谈判。

· 与秘鲁和欧盟建立了相互承认关系,承认对方的“可信任贸易商”计划成员为低风险,并兑现类似的计划优惠。


· 世界海关组织:国际海关日

· 边境服务局 2022 年回顾:方便更多旅者及贸易通过,阻止更多非法枪支毒品流入街道

· 2022 年回顾:从数字看成就

· CBSA 在线通报





The CBSA marks International Customs Day2023 and its upcoming 20th anniversary



From: Canada Border Services Agency

On January 26, the Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA) will join other customs agencies around the world in marking International Customs Day. Each year, the World Customs Organization adopts a new theme. This year’s theme is “nurturing the next generation by promoting a culture of knowledge-sharing and professional pride in customs”, one that resonates well with the CBSA, as we move into celebrating our 20 th year anniversary this year.

Our Agency sits among world leaders in promoting effective and efficient border management practices, and prides itself on the professionalism of its employees and frontline officers. The improvements we are making will contribute to developing the next generation of customs officers, which will help us to continue to succeed in the coming years.

We embrace a culture of knowledge and information sharing, and value our key domestic and international partnerships. After all, border management is a shared global responsibility. The threats and opportunities arising from migration and digitization, that we and our partners face, are dealt with most effectively by working together.

We are also making important changes at Canada’s ports of entry, such as leveraging new technology for travellers and conveyances, with the aim of reducing wait times. Data-driven approaches are helping us to facilitate the smooth flow of cross-border travel and trade, while intercepting illicit goods.

Key CBSA enforcement highlights, between January 1 and December 31, 2022, include:

· Kept over 1,100 firearms and 24,400 prohibited weapons off our streets

· Intercepted over 409,714 kg of tobacco preventing revenue evasion

· Made 46,907 seizures

· Seized 41,475.5 kg of illegal drugs, including 3,084 kg of Cocaine, 398 kg of

Heroin, and 4 kg Fentanyl

Key CBSA initiatives include:

· CBSA Assessment and Revenue Management (CARM). CARM offers

significant benefits to the trade community and is on track for its Release 2

in October 2023, which will expand the functionalities of the CARM Client

Portal launched in May 2021. The Agency continues working towards the full

implementation of the new system. As of December 31, 2022, 24,773 Trade

Chain Partners have registered on the portal.

· CBSA Advance Declaration. This initiative allows travellers to make their

customs and immigration declaration up to 72 hours in advance of arriving in

Canada, in order to save time at airports. It is currently available at six

international airports and will be expanded to other airports in the coming months.

· eGates. Launched at Toronto Pearson International Airport for those travelling alone or in small groups to verify their identity and make their customs and immigration declaration faster, the new eGates, combined with the use of Primary Inspection Kiosks, are improving the flow of traffic at the arrivals hall.

· Land Border Crossing Project. This is the largest infrastructure project in the history of the CBSA. This project will see 24 ports of entry upgraded or replaced over seven years. The new sustainable, energy-efficient, and accessible infrastructure will improve service to travellers and commercial importers, as well as working conditions for officers.

· The Secure Corridor Commercial Lane Enhancement project. This project was first launched as a pilot at the Ambassador Bridge, with new technology to reduce crossing time that limits physical interaction between Border Services Officers and commercial drivers. Today, the Ambassador Bridge Secure Corridor lane sees over 1,600 crossings per month, with an average processing time of 32 seconds per truck. In the future, these lanes will be available at other locations, and will help lay the foundation for technological advancements for all commercial clients.


Our border services officers are on the front lines of Canada’s security, and their work is instrumental for the safety of our communities and the economic prosperity of our country. This International Customs Day, we recognize the outstanding work that Canada’s Border Services Officers have done to keep prohibited firearms, narcotics and harmful goods out of Canada, while ensuring legitimate trade and travel can continue efficiently and safely.

– The Honourable Marco E. L. Mendicino, Minister of Public Safety

This year will mark the 20 th anniversary of the CBSA. The International Customs Day provides an ideal opportunity for the Agency to highlight our position as a world leader in coordinated border management. Our officers exemplify service excellence in their everyday interactions with the public, other governments and law enforcement partners around the world.

– Erin O’Gorman President, Canada Border Services Agency

Quick Facts

· Between January 1 and December 31, 2022, the CBSA:

(Note: The CBSA is still in the process of gathering all operational data for 2022.

Accordingly, there may be some fluctuation as the information stabilizes.)

o Welcomed over 60 million travellers into Canada, which represents

approximately four times the 2021 volume, including:

§ 25,113,092 by air mode

§ 33,009,180 by land mode

§ 2,427,113 by marine mode

§ 47,746 by rail mode

§ 28,992 Afghans

§ 140,117 Ukrainians

· Processed 5,292,136 commercial trucks into Canada

· Assessed over $39 billion in duties and taxes (Customs duties, Special Import Measures Act duties, GST and Excise taxes)

· Continued to protect Canadian industry from unfair trade practices by

administering the Special Import Measures Act (SIMA), with over $177 million in SIMA duties assessed and approximately 30,000 Canadian jobs protected.

· Supported the negotiation of Free Trade Agreements with the United Kingdom and the European Union.

· Established mutual recognition with Peru and the European Union to recognize each others’ Trusted Trader program members as low risk, and to honour similar program benefits.

Associated links

· World Customs Organization: International Customs Day

· 2022 CBSA Year in Review: More travellers, more trade, illegal guns and drugs off our streets

· 2022 Year in review: accomplishments by the numbers

· CBSA Podcasts


For more information or to schedule an interview with a CBSA representative, please contact:

Media Relations

Canada Border Services Agency


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