首相就查理三世国王陛下 75 岁生日发表的声明


2023 年 11 月 14 日

总理贾斯汀·特鲁多今天在国王查理三世陛下 75 岁生日之际发表以下声明:

“今天,我与加拿大人民以及英联邦和世界各地的人们一起庆祝加拿大国王查理三世陛下的 75 岁生日。

“过去 75 年里,陛下一直存在于加拿大人的生活中,包括对我国进行 19 次正式访问。在我们庆祝这个具有里程碑意义的生日之际,我们回顾与他分享的许多特殊时刻,从他多次访问加拿大北部到 2017 年庆祝我国一百周年,并希望国王陛下与加拿大的关系将继续加强未来很多年。

“在这一天,我们也认可国王陛下的责任感和对公共服务的承诺。几十年来,他一直致力于推进重要的事业,包括保护、可持续发展、医疗保健和教育,重点是为下一代建设更美好的未来。他在近 50 年前创立的王子信托基金已帮助包括加拿大在内的世界各地 100 万年轻人和退伍军人充分发挥潜力。

“我代表加拿大政府祝愿国王陛下 75 岁生日快乐,并祝他永远健康幸福。”

Statement by the Prime Minister on the 75th birthday of His Majesty King Charles III

November 14, 2023
Ottawa, Ontario

The Prime Minister, Justin Trudeau, today issued the following statement on the 75th birthday of His Majesty King Charles III:

“Today, I join Canadians as well as people across the Commonwealth and around the world in celebrating the 75th birthday of His Majesty King Charles III, King of Canada.

“His Majesty has been a constant presence in the life of Canadians over the past 75 years, including through 19 official tours to our country. As we mark this milestone birthday, we look back on the many special moments we have shared with him, from his numerous visits to Canada’s North to celebrations of our country’s sesquicentennial in 2017, and hope that His Majesty’s relationship with Canada will continue to grow stronger over many years to come.

“On this day, we also recognize His Majesty’s sense of duty and commitment to public service. For decades, he has advanced important causes close to his heart, including conservation, sustainable development, health care, and education, with a focus on building a better future for the next generation. The Prince’s Trust, which he founded almost 50 years ago, has helped one million young people and Veterans around the world, including here in Canada, achieve their full potential.

“On behalf of the Government of Canada, I wish His Majesty a very happy 75th birthday and continued health and happiness.”

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